
A false alarm! The old man suddenly received a huge sum of more than 2 million, thinking it was a fraud, and the truth was surprising

author:The fisherman chats

Henan is the main birthplace of our Chinese civilization, and the people of Henan have Chinese good virtues, such as righteousness, boldness, integrity, and benevolence.

Recently, Aunt Wang from Xuchang, Henan Province, has demonstrated the excellent quality of Henan people with her own practical actions.

The cause of the matter

Here's the thing, on June 29, Aunt Wang in Xuchang, Henan Province, suddenly received a huge amount of more than 2 million in Alipay. Aunt Wang is not in business, so it is impossible for her to have such a large amount of money with others. Seeing the 2 million that "fell out of thin air", Aunt Wang was really taken aback. Who suddenly transferred more than 2 million to himself? What is his purpose?

A false alarm! The old man suddenly received a huge sum of more than 2 million, thinking it was a fraud, and the truth was surprising

Daughter's opinion

Aunt Wang told her daughter about the situation, and her daughter was also shocked. Could it be that someone else made a mistake? But there won't be such a big mistake.

A false alarm! The old man suddenly received a huge sum of more than 2 million, thinking it was a fraud, and the truth was surprising

Aunt Wang and her daughter both felt that this was most likely a telecom fraud for the elderly.

Six or seven phone calls came

Not long after the huge amount of money fell from the sky, six or seven phone calls came, which were phone numbers from other places, showing that they were from Shijiazhuang, Hebei. Aunt Wang didn't dare to take it, because she was afraid that it would be a fraud. I have to say that Aunt Wang's anti-fraud awareness is very strong, and indeed, strange calls need to be answered cautiously.

When the seventh call came, Aunt Wang answered.

As soon as the other party got on the phone, she cried and said that it was her who made a mistake in the payment and called Aunt Wang's Alipay account.

The lady who made the wrong payment was surnamed Tian.

Aunt Wang is a warm-hearted and kind person, since Ms. Tian's money was wrong, she must have returned it to the other party, but how can she be sure that this person is not a liar? So, they both went to the police station together and asked the police uncle for help.

Verified by the police station

After the police at the police station got Ms. Tian's mobile phone, they checked the transfer one by one and found that the more than 2 million yuan that was transferred by mistake was indeed Ms. Tian's. Subsequently, the police verified that Ms. Tian's more than 2 million yuan were legitimate income.

A false alarm! The old man suddenly received a huge sum of more than 2 million, thinking it was a fraud, and the truth was surprising

The results are heartwarming

Now that she has figured out the ins and outs of the matter, Aunt Wang transferred Ms. Tian's money back to her without any leftovers.

A false alarm! The old man suddenly received a huge sum of more than 2 million, thinking it was a fraud, and the truth was surprising

Aunt Wang won the praise of netizens

A false alarm! The old man suddenly received a huge sum of more than 2 million, thinking it was a fraud, and the truth was surprising

Seeing such a result, netizens praised Aunt Wang's character and expressed their heartfelt admiration for her. Aunt Wang said firmly in front of the camera: "If it's not my own money, I won't ask for a penny." She finally returned all the money that Ms. Tian had lost, leaving nothing behind. This kind of noble quality and firm principle are particularly valuable in today's society.

In addition to the noble quality of not being greedy for money, Aunt Wang also showed a strong sense of anti-fraud. Not only does she stick to her principles, but she also maintains a high degree of vigilance and caution against unfamiliar calls. This kind of vigilance and self-protection awareness is worth learning and learning from each and every one of us.

Let us praise this old man for her noble character, her actions convey the positive energy of society. Let us learn more from her qualities, pay more attention to the positive energy around us, and work together to create a more harmonious and beautiful society.