
How expensive can a defibrillator be? Zhijie died, many champions bombarded the rules, and the International Badminton Federation was not wronged

author:Hearing the sound of the green tree

Text | Hearing the sound of the green tree

Edit | Hearing the sound of the green tree

Sources: All statements in this article are based on reliable information and are cited in the article

A vanishing genius

On the evening of June 30, 2024, Zhang Zhijie played the men's singles match of the Asian Youth Badminton Championships in Indonesia. Zhang Zhijie and the opponent's score was very tight, and the two sides fought until 11:11.

But when Zhang Zhijie sent the ball to the opposite side, the whole person suddenly languished, fell to the ground and convulsed, and soon fell into a coma.

30 seconds after he fell to the ground, the medical team of the event rushed to Zhang Zhijie's side, and after another 30 seconds, the medical team used a stretcher to carry Zhang Zhijie to the sidelines for treatment.

How expensive can a defibrillator be? Zhijie died, many champions bombarded the rules, and the International Badminton Federation was not wronged

For at least two minutes, the event's medical team did not use a defibrillator and did not perform CPR on Zhang.

When he was sent to the hospital for rescue, Zhang Zhijie had no breathing and pulse, and the Chinese Badminton Association went to two hospitals to perform 4.5 hours of cardiac resuscitation for Zhang Zhijie, but he could not be saved!

Zhang Zhijie's death has aroused great discussion in China and Indonesia, and the judgment of mainland doctors on this matter is: Zhang Zhijie's death is in line with the characteristics of sudden sports death, but the rescue of the medical team of the event is a little slow!

Luzhong Morning News2024-07-01: Indonesian Badminton Association revealed the details of Zhang Zhijie's treatment after being sent to the hospital!
How expensive can a defibrillator be? Zhijie died, many champions bombarded the rules, and the International Badminton Federation was not wronged

So, what should it look like to respond to timely sports first aid?

At the 2021 European Football Cup, Danish player Eriksen suddenly fell to the ground while running, and his teammates saw it, immediately waved to the sidelines, and signaled the referee to stop the game, and the medical team immediately followed.

Within 10 seconds of Eriksen's collapse, the team doctor rushed to the side to administer first aid to Eriksen; In the 37th second after falling to the ground, various medical equipment arrived at the scene, and the defibrillator was rescued for more than seven minutes from 52 seconds!

How expensive can a defibrillator be? Zhijie died, many champions bombarded the rules, and the International Badminton Federation was not wronged

After being transferred to the hospital, Eriksen was successfully out of danger and his career was not affected, which is a correct and timely sports first aid!

In contrast, badminton is far less important to players than football.

How expensive can a defibrillator be? Zhijie died, many champions bombarded the rules, and the International Badminton Federation was not wronged

You must know that the Asian Youth Badminton Championships in which Zhang Zhijie participated is already a world-class badminton event.

Therefore, many people are asking on the Internet: Why is there no professional medical team in the badminton match? Why don't you even have a defibrillator when a player has an accident?

How expensive can a defibrillator be? Zhijie died, many champions bombarded the rules, and the International Badminton Federation was not wronged

Questioning the rules

When athletes exercise excessively, sudden death from exercise may occur, so the indispensable configuration of the large-scale sports games is a professional sports medical team, and it is obvious that the Indonesian medical team is not qualified.

In addition, according to the regulations of the International Badminton Federation, the medical team cannot enter the competition venue if the referee does not allow it.

The unprofessional rescue team and unreasonable first aid rules indirectly led to Zhang Zhijie's death. The criticism of Chinese and Indonesian netizens on this matter also focused on these two issues.

How expensive can a defibrillator be? Zhijie died, many champions bombarded the rules, and the International Badminton Federation was not wronged

But the predecessors of badminton players pointed the finger at another problem - the overly tight competition system.

Lin Dan once criticized the International Badminton Federation's competition system in an interview: Everyone in tennis knows that after the semi-finals, the finals will be played the next day, why does badminton have to play immediately the next day? Isn't the intensity of badminton not high?

Lin Dan said frankly that with such a compact competition system, many badminton players can't rest at all, and their bodies are still in a very tired state. Dragging a tired body for a high-intensity competition makes athletes vulnerable to danger.

How expensive can a defibrillator be? Zhijie died, many champions bombarded the rules, and the International Badminton Federation was not wronged

Cai Yun, a famous badminton player, also talked about his injury experience on social media. From his narration, we can see that the badminton game has a great load on Cai Yun's heart.

How expensive can a defibrillator be? Zhijie died, many champions bombarded the rules, and the International Badminton Federation was not wronged

Anyone who has played official badminton knows that the intensity of this sport is very high, and it is not inferior to tennis and other sports.

In professional competitions, athletes often have to take a break for a while before continuing to play if they play a high-quality, multi-swing racket. Therefore, it is very necessary to give the badminton players enough rest time!

How expensive can a defibrillator be? Zhijie died, many champions bombarded the rules, and the International Badminton Federation was not wronged

In fact, the badminton players who can represent China in the competition are already one-in-a-million sports geniuses, and even they can't withstand the current intensity of the competition, which shows that there is really something wrong with the rules formulated by the International Badminton Association.

Zhang Zhijie's death has brought the matter of "modifying the competition system" into people's attention again, and this matter is being hotly discussed in the badminton circle.

However, the most angry and sad people about this matter are Zhang Zhijie's family, who can't accept the death of their child at all.

How expensive can a defibrillator be? Zhijie died, many champions bombarded the rules, and the International Badminton Federation was not wronged

Grieving family

For the national team, Zhang Zhijie is a 17-year-old player, but for Zhang Zhijie's family, Zhang Zhijie is the hope of the whole family.

Zhang Zhijie is from the countryside of Anhui Province, was sent to the provincial team in the third grade of primary school, won many championships along the way, and entered the national team in 2023!

For ordinary families, children like Zhang Zhijie are not only emotional sustenance, but also the future of the family, and his sudden death also takes away the hope of a family.

How expensive can a defibrillator be? Zhijie died, many champions bombarded the rules, and the International Badminton Federation was not wronged

Zhang Zhijie once revealed that he wanted to support his mother by working his own, and the coach also praised Zhang Zhijie: he has a mature mind that surpasses his peers.

Therefore, when the news of Zhang Zhijie's death came, his mother couldn't accept it at all, and immediately fell ill, and his sister publicly asked: Why didn't he get treatment at the first time, the security of the event was too poor!

At present, Zhang Zhijie's sister has rushed to Indonesia to take care of Zhang Zhijie's funeral.

Dahe Daily 2024-07-01: Zhang Zhijie's uncle's voice: Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital last night when she heard the bad news
How expensive can a defibrillator be? Zhijie died, many champions bombarded the rules, and the International Badminton Federation was not wronged


High-intensity sports confrontations must be equipped with a professional medical team, but when Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, the medical staff's treatment was not timely and professional.

This is the most important point to ask: is there not even a defibrillator or a professional medical team for such a big event?

How expensive can a defibrillator be? Zhijie died, many champions bombarded the rules, and the International Badminton Federation was not wronged

Of course, the format of badminton also needs to change. Although the physical fitness of athletes is much higher than that of ordinary people, their physical injuries are also more than those of ordinary people.

After training and competing for a long time, what athlete can not get injured? Therefore, they need to have enough rest, and for the safety of the athletes, the rules of the badminton competition system must be revised!

It is not up to the International Badminton Federation to win attention, the physical condition of the athletes is the first thing!

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