
Forty-Nine Days: Sacrifice (Section 1) Director Meng and Yumo fell in love

author:Happy wild leek

Chinese priest Fabi is desperately looking for food for the church

On December 6, 1937, when the gloom covered the entire city of Nanjing, the Japanese army carried out a brutal massacre of the city, and a group of women screamed and scrambled to flee into a church. Meng Shujuan photographed the bombing of Japanese planes in the open space outside the church, she is the jewel of Director Meng's palm, but his wife has been dead for many years.

Forty-Nine Days: Sacrifice (Section 1) Director Meng and Yumo fell in love

Time back to the seventh day, Yumo and Director Meng had dinner in the restaurant, Director Meng had already bought a ticket to take Yumo away, Yumo did not immediately agree to follow Director Meng to leave Nanjing, and the two sat in the restaurant talking when the Japanese army began to bomb Nanjing. There was no way for them to hide under the restaurant table and feel each other's minds. Director Meng said at this moment that he would talk about his relationship with Yumo in front of his mother, and hoped to get his mother's permission and blessing! Director Meng took Yumo to leave in a high-end car during the bombing, and in the car, Director Meng said love words that made Yumo's heart melt - I hope the two of them will become one! Director Meng insisted on sending Yumo home when she arrived in the city, but she chose to go home alone, because the way home was not far, only two streets away. At this time, Meng Shujuan told the female friend that her father died, and the reason was that his father had found a new woman. Meng Shujuan told the sworn party to keep it secret and not let others know, and then they went to rehearsal.

Forty-Nine Days: Sacrifice (Section 1) Director Meng and Yumo fell in love

The foreigner priest anxiously came to the door of the church to inquire about the whereabouts of Father Fabi, who was on the way into the city of Nanjing. Because the car broke down and could not drive, Fabi was anxious and anxious on the road looking for someone who could help the cart, the people did not have the heart to help Fabi push the cart in order to flee for their lives, Fabi had to pin his hopes on the officer Dai Tao, Dai Tao did not pay attention to Fabi while carrying out the task, Fabi greeted Dai Tao with a smile, Dai Tao was unbearable and took out a pistol and aimed it at Fabi's head, Fabi did not dare to speak again in the face of the muzzle of the black hole, Dai Tao warned Fabi not to bother him anymore, otherwise he would shoot Fabi to death, Fabi did not dare to make Dai Tao angry again, Dai Tao withdrew his pistol and continued his mission. When Fabi saw Dai Tao throw a cart of potatoes (food) away, Fabi accidentally repaired the car, and he was overjoyed to climb into the car with food and drive towards Nanjing.

Forty-Nine Days: Sacrifice (Section 1) Director Meng and Yumo fell in love

Finally entered the city of Nanjing, the car suddenly broke down and could not move forward, Fabi complained bitterly and encountered a few soldiers who wanted to encroach on Fabi's car, Fabi happened to see Director Meng and quickly asked him for help, he took out his work documents and scared away a few soldiers. Fabi inquired about the situation of Meng Shujuan, the daughter of Director Meng, and said that her daughter had not gone to church in the past few days.

Forty-Nine Days: Sacrifice (Section 1) Director Meng and Yumo fell in love

Several unidentified men broke into the church and called Fabi by name, the foreign priest saw several men coming to the church, his face rose suspiciously and asked the men what was the matter with Fabi, one of the leading men revealed to the foreign priest that Fabi owed a debt, and while speaking, the man took out the IOU of Fabi borrowing usury and handed it to the foreign priest to read, a female student came over to read the content for the foreign priest, and the foreign priest quickly asked Ah Gu to call George to negotiate with several men after listening to the content read by the female student. Several men who demanded debts saw that Fabi was not in the church, and several people became greedy for some items in the church, George came to the church hall to prevent several men from taking the items in the church, and several men were frightened by George and had to leave the church. This shows that Fabi is also a guy who makes trouble outside, and has all the shortcomings of ordinary middle-aged people. This also shows the strong influence of the United States!

Forty-Nine Days: Sacrifice (Section 1) Director Meng and Yumo fell in love

Seeing that several of the men were frightened, the foreigner priest was relieved and continued to teach the female students to sing. After singing, Meng Shujuan still complained in front of her friends that her father had found a new woman.

Fabi reminded pedestrians to give way while driving, and in order to let pedestrians give way smoothly, Fabi revealed loudly that the car was loaded with a cart of bombs and sent to Bauhinia Mountain, and pedestrians were so frightened that they avoided it. Fabi drove his car to a bakery and stopped, the owner of the bakery was gone, Fabi had planned to exchange the potatoes in the car for bread, but since the owner was not there, Fabi had to enter the bakery to find food, and he looted all the useful equipment and items that the store could take! Of course, we cannot handle things in wartime in peacetime, which means that we cannot condemn Fabi's actions, but should praise his actions.

Forty-Nine Days: Sacrifice (Section 1) Director Meng and Yumo fell in love

Meng Shujuan and her classmates were looking for books in the library, and a female classmate deliberately reminded Meng Shujuan that she should escape from Nanjing with her father, Meng Shujuan knew that the female classmate was mocking her, so she was furious and quarreled with her classmates.

Forty-Nine Days: Sacrifice (Section 1) Director Meng and Yumo fell in love

Yumo came to the Tibetan Jade Building to pack her luggage and prepare to move away, and the two female companions reluctantly watched Yumo leave.

Forty-Nine Days: Sacrifice (Section 1) Director Meng and Yumo fell in love

Nanjing City was about to fall, Director Meng asked Director Xu, a big colleague of energy, to find another ticket for Zhao Yumo, and when Director Xu knew that it was the top card of Zangyulou, he was very surprised. Director Xu said that Director Meng may have been used, and at this time, Zhao Yumo met him, and Director Meng may have been for this ticket, but Director Meng chose to believe in his own judgment and chose to believe in Zhao Yumo's character.

Forty-Nine Days: Sacrifice (Section 1) Director Meng and Yumo fell in love

At this moment, there are a lot of Guangdong soldiers in the Tibetan Jade Building, and the young girls seem to be trying their best to comfort the officers and soldiers, after all, these Guangdong officers and soldiers are here to resist Japan. When Zhao Yumo was about to leave the Tibetan Jade Building, but her colleagues didn't want to leave, don't forget the pain of the scar, but the person who was injured before was someone who knew her identity. Director Meng didn't know that she was Zhao Yumo, and they said that Meng was a nerd after all. Zhao Yumo thinks that Director Meng is different from other men, and he deserves to love like a moth to a fire!

Forty-Nine Days: Sacrifice (Section 1) Director Meng and Yumo fell in love

When Director Meng was supervising the burning and transfer of a batch of documents by his colleagues at the headquarters, he was told by his mother that his daughter Meng Shujuan had run away from home, and the filial Director Meng quickly promised his mother to go home immediately to deal with the problem.

Back at home, Meng's mother asked Director Meng to find her granddaughter back quickly. Regarding her son's statement that according to her Meng Shujuan's character, it would be easy to run away from home again if she found it, Meng's mother asked her son what he was doing all day long, and clearly told her son that she knew that her son had found a woman outside and raised her. This woman is Zhao Yumo of the Tibetan Jade Building, and all the ruffians,, and prodigal sons in Nanjing know her, so she doesn't need her son to introduce her to her.