
3000 points are repeatedly contested! Today's A-share wealth password: finance and taxation, liquor, penny stocks

3000 points are repeatedly contested! Today's A-share wealth password: finance and taxation, liquor, penny stocks

National Business Daily

2024-07-02 15:52National Business Daily official account

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On July 2, the A-share market fluctuated and diverged throughout the day, the Shanghai Composite Index was strong, and the ChiNext Index adjusted again, closing the Shanghai Composite Index up 0.08%, the Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.97%, and the ChiNext Index fell 1.05%.

02 The digitalization of finance and taxation, liquor, and penny stocks have become the three major wealth passwords in today's market, driving the rebound of the information and innovation sector, the liquor sector and penny stocks respectively.

03 Due to the rise in Moutai prices across the board, the wholesale reference price of Feitian Moutai bulk bottles is approaching 2,400 yuan, and the liquor sector stopped falling and rebounded today.

04 At the same time, penny stocks and low-priced convertible bonds performed eye-catching in the market today, and some varieties started a violent rebound.

05However, private equity sources said that investors should remain cautious about convertible bonds facing delisting and default.

Technical support is provided by Tencent Hybrid Model

Every reporter: Xiao Ruidong Every editor: Zhao Yun

On July 2, the market fluctuated and diverged throughout the day, with the Shanghai Composite Index being strong and the ChiNext Index adjusting again. At the close, the Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.08%, the Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.97%, and the ChiNext Index fell 1.05%.

In terms of sectors, sectors such as financial and tax digitalization, software development, ST plates, and liquor were among the top gainers, while rare earth permanent magnets, semiconductors, AI mobile phones, BC batteries and other sectors were among the top decliners.

Overall, individual stocks fell more and rose less, and more than 2,700 stocks in the whole market fell. The turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets today was 644.7 billion, a decrease of 13.3 billion from the previous trading day.

After yesterday's sharp rise, today's A-share market as a whole is volatile, and the Shanghai Composite Index repeatedly competes for 3,000 points in the intraday, which is a portrayal of this pattern.

In all fairness, the persistence of hot topics is lacking, and the risk of chasing up is still not small. For example, the dividend stocks, real estate and rare earth sectors that performed yesterday have all fallen today.

However, the interpretation of the theme dominated by small-cap stocks is still remarkable.

There are three main "wealth codes" in the market today, namely: the digitization of finance and taxation, liquor and the rebound of penny stocks. Let's take a look at them one by one.

The digitalization of finance and taxation has risen sharply, driving the strengthening of the information and innovation sector

Today, Straight Flush added a new "Finance and Taxation Digitalization" section, which rose by more than 10% throughout the day. Of the 14 constituent stocks in the sector, more than half of them rose by no less than 10%.

3000 points are repeatedly contested! Today's A-share wealth password: finance and taxation, liquor, penny stocks

This can't help but remind people of the time when investors "learned new words" every day in the past few months.

Under the influence of this sector, the direction of information innovation and software has strengthened in an all-round way, and electronic ID cards, smart government affairs, IT services and other sectors have risen sharply.

A few days ago, the website of the National Audit Office released the "Audit Report of the State Council on the Implementation of the Central Budget and Other Financial Revenues and Expenditures in 2023". It mentions deepening reforms in key areas, planning a new round of fiscal and taxation system reform, and improving the division of fiscal powers and expenditure responsibilities between the central and local governments; Evaluate and clean up the preferential policies of local taxes and fees; speed up the construction of a unified national market; Fully implement the opinions and supporting measures to promote the development and growth of the private economy.

3000 points are repeatedly contested! Today's A-share wealth password: finance and taxation, liquor, penny stocks

AVIC Securities said that the digital intelligence of finance and taxation plays an important supporting role in the development of tax management in the mainland, and the realization of digital and intelligent tax management by enterprises has become the top priority of the reform of the national digital and intelligent tax system. At present, medium and large group enterprises are increasing investment in the construction of tax-related business areas, and the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises for policy compliance, efficiency improvement and burden reduction are prominent. It is recommended to focus on investment opportunities related to the digitalization of finance and taxation.

The liquor sector has finally stopped falling?

As soon as the market opened this morning, Kweichow Moutai, which had been continuously adjusted, strengthened rapidly, rising by more than 4%, driving the rebound of the liquor sector. Golden Seed Liquor, Huangtai Liquor, Jinshiyuan, Jinhui Liquor, etc. led the gains.

3000 points are repeatedly contested! Today's A-share wealth password: finance and taxation, liquor, penny stocks

On the news side, the price of Moutai has risen across the board, and the wholesale reference price of Feitian Moutai bulk bottles is approaching 2,400 yuan.

This seems to indicate that the "combination punch" of price stabilization played by high-end liquor leaders is gradually taking effect.

On the evening of June 30, Kweichow Moutai responded to the recent sharp fluctuations in the batch price of Moutai, saying: "The basic attributes of Moutai have not changed, and the basic demand side has not changed. Have the confidence, strength, and ability to go through this cycle. ”

At the recent annual general meeting of shareholders, Zeng Congqin, chairman of Wuliangye, also said that the future development prospects of high-end liquor are still very broad, especially as a high-end liquor with a brand, there will still be a large market demand in the future.

According to reports, before the successive voices, the high-end liquor faucet has begun to control the price of goods. Following Moutai's cancellation of the release of 12 bottles of Feitian Moutai, Luzhou Laojiao 38 Degrees National Cellar 1573 Classic also announced recently that it would stop taking orders.

Everbright Securities Research Report said that the recent shareholders' meeting of leading liquor companies sent a benign and stable signal, before the fluctuation of the liquor sector was mainly affected by the large decline in the wholesale price of Feitian Moutai, the company recently adjusted the product launch policy, and controlled the supply side, this week the bulk bottle Feitian Moutai batch price has stabilized, and the follow-up will continue to pay attention to the effectiveness of the price increase, and the company may introduce new measures to stabilize the price, and the sentiment of the sector is also expected to pick up.

Hidden wealth code: low-priced stocks, low-priced convertible bonds

Among the indices by market capitalization, the most eye-catching performance today is not the CSI 2000, but the smaller micro-cap index.

3000 points are repeatedly contested! Today's A-share wealth password: finance and taxation, liquor, penny stocks

In fact, penny stocks, which have suffered a lot of decline, finally ushered in a day of recovery. Embodied in:

1) Among the top stocks in the market, the stock price is only in single digits, and even as low as 1 yuan and 2 yuan abound. Such as Watertek Information, Changyao Holdings, Energy-saving Iron Han, etc.

3000 points are repeatedly contested! Today's A-share wealth password: finance and taxation, liquor, penny stocks

2) The market value of the above-mentioned stocks is obviously small, and the stocks with the smallest market value and the lowest stock price in the whole market are also up and down.

3) The ST sector, which is most in line with the above characteristics, also rose sharply today for a long time.

Who is buying penny stocks?

According to reports, due to the pressure of delisting at face value, the lower the price of individual stocks recently, the greater the decline.

Wind statistics show that since May, the average decline in the A-share market has been 10.11%. Stocks with a share price higher than $10 fell by 7.07% on average; The average decline of stocks with a stock price higher than 2 yuan and less than or equal to 10 yuan was 11.58%; Stocks with stock prices below $2 and above $1.5 fell by 24.84% on average; Stocks with a share price below $1.5 fell by an average of 34.15%.

Under the mud and sand, some stocks have been wrongly killed, and recently listed companies have introduced self-rescue measures. Statistics show that in the past one month, 43 penny stock companies have issued positive announcements such as increasing holdings, repurchases, restructuring, and stripping of non-performing assets. Specifically, 23 companies issued announcements on increasing holdings, 22 issued repurchase announcements, and 11 issued mergers and acquisitions announcements.

In addition to penny stocks, low-priced convertible bonds that have fluctuated sharply in recent stock prices have also started a violent rebound today, and some have a direct 20% limit. The logic of its upside is similar to that of penny stocks.

3000 points are repeatedly contested! Today's A-share wealth password: finance and taxation, liquor, penny stocks

However, some private equity sources said that investors should remain cautious about convertible bonds facing delisting and default.

National Business Daily

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  • 3000 points are repeatedly contested! Today's A-share wealth password: finance and taxation, liquor, penny stocks
  • 3000 points are repeatedly contested! Today's A-share wealth password: finance and taxation, liquor, penny stocks
  • 3000 points are repeatedly contested! Today's A-share wealth password: finance and taxation, liquor, penny stocks
  • 3000 points are repeatedly contested! Today's A-share wealth password: finance and taxation, liquor, penny stocks
  • 3000 points are repeatedly contested! Today's A-share wealth password: finance and taxation, liquor, penny stocks
  • 3000 points are repeatedly contested! Today's A-share wealth password: finance and taxation, liquor, penny stocks

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