
Investigation finds: The liver has deteriorated, and the problem is drinking water? Doctor: Drink less of these 3 types of water

author:Life is a bit of a material

When Dr. Lu came over with the examination report, he saw the doctor's serious expression. "There is something wrong with your liver function markers."

Recently, he has been feeling tired and his skin is gradually yellowing, which makes him feel uneasy, which has always been health-conscious. At first, Chen Zhenqiang just felt that he was too tired from working every day, and it was good to rest. Until he fainted at work, a colleague took him to the hospital for a full check-up.

After a series of examinations, Dr. Lu's words made Chen's heart sink suddenly. He asked eagerly, "Doctor, what's wrong with me?" ”

01 Causes and recommendations of liver problems

Dr. Lu took a deep breath and said slowly, "There may be some problems with your liver, which may be related to your lifestyle habits. Do you often stay up late and work overtime? Chen Zhenqiang nodded, very worried.

"Staying up late for a long time is very harmful to the liver." Dr. Loh explains, "The liver is our body's detoxification organ, and it also needs plenty of rest. Staying up late will disrupt the normal working rhythm of the liver, and in the long run, it will lead to abnormal liver function. ”

Chen Zhenqiang was silent after hearing this, and he began to reflect on his own way of life. Seeing this, Dr. Lu comforted softly: "But don't worry too much, it's too late to adjust the problem now."

I suggest you change your routine and try to avoid staying up late. At the same time, we will also prescribe some liver-protecting drugs to help you recover. ”

Chen Zhenqiang replied firmly: "Thank you, doctor, I will definitely follow your advice." ”

However, changing lifestyle habits is not an easy task. The doctor told Chen: "Drink three less kinds of water to keep your liver healthy." ”

Investigation finds: The liver has deteriorated, and the problem is drinking water? Doctor: Drink less of these 3 types of water

02 Drink less of three kinds of "liver-damaging water" to make the liver healthier

On the road to protecting the liver, it's crucial to know which "water" can cause liver damage.

1. Alcohol

Alcohol, a common beverage ingredient, is the liver's number one enemy. After it enters the human body, it is mainly metabolized by the liver, and long-term excessive intake will not only increase the burden on the liver, but also cause alcoholic liver disease and even lead to liver cirrhosis.

2. Sugary drinks

At the same time, sugary drinks should not be overlooked. These seemingly harmless sweet drinks actually hide a potential threat to the liver. Long-term intake of large amounts of sugar can easily lead to fatty liver disease, which in turn affects the normal function of the liver. 、

Investigation finds: The liver has deteriorated, and the problem is drinking water? Doctor: Drink less of these 3 types of water

3. Herbal teas

What's even more surprising is that certain herbal teas can also be invisible killers of the liver. These teas may contain harmful chemicals, and long-term consumption may cause damage to the liver. Therefore, when choosing herbal teas, we need to be cautious and take them as prescribed.

As an important organ of the human body, the liver needs to be carefully cared for. Avoiding these "waters" that are harmful to the liver is a crucial step in protecting liver health. However, temptations are everywhere in life, what else can we do to protect our liver?

Investigation finds: The liver has deteriorated, and the problem is drinking water? Doctor: Drink less of these 3 types of water

03What should I do if I want to have a healthy liver?

Once you know which "water" can harm your liver, it's important to take active protective measures.

When it comes to dietary choices, we also need to plan carefully. Foods rich in high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals, such as lean meats, fish, poultry, legumes, fresh vegetables, and fruits, are good friends of the liver. They provide the nutrients the liver needs to metabolize and detoxify better.

Of course, a healthy lifestyle is also an indispensable part of protecting the liver. Get enough sleep to give your liver enough time to repair itself; Moderate exercise can promote blood circulation and contribute to liver health; At the same time, reducing stress and maintaining a good mindset can also allow the liver to work better in a relaxed environment.

Investigation finds: The liver has deteriorated, and the problem is drinking water? Doctor: Drink less of these 3 types of water

To nourish your liver, eating foods rich in antioxidants is an effective strategy. Antioxidants protect liver cells from free radical damage, thereby reducing the risk of liver damage. Antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium in food are the guardians of the liver.

Of course, regular liver function tests are also an important part of liver nourishment. Through regular check-ups, we can keep abreast of the health of our liver, and if we find a problem, we can intervene and treat it early. This not only prevents the condition from getting worse, but also ensures that the liver is always in top condition.

Investigation finds: The liver has deteriorated, and the problem is drinking water? Doctor: Drink less of these 3 types of water

The health of the liver needs to be taken care of in all aspects. From diet to lifestyle, every aspect should not be overlooked. Only in this way can we ensure the health of the liver and let it be the strong backing of our body.