
Attentive people find out! The economy is declining, but these five industries are getting better and better, which are the five?

author:Cheerful and generous, I'm Amin


In the current social context, economic development has always been one of the focuses of people's attention. As the economic downturn becomes more and more obvious, all walks of life have been affected to varying degrees. In such an environment, some emerging industries have risen against the trend and become the bright spots of the economy. Some of these industries are because of customer stickiness, some because they can meet people's spiritual needs, and some because they follow the trend and grasp the pulse of social development. So, what exactly are these emerging industries? How did they rise against the trend? Let's explore it together.

2. Addiction industry: customer stickiness has become a growth driver

Let's take a look at the addiction industry. The so-called addictive industries refer to those industries that have the characteristics that make people addictive, and then make people willing to continue to consume. Such industries are usually highly attractive and dependent, such as online games, tobacco and alcohol, etc., which may have a complex impact on the life and health of consumers. For example, online games, e-cigarettes, liquor, etc., are all in this category. These things have their own characteristics and influences in social development, and have also triggered a lot of discussions on regulation and consumption. In the current environment, these industries do have the characteristics of continuous growth, and the most important of them is because of the very high customer stickiness.

Attentive people find out! The economy is declining, but these five industries are getting better and better, which are the five?

Taking online games as an example, whether affected by the epidemic or other factors, players' enthusiasm for games has always been undiminished. Moreover, with the continuous upgrading and updating of the game itself, players' desire to spend will also increase, which provides a continuous impetus for the development of the game industry. In the same way, the same is true for e-cigarettes and liquor, whether it is young or middle-aged and elderly, as long as they are infected with this "addiction", it is difficult to extricate themselves, so their spending power is also very considerable.

3. Healing industry: like a "good medicine" to relieve stress. It plays an important role in today's fast-paced, high-pressure social environment. For example, psychological counseling, yoga meditation, etc., help people soothe their bodies and minds and regain inner peace and tranquility.

Attentive people find out! The economy is declining, but these five industries are getting better and better, which are the five?

In addition to the addiction industry, there is another industry that is rising strongly in the face of adversity, and that is the remarkable healing industry. They are like lights in the dark, bringing warmth and comfort to people when they are stressed and their hearts are tired. The so-called healing industry refers to those industries that can bring spiritual comfort to people and become emotional sustenance. For example, yoga, horoscope divination, etc., all fall into this category. In the current social environment, the reason why these industries can rise against the trend is mainly because people's lives are becoming more and more stressful and their emotional needs are becoming more and more intense.

Against this backdrop, there is an urgent need for ways to relieve stress and find inner peace and tranquility, and the healing industry is able to meet this need. For example, yoga can regulate the body and mind, and through horoscope divination, you can find inner comfort, which has become an indispensable part of people's lives. Both from the perspective of long-term development and from the perspective of short-term effects, these industries have very great potential for development.

Fourth, the health industry: to become a new consumer health industry: has become a new outlet in the field of consumption! At a time when people are paying more and more attention to health, it is like a bright new star. From nutrition and health care to fitness sports, from traditional Chinese medicine to intelligent medical care, there are opportunities and vitality everywhere.

Attentive people find out! The economy is declining, but these five industries are getting better and better, which are the five?

In addition to the high-profile addiction and popular healing industries, there is another industry that is also rising strongly against the trend, and that is the vibrant health industry. Today, people's pursuit of health is becoming increasingly strong, and it is showing a vigorous development trend. In contrast, the rise of the health industry is more the result of the impact of the epidemic. During the pandemic, people have paid more attention to their health than ever before, and they have paid more attention to their physical condition and lifestyle. Because of this, the health industry has risen to become a new hot outlet in the consumer field.

For example, health care products, fitness equipment, etc., have been favored by more and more people, especially the middle-aged and elderly, who have become the main consumer groups of health products. Moreover, with the continuous upgrading of consumption concepts, people's definition of health is also changing, and they have begun to pay more attention to internal health rather than simple material satisfaction, which also brings more development opportunities for the health industry.

5. Luxury Pawn Industry: Seize the Change in Consumption Concept

In addition to the above three types of industries, there are also some industries that are also rising against the trend, and that is the luxury pawn industry. In the context of the economic downturn, generally speaking, the luxury industry will be affected to a certain extent, after all, for most people, it is no longer a rigid need, but a luxury way of consumption. At the same time, what is unexpected is that the luxury pawn industry has risen against the trend and has become a new "sweet spot" that has attracted much attention. In the context of the changing economic situation, it shows a unique charm and strong vitality.

Attentive people find out! The economy is declining, but these five industries are getting better and better, which are the five?

The reason behind this is mainly because people's consumption concepts have changed. In the context of the economic downturn, the rich will naturally not easily expose their "wealthy" identity, they are more inclined to pawn luxury goods in exchange for a sum of cash, which can not only solve their financial problems, but also satisfy a certain amount of vanity, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

6. Live broadcast industry: rising in the turbulent Internet era! It is like a powerful trend that has swept the entire Internet world. Whether it's entertainment, shopping, or knowledge sharing, live streaming has attracted the attention of countless people with its unique charm.

Attentive people find out! The economy is declining, but these five industries are getting better and better, which are the five?

Let's talk about the live streaming industry. In contrast, the rise of the live broadcast industry is more about taking advantage of the trend and seizing the development opportunities of the Internet era. In the current digital era, people's lifestyles are also undergoing tremendous changes, and the live broadcast industry has just seized this point and become the new "sweet and sweet".

Through live broadcasting, both consumers and practitioners can get the benefits they want. Consumers can learn more about products and get a more realistic shopping experience through live broadcasts, while practitioners can earn huge incomes through live broadcasts and realize their entrepreneurial dreams. It can be said that the rise of the live broadcast industry is not only because people are interested in the new consumption method of "live streaming", but more importantly, it gives people a new social experience and makes the distance between people closer.

Attentive people find out! The economy is declining, but these five industries are getting better and better, which are the five?

VII. Conclusion

In short, whether it is addiction, cure, health, luxury pawn, or even the live broadcast industry, the most fundamental reason why they can rise against the trend is because they can meet people's various needs, whether material or spiritual. In the future development, with the continuous progress of society, these industries will also usher in more development opportunities, and even some new industries will emerge as the times require, becoming new economic growth points.

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