
Depressed daughter, she doesn't take school discipline seriously, she often finds excuses to skip class

author:The past is like the wind, and all wishes come true

Recently, I have not updated my daughter Xiaole's study and life in a timely manner. It's not that I don't have time, it's that I don't want to mention her, I am very disgusted by her behavior, and I think she doesn't go to school just to enjoy a comfortable life.

About two weeks ago, Xiaole kept making excuses not to go to school. For example, if you don't have a good night's rest, you have to take a day off. Or the eldest aunt came, and she said that she couldn't go to school because of menstrual cramps.

The eldest aunt passed, and she said to my husband and me: "Mom, Dad, I'm so anxious that I can't sleep these days, you can take me to Zhengzhou to see a doctor!" As soon as I heard Xiaole say this, my head was big!

Depressed daughter, she doesn't take school discipline seriously, she often finds excuses to skip class

I thought: for more than a year, we all thought that her depression was almost better! Now that I can't sleep with anxiety, isn't this back to square one?

My husband and I looked at each other, there was no way, since she wanted to go to the doctor, then let's go! My husband and I said privately, "Isn't this girl so nervous that she can't sleep because of the upcoming final exam?"

I also suspect that Xiaole deliberately asked her parents to take her to the doctor in order to avoid the final exam, because she always made all kinds of excuses to avoid the exam.

For more than three years, Xiaole has been like this, and my husband and I have become accustomed to it! Sometimes we know she's making excuses, and we don't want to poke her out.

My husband took Xiaole to Zhengzhou to see a doctor, and he came back when it was almost dark. When Xiaole came back, she had a lot of snacks in her hand, and she looked good.

When she returned, she went straight back to the bedroom, lay on the bed and continued to play with her phone.

Depressed daughter, she doesn't take school discipline seriously, she often finds excuses to skip class

My husband took out Xiaole's diagnosis certificate for me to see, which read: mild depression and anxiety, and the doctor took Xiaole some medicine to help him sleep.

After Xiaole came back, I don't know if I ate it? Every time she takes medicine, she only eats one or two meals and then stops eating, no matter how her parents urge her, she just doesn't take it, so angry that I scold her!

Xiaole still stays up late at night, and every time she doesn't sleep until one or two o'clock in the morning.

Since seeing the doctor, she hasn't said that she can't sleep, but her continued to stay up late makes my husband and I very helpless.

I thought about it carefully, why Xiaole said that she couldn't sleep in those days, maybe she had a conflict with her early love, and she proposed to break up with the boy.

Depressed daughter, she doesn't take school discipline seriously, she often finds excuses to skip class

That boy is a top student in a key high school, and although he is with Xiaole, his studies are not affected.

But Xiaole is different, she is sensitive and suspicious, has no motivation to study, has many eyes, and has no confidence in her future.

I persuaded Xiaole to break up with the boy, we can't delay the future of others, and we want Xiaole to focus on studying!

Xiaole promised me, and she also said: "Mom, it's very tiring and tiring to fall in love, I don't want to be like this anymore!"

But when she really wanted to end the relationship, she was a little sad and lost, because Xiaole didn't go to school in those days, she said she couldn't sleep, she was too anxious!

In the last few days, I've watched Xiao Le's eyebrows flutter, and I guess she might have reconciled with that boy.

As a result, when I asked Xiaole, she said that she was indeed reconciled, and I was speechless and didn't want to express my opinion.

Depressed daughter, she doesn't take school discipline seriously, she often finds excuses to skip class

In the days when the final exam was approaching, Xiaole stayed up late at night until one or two o'clock in the morning, and she couldn't get up in the morning.

She slept until she woke up naturally, and it was almost noon, so she slowly got up and washed up, and then rode the new electric car we bought for her to school.

By 7:00 p.m., she was supposed to go home, but she didn't. Because she is a day student, she doesn't have to study at night.

After school in the afternoon, she rode an electric car with her male table to the streets, eating some delicious food.

She had had enough of playing crazy on the streets before she went home. She often doesn't come back until around 9:30 p.m.

After returning home, she took a snack in one hand and a drink in the other, turned around and entered the bedroom, continuing to enter the stay up mode.

I rarely see her studying, I don't know what she's doing staying up late? She hardly eats the food cooked at home, and spending money to buy and buy is the norm.

Depressed daughter, she doesn't take school discipline seriously, she often finds excuses to skip class

I can't get up in the morning, I only take a few classes a day, and in such a state of class, Xiaole also wants my husband to find a relationship with her to transfer to a key high school.

I was so angry with her thoughts that I said, "You stay up late every day, can you get out of bed?" Can you adapt to the tense environment of a key high school? Besides, the key high school is to enter if you want to? You're naïve, aren't you?"

Xiaole, no matter what I say, she has a lot of crooked reasoning, she always says: "Several classmates in my class have transferred to key high schools?" Why can't I transfer? Our school is a garbage school, and in this school, I feel ashamed. ”

I said helplessly: "Isn't your current situation the result of more than two years of lying flat and rotten?" It's such a garbage school, your score is still 4 points short, it's not looking for someone, you still can't get in? ”

Xiaole is still quibbling: "Actually, I don't need to find someone, my score can also be improved, and then the score was lowered!" I'm really entangled with Xiaole, my head is big!

Depressed daughter, she doesn't take school discipline seriously, she often finds excuses to skip class

I really had no choice, so I said to her: "If I were you, I wouldn't be a parent at all, I would go to school by myself, and if I can't pass the exam, I won't go to a key high school, so why put pressure on myself?"

Xiaole wanted to go to a key high school to study, she said: "When I get to a key high school, I will abide by the discipline there!" You don't need to wake me up, I'll get up on time! ”

For Xiaole's wishes, my husband and I are really powerless, but now that the holiday is coming, Xiaole has been making this excessive request to us, my husband and I are very depressed, I don't know what to do, okay?

My husband and I know very well that Xiaole has no hope of taking the undergraduate exam, and she had better only be admitted to a junior college, and we don't want to spend unnecessary money on her.

The most important thing is that such a child suffers from depression and anxiety because of high study pressure, and we just want her to reduce her stress and make her healthy and happy.

Depressed daughter, she doesn't take school discipline seriously, she often finds excuses to skip class

But Xiaole is afraid of studying in her heart, she just wants to enter a key high school for vanity, my husband and I are not stupid!

This kind of child is really uncomfortable! She just keeps tossing us!