
Chery employees broke the news: 20 hours of unpaid overtime per week, the hourly wage is only 16 yuan, and 70% of the new employees have run away

author:The fisherman chats

As the saying goes, "money is hard to make, is hard to eat". Although this is a terrible statement, the reason is indeed the truth. Some time ago, a fire broke out in a factory in South Korea, revealing that the hourly wage of employees there was as high as 51 yuan, compared to the domestic factory in terms of salary level can hardly be compared. While we deeply mourn the victims, we cannot help but marvel at the level of pay for the employees of the Korean factory.

Recently, a netizen who has obtained "Chery certification" spoke out publicly, revealing the extreme squeezing of employees by Chery Automobile. In less than a year, the turnover rate of fresh graduates who joined the company was as high as 70% because they were dissatisfied with the company's strict system and oppression. But it seems that Chery doesn't care about this, and its attitude is still: love to do it or not, you don't do it, some people do it!

Chery employees broke the news: 20 hours of unpaid overtime per week, the hourly wage is only 16 yuan, and 70% of the new employees have run away

The employee broke the news, Chery requires employees to work overtime without pay, and it must work more than 20 hours of unpaid overtime every week, let's calculate, 5 days a week, if you have to work overtime for more than 20 hours a day, then you have to work overtime for 4 hours every day, if you get off work at half past five o'clock, you will work overtime until half past 9 o'clock in the evening every day, this is not to treat people as people, and occasionally overtime is acceptable, such a long-term overtime, unless it is a robot can withstand it.

Chery employees broke the news: 20 hours of unpaid overtime per week, the hourly wage is only 16 yuan, and 70% of the new employees have run away

Of course, since it is unpaid overtime, then it is not possible to take time off, and there is no overtime pay, so give 10 yuan for meal compensation, everyone opens the takeaway software, what can you buy for 10 yuan, and the starting fee is 20 yuan in many stores, and you can't eat a rice bowl.

A fresh graduate who joined Chery Automobile in 2023 revealed thought-provoking data after careful calculations. In May, he worked 120 hours of overtime, bringing the total number of hours he worked in a month to nearly 300. However, in stark contrast to this hard work, his monthly salary is only 4,800 yuan, which translates to only 16 yuan per hour. It's too cheap.

Chery employees broke the news: 20 hours of unpaid overtime per week, the hourly wage is only 16 yuan, and 70% of the new employees have run away

In addition, what is more stringent is that some departments even prohibit compensatory leave and leave. It's very unreasonable, everyone can get sick or have personal matters to attend to, and not being able to take time off is simply too much.

Chery employees broke the news: 20 hours of unpaid overtime per week, the hourly wage is only 16 yuan, and 70% of the new employees have run away

This is not even more excessive, Chery let employees work overtime without compensation, probably knowing that they violated the labor law, they directly changed the company's clock-in system, and the default display clock-in time is from 8:30 to 17:00. In other words, the overtime of employees seems to be hidden and ignored.

Chery employees broke the news: 20 hours of unpaid overtime per week, the hourly wage is only 16 yuan, and 70% of the new employees have run away
Chery employees broke the news: 20 hours of unpaid overtime per week, the hourly wage is only 16 yuan, and 70% of the new employees have run away

By the way, they also rolled up "overtime hours", and some employees of Chery's Wuhu headquarters revealed that their work rhythm was extremely tense, almost in a high-intensity state of "896". Fighting from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week, even Sunday breaks became out of reach. In addition, even after the work tasks are completed, employees still need to spend time in the company, just to "roll" up the advantage of overtime hours. Because some departments will implement the last elimination system according to the length of overtime.

It's no wonder that more than 7 percent of fresh graduates have left their jobs, who can withstand this. If Chery continues like this, it is estimated that it will be difficult to win the hearts of the people, and employees are complaining, how can such a product make everyone believe in quality?

Chery's approach has been criticized by netizens

Enterprises should really not squeeze employees to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Working overtime in this way is detrimental to both employees and the company. Besides, does a company that is not good for its employees still expect it to be good for consumers when it makes products?

Chery employees broke the news: 20 hours of unpaid overtime per week, the hourly wage is only 16 yuan, and 70% of the new employees have run away
Chery employees broke the news: 20 hours of unpaid overtime per week, the hourly wage is only 16 yuan, and 70% of the new employees have run away

This is not the first time Chery has been on the hot search because of serious overtime. In March last year, Chery executives sent an email to all employees, which read: "Strive for the people, and Saturday is the normal working day of the strugglers."

Chery employees broke the news: 20 hours of unpaid overtime per week, the hourly wage is only 16 yuan, and 70% of the new employees have run away

At that time, I was also scolded by netizens, and many netizens said at the time that if this continues, they will have to go to work every weekend in the future.

In fact, everyone is not averse to overtime, but to forced overtime, and whether there is a salary, if the overtime pay is enough, in fact, there should be someone who is willing to work overtime.

Chery employees broke the news: 20 hours of unpaid overtime per week, the hourly wage is only 16 yuan, and 70% of the new employees have run away

We often say that if a company wants to go further, it must put the well-being of its employees first. It is true that overtime may temporarily improve performance, but employees are tired for a long time, and efficiency will definitely suffer. If this continues, how can the enterprise prosper for a long time? Chery, it's time to think about it. Don't focus on external performance at the expense of the most important employees. A fair, reasonable and caring working environment for employees is the key to the long-term development of an enterprise. After all, if the employees are not happy, who will really work hard for the company?

At the same time, we also hope that the relevant authorities can strengthen supervision to ensure that the rights and interests of employees are protected, and do not let the labor law remain only on paper. Employees should also be brave enough to speak up and refuse unreasonable demands. We work to realize our own value, not to be treated as cheap labor. It is hoped that Chery will realize this as soon as possible, bring warmth and hope to employees, and don't let them feel cold again.

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