
When buying beef, you must shout these "4 words", the boss does not dare to fool you, and you are an expert at a glance

author:Cheerful and generous, I'm Amin

Beef Secrets: Selection of Different Cuts and Cooking Techniques


Beef has long been a favorite meat ingredient among diners, and its rich taste and unique aroma are irresistible. And among the many beef dishes, whether it is braised beef, charcoal-grilled steak or shabu-shabu, it is inseparable from the understanding of beef parts and the mastery of cooking skills.

In the process of buying beef, many people are often misled by merchants because they do not know enough about the beef parts and buy undesirable beef. This article will reveal the different parts of beef, introduce its characteristics and purchase skills, and share the production method of Chaoshan braised beef tendon, so that everyone can better understand and use beef as a high-quality ingredient while enjoying delicious food.

When buying beef, you must shout these "4 words", the boss does not dare to fool you, and you are an expert at a glance

I. Beef ribs

Beef ribs, as the name suggests, are the pieces of meat located near the ribs of the cow's body, and its meat is fat and thin, but relatively speaking, there is not much fat, but the meat is very tight, so it is not easy to spread out during the cooking process, and it is very suitable for stewing soup or braised to fully release the delicious taste of beef.

When buying beef, you must shout these "4 words", the boss does not dare to fool you, and you are an expert at a glance

In addition, beef ribs are also very suitable for charcoal grilling, because the meat is firmer, the taste is richer after roasting, and the fat in the meat gradually melts during the roasting process, bringing more aroma to the meat and making it mouth-watering.

When buying beef, you must shout these "4 words", the boss does not dare to fool you, and you are an expert at a glance

**Purchase skills**: When buying beef ribs, you can first observe the color of the meat pieces, the color of fresh beef ribs will be bright red, and there will be a layer of white fascia on the surface, so that the meat quality of beef ribs will be more tender and delicious.

Second, the cow on the brain

When buying beef, you must shout these "4 words", the boss does not dare to fool you, and you are an expert at a glance

I believe that everyone is no stranger to this part of the cow's upper brain, it is located in the shoulder and neck of the cow, close to the back of the cow's neck, so it is also called "back neck meat", and in the whole cow, the fat and lean distribution of the cow's upper brain is very uniform, and the meat is also very tender, which is one of the most popular beef parts.

Because the meat of the beef brain is fresh and tender, it does not need to take too long when cooking, and it can be directly shabu-shabu, or fried, barbecued and other simple cooking methods can maintain its original delicious taste and bring people an excellent eating experience.

When buying beef, you must shout these "4 words", the boss does not dare to fool you, and you are an expert at a glance

Buying skills: When buying beef brain, you can judge by observing the shape of the meat piece, high-quality beef brain, the meat will be fuller, and there will be some uniform oil distribution on the surface, so that the beef brain will taste more delicious.

When buying beef, you must shout these "4 words", the boss does not dare to fool you, and you are an expert at a glance

3. Beef tenderloin

Compared with the first two parts, beef tenderloin can be said to be a more "swaggering" existence, because it is a very unique part of the cow, and it is also a representative of pure lean meat, the meat is very soft, and it also has some elasticity, so when cooking, whether it is shabu-shabu or frying, it can perfectly show its unique taste.

When buying beef, you must shout these "4 words", the boss does not dare to fool you, and you are an expert at a glance

Not only that, beef tenderloin is also the preferred ingredient for making dishes such as steak and beef tenderloin because of its delicate meat quality, excellent taste, and during cooking, it is also relatively easy to absorb and add more flavor to the dish.

Buying skills: When buying beef tenderloin, you can judge by the pressing of your fingers, high-quality beef tenderloin, the meat quality will be more elastic, and the surface will have some crystal clear feeling, so the beef tenderloin taste will be more excellent.

When buying beef, you must shout these "4 words", the boss does not dare to fool you, and you are an expert at a glance

Fourth, beef tendons

It is the beef tendon that everyone is very familiar with, it is located in the leg of the cow, fat and thin, and it also has some fascia, so when eating, it will have a certain chewiness, which is very suitable for people who like chewy taste.

However, it should be noted that not all parts of beef tendon are suitable for eating, generally speaking, the meat quality of the front tendon is more tender than the back tendon, so when purchasing, you can consciously choose some front tendon to make braised beef, braised beef and other dishes, the taste will be more excellent.

When buying beef, you must shout these "4 words", the boss does not dare to fool you, and you are an expert at a glance

Purchase skills: When buying beef tendons, you can first observe the shape of the meat pieces, the front tendons are more slender, and there will be some uniform oil distribution on the surface, such beef tendons are more suitable for eating.

When buying beef, you must shout these "4 words", the boss does not dare to fool you, and you are an expert at a glance

Fifth, the production method of Chaoshan braised beef tendon

In addition to understanding the different parts of beef, everyone must be very interested in the dish of Chaoshan braised beef tendon, if you want to make a delicious Chaoshan braised beef tendon, it is not a very difficult thing, you only need to prepare some soy sauce, star anise, cinnamon and other seasonings, cook the beef tendon, and then put it in the seasoning for soaking, wait for a while, you can taste the delicious Chaoshan braised beef tendon.

When buying beef, you must shout these "4 words", the boss does not dare to fool you, and you are an expert at a glance

If you want to make the taste of braised beef tendon more flavorful, you can add some rock sugar appropriately, or add some beer during the boiling process, which can remove the smell of beef and make the beef tendon more delicious and delicious.


Through the introduction of this article, I believe you have a deeper understanding of the different parts of beef, each part has its own unique flavor and texture, and in the process of cooking, different techniques are also required to be used to perfectly display its characteristics.

When buying beef, you must shout these "4 words", the boss does not dare to fool you, and you are an expert at a glance

In the future, you might as well try more beef dishes, or you can explore different cooking methods according to your own taste, I believe you will be able to discover more delicious and enjoy the rich and diverse food culture.

When buying beef, you must shout these "4 words", the boss does not dare to fool you, and you are an expert at a glance

I also hope that everyone can pay attention to the reasonable combination and eat it in moderation, so that they can better protect their health, and at the same time, they can also feel the nutrition and deliciousness brought by beef.

I'm going to have lunch right away!