
How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime

author:Hearing the sound of the green tree

Text | Hearing the sound of the green tree

Edit | Hearing the sound of the green tree

Sources: All statements in this article are based on reliable information and are cited in the article

Everyone knows that Middle Eastern tyrants are rich. They live in luxury houses, drive luxury cars, and spend a lot of money, and gold is simply their "exclusive color".

However, the billionaires in the Middle East spend tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars, which is too far away from ordinary people, and it is difficult for ordinary people to understand their wealth.

Only by entering their lives can we understand how extravagant these people's lives really are!

How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime

Middle Eastern tycoon: Pets, we like it too!

Having pets is a way of life that many people like, and the rich in the Middle East are not exempt from vulgarity, but the pets they raise highlight two words: expensive and rare.

Lions and cheetahs are the favorite pets of Middle Eastern tycoons. These two beasts are dangerous and beautiful, but their personalities are relatively stable, and if the Middle Eastern tyrants raise them from childhood to adulthood, their safety is still guaranteed.

How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime

However, the purpose of the Middle Eastern tyrants to raise beasts is not only for fun, but more importantly, to show off their wealth!

Many wealthy people in the Middle East like to travel together in luxury cars, speedboats, and pets with beasts, and record all this with videos. Subsequently, the wealthy put the video online and enjoyed people's envy as a way to obtain psychological satisfaction.

Xinhuanet 2015-09-01: Inventory of those wild pets of the Middle East tyrants [Photos]
How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime

How can you just show off online? Middle Eastern tycoons pay more attention to the "coolness" in reality. In 2022, when the World Ball Championship was held in the Middle East, the local tyrants also invited fans to visit their mansions and lion cubs.

30 p.m. 2022-11-22: Middle Eastern tyrants keep lions as pets
How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime

Therefore, the rarer and more expensive the animal, the more it can become the object of pursuit by the local tyrants in the Middle East. For example, the price of a white lion in the rich circle of the Middle East is as high as 50,000 US dollars! Even so, rare animals still have no price.

There are many lion fans and tiger fans in various countries, but how many people have the conditions to raise these fierce beasts? Most of them can't afford the meat of the beasts alone! The satisfaction of the Middle Eastern tycoons comes from here.

How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime

Taking pets as pets is just a small detail of the lives of the Middle Eastern tycoons, who spend money on themselves and others, which is called drunk and spending.

Everyday life is unimaginable

In 2014, Saudi Crown Prince Salman did a very capricious thing - to buy the three islands of the Maldives for a month!

The Maldives archipelago is a world-famous tourist destination that the Saudi crown prince also loves to visit. But he "likes quiet" and doesn't want to see other tourists on vacation, so he wants to make the hotels in Veli, Naladhu and Dhigu all-inclusive.

How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime

It's just that many tourists have already booked a room, and Salman is a latecomer, and if he wants to monopolize the island, someone has to check out.

For his own willfulness, Salman spent 18 million pounds (about 180 million yuan) to let the hotel check out the original reservation customers, and use the "money power" to let himself enjoy the island exclusively!

How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime

In the Middle East, Saudi Arabia is not the only rich country, and the UAE is also a place where local tycoons gather.

The most famous city in the UAE is Dubai, and everyone also has a basic impression of this place - a gathering place for the rich in the Middle East, where the consumption mode of the rich highlights a capricious!

How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime

In 2015, Dubai held an event to motivate weight loss: everyone who participated, regardless of nationality, could enjoy an incentive - lose a kilogram of weight and get a gram of gold!

At the time, the event was a big hit, with a steady stream of participants and a lot of gold from Dubai's richest people.

How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime

What few people know is that although there are many rich people in Dubai, it is not the capital of the United Arab Emirates, and Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, has many rich people, and the way they spend their money is often unexpected.

For example, the police station in Abu Dhabi bought a series of luxury cars such as Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Ferrari, etc., and incorporated these luxury cars into the police station to act as a security force!

We don't know whether these police cars are on a mission, but the act itself is too tyrant!

CCTV News Client of China Central Radio and Television Station2018-07-19: The streets are full of luxury cars, and the whole people are "local tyrants"...... Is this really the case in the UAE?
How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime

Compared with chartering a small island and giving away gold, the mansions and luxury cars of the local tyrants in the Middle East are not big news, whether it is a splendid mansion or a luxury car with tens of millions of dollars, it is not as shocking as the above two things.

The Middle Eastern tyrants, who are so extravagant in tourism and social life, spend a lot of money in their private lives, but such behavior has given birth to a lot of crimes.

How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime

A private life that is hard to describe

In terms of aesthetics, the Middle Eastern tycoons prefer white-skinned beauties with graceful figures, and they are very willing to spend money, so some Eastern European women try to hug the thighs of the Middle Eastern tycoons.

But is the money of the rich so easy to earn? The rich in the Middle East just liked the appearance of these Eastern European women, did not respect the personality of these women, and often regarded them as playthings. The sourness in it, these women know it themselves.

How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime

What's more, some people who don't have a fortune take a fancy to the "preference" of the Middle East tyrants, and specially go to Poland, Ukraine and other places to abduct young women, and then sell them to the Middle East at a high price of 1.2 million. This black industry chain has left a lot of blood and tears.

Chongqing Morning News2022-04-10: Traffickers target Ukrainian refugees, "1.2 million yuan to buy a girl, the younger the better"
How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime

With the rise of the live broadcast industry, the local tyrants in the Middle East have another way of consumption - live broadcast rewarding.

In Middle Eastern countries, there are many women who work as full-time anchors, and their daily work is to chat, dance, and show their talents in front of the camera neatly in makeup. Many of the people who rewarded them were Middle Eastern tyrants.

When the Middle Eastern tyrants encounter activities such as PK and rankings, they spare no effort to show their financial resources, so that the live broadcast platform and anchors make a lot of money!

How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime

In those poor and war-torn Middle Eastern countries, there are more women doing live broadcasts! Because there are too many tips from Middle Eastern tyrants!

Taking Syria as an example, the income of ordinary people in a week is only tens to 100 US dollars, but if the live broadcast is a little better, the female anchor's weekly income may exceed that of ordinary people in a year!

Tiger Sniff2022-09-11: The live broadcast room "harvests" the Middle Eastern tyrants
How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime

The Middle Eastern tycoons are profligate in their private lives, but they have not suffered losses, and some have even died because of it. For example, the prince of the Emirate of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates died in London in 2019.

These people are bound by religious customs at home, and they vent their desires abroad without recklessness, drugs, alcohol, flowers and willows, are the things they are most often exposed to, wealth brings them happiness at the same time, but also corrupts them.

How good are Middle Eastern tyrants at playing? The extravagant lifestyle is unimaginable, spending 1.2 million to buy a woman's pastime
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