
Weather forecast: Tomorrow on July 3rd, the heavy rain has been set, and the rain will be repeated in July? Look at the agricultural proverb

author:Cheerful and generous, I'm Amin

July Weather, Wisdom of the Ancients: Inspiration from Ancient Agricultural Proverbs and Modern Meteorological Science!

Tomorrow is July 3rd, so let's see what the weather will look like tomorrow!


July is the third month of summer and the warmest time of the year. In the traditional solar terms of the eastern countries, July includes three solar terms: the small summer heat, the great heat and the beginning of autumn, marking the beginning of the dog days. During this period, high temperature weather is frequent, and it is also affected by the rainy season, with more precipitation and high humidity, which has a certain impact on agricultural production and people's lives.

Weather forecast: Tomorrow on July 3rd, the heavy rain has been set, and the rain will be repeated in July? Look at the agricultural proverb

How did the ancients observe and predict the weather without modern meteorological science? Through these ancient proverbs, we can get a glimpse of the ancients' keen observation and deep understanding of weather changes, and these ancient observation methods may have a certain enlightening effect on modern meteorological science and agricultural production.

Weather forecast: Tomorrow on July 3rd, the heavy rain has been set, and the rain will be repeated in July? Look at the agricultural proverb

1. The wisdom of weather observation of the ancients

1. Celestial observations of the ancients

The ancient people's method of observing the weather was mainly to make predictions by observing celestial phenomena and some changes in nature, such as observing the trajectory and morphological changes of the sun, moon and stars, as well as the behavioral characteristics of some animals and plants. In ancient times, many people attached great importance to the changes in the celestial phenomena, believing that these changes could reflect certain weather information, such as a saying called "swallowtail with rain, wind in the middle of the night", which is to predict weather changes by observing the flight altitude and flight speed of swallows, and believe that the flight characteristics of swallows can predict the arrival of rain and strong winds.

Weather forecast: Tomorrow on July 3rd, the heavy rain has been set, and the rain will be repeated in July? Look at the agricultural proverb
Weather forecast: Tomorrow on July 3rd, the heavy rain has been set, and the rain will be repeated in July? Look at the agricultural proverb

2. The wisdom of agricultural proverbs

The ancients in the long-term practice of agricultural production, summed up a lot of agricultural proverbs about weather changes, these sayings are easy to understand, concise, containing rich weather prediction information, such as "bees chirp, sunny days are coming", "frogs chirp three times rain new", etc., these agricultural proverbs are through the observation of some behavioral characteristics of animals and plants, to predict future weather changes, and in many cases, these ancient proverbs can accurately predict the change of weather, can be described as the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients.

Weather forecast: Tomorrow on July 3rd, the heavy rain has been set, and the rain will be repeated in July? Look at the agricultural proverb
Weather forecast: Tomorrow on July 3rd, the heavy rain has been set, and the rain will be repeated in July? Look at the agricultural proverb

2. Modern inspiration for ancient methods of observation

1. Inspiration for modern meteorological science

Although there are now advanced meteorological observation instruments and abundant meteorological data, the accuracy of weather forecasting has also been greatly improved, but the ancients observed and predicted the weather through agricultural proverbs, in fact, it has also brought some inspiration to modern meteorological science, such as the current meteorologists, can observe the behavior characteristics of some animals and plants, to assist the weather forecasting work, may be able to improve the accuracy of weather forecasting, and in some special circumstances, such as typhoons, In the prediction of extreme weather such as tornadoes, the observation methods of the ancients may also play a certain role.

Weather forecast: Tomorrow on July 3rd, the heavy rain has been set, and the rain will be repeated in July? Look at the agricultural proverb
Weather forecast: Tomorrow on July 3rd, the heavy rain has been set, and the rain will be repeated in July? Look at the agricultural proverb

2. Enlightenment for agricultural production

The purpose of the ancients to observe the weather is mainly to guide agricultural production, keep abreast of weather changes, and help farmers formulate scientific agricultural plans, such as in dry years, to take effective irrigation measures, and in rainy years, to be prepared for flood control and drainage, and the ancients by observing the behavior characteristics of some animals and plants, to predict the weather, may be able to bring some inspiration to modern agricultural production, farmers can use this way, timely understand the changes in the weather, better respond to various natural disastersto ensure a bumper harvest of grain.

Weather forecast: Tomorrow on July 3rd, the heavy rain has been set, and the rain will be repeated in July? Look at the agricultural proverb

3. Pay attention to the weather and promote sustainable development

1. Appreciate the beauty of nature

Weather forecast: Tomorrow on July 3rd, the heavy rain has been set, and the rain will be repeated in July? Look at the agricultural proverb

Although the methods of the ancients to observe the weather are relatively simple, but it contains the awe and love of nature, they know how to appreciate the beauty of nature, and know how to live in harmony with nature, and modern people should also learn from the wisdom of the ancients, by observing the changes in the weather and the environment, to appreciate the beauty of nature, so as to better promote the concept of sustainable development, and protect the planet we live in.

Weather forecast: Tomorrow on July 3rd, the heavy rain has been set, and the rain will be repeated in July? Look at the agricultural proverb

2. Pay attention to the weather and protect the environment

Although the methods of the ancients to observe the weather are relatively simple, but it contains the awe and love of nature, they know how to appreciate the beauty of nature, and know how to live in harmony with nature, and modern people should also learn from the wisdom of the ancients, by observing the changes in the weather and the environment, to appreciate the beauty of nature, so as to better promote the concept of sustainable development, and protect the planet we live in.

Weather forecast: Tomorrow on July 3rd, the heavy rain has been set, and the rain will be repeated in July? Look at the agricultural proverb

3. Pay attention to the weather and protect your health

Although the methods of the ancients to observe the weather are relatively simple, but it contains the awe and love of nature, they know how to appreciate the beauty of nature, and know how to live in harmony with nature, and modern people should also learn from the wisdom of the ancients, by observing the changes in the weather and the environment, to appreciate the beauty of nature, so as to better promote the concept of sustainable development, and protect the planet we live in.

Weather forecast: Tomorrow on July 3rd, the heavy rain has been set, and the rain will be repeated in July? Look at the agricultural proverb


Although the ancients observed the weather method is relatively simple, but it contains a wealth of wisdom, and this wisdom, may be able to bring some inspiration to modern people, whether it is for the development of meteorological science, or for the impact of agricultural production and environmental protection, we should learn to appreciate and respect the beauty of nature, through their own observation and conjecture, to promote the harmony between man and nature, and jointly create a beautiful and livable ecological environment

Weather forecast: Tomorrow on July 3rd, the heavy rain has been set, and the rain will be repeated in July? Look at the agricultural proverb