
Dampness and cold block the door of life, depression is repeatedly opened, a Chinese patent medicine, rising and relieving depression under the sun, and the spirit is naturally good

author:Gu Chunqing, director of the Department of Encephalopathy

Do you remember? In the previous article, I mentioned that summer is the time when yang energy is born, as the saying goes: winter disease and summer treatment, this is the principle.

Many people with depression often show that these symptoms are consistent with the "lack of energy" caused by a lack of yang energy. Insufficient yang energy to warm the body can lead to mental malaise, which in turn affects mood and behavior.

Therefore, it is not good to say that depression is repeated repeatedly, and in the final analysis, the yin and yang of the body cannot be balanced.

• Eat less cold drinks and cold foods in summer, which can easily damage yang qi, affect the function of water and dampness in the spleen and stomach, and aggravate the cold and dampness in the body, resulting in aggravated depression.

• People with dense acupuncture points on the soles of the feet, people with insufficient yang qi are prone to cold hands and feet, whether it is warm water foot soak or medicinal bath, it can activate the meridians, which is conducive to the smooth flow of qi and makes yang qi replenish the viscera.

• Drying your back is the most direct way to warm your yang and invigorate your qi. The meridians on the back pass through the whole body, and the sun shines on the back to clear the cold accumulated in the body with the help of the day. Even in summer, it is necessary to properly sun your back, and of course, do a good job of sun protection from other parts of the body.

Of course, don't worry about recurrent episodes of depression, I have a Chinese medicine prescription that has been used clinically for 30 years, specifically for depression caused by yang deficiency, which is quite effective.

Outpatient cases

Combine a case to facilitate a better understanding.

There was a little girl in the second year of high school before, the child's parents have paid more attention to learning since childhood, and the grades were particularly good when they were in primary school, and their academic performance declined a little when they were in the third year of junior high school.

Until she entered high school, the child's academic performance declined seriously and she resisted studying, which made the child's parents more anxious and put pressure on her every day. This kind of "high expectations" makes children feel a lot of pressure, emotional fluctuations are increasing, and the fear of learning is also becoming stronger.

Dampness and cold block the door of life, depression is repeatedly opened, a Chinese patent medicine, rising and relieving depression under the sun, and the spirit is naturally good

With the accumulation of more and more negative emotions in the heart, the personality gradually becomes withdrawn, unwilling to communicate with family and classmates, only likes to lock himself in the room, does not turn on the light and does not go out and does not see the sun, insomnia at night, and feels tired and weak during the day, the slightest movement will be frightened, despair of life, several times sit on the edge of the bed with the window open in a daze, and say things like not wanting to live anymore.

His parents took him to the hospital for examination, and he was diagnosed with major depression, and the doctor prescribed various antidepressants such as sertraline and aripiprazole, and at the same time did psychological counseling. At first, it was still effective, and the emotional state eased a lot, but as the medicine was taken for a longer time, various side effects also followed, such as nausea, headache, vomiting, etc.

Helplessly, the child's mother searched for other treatments, and heard that Chinese medicine has a good effect in the treatment of depression, and also knew that there are many famous Chinese medicine doctors in Henan, so she drove from Qingdao to Zhengzhou to find me.

Diagnosis: pale tongue, pale tongue, thin pulse, sleepiness and little movement, upset and frightened, decadent appearance, chills, loose stools.

Pattern differentiation: Yang deficiency syndrome type

"I communicated with this child and found that she is very good, very sensible, parents should not put too much pressure on the child, and do not impose their own expectations on the child, it is okay to keep learning in the middle, compared to learning the child's mental and physical health is the most important. In addition, the western medicine you eat now can be reduced first, and then gradually reduce the western medicine, its side effects are relatively large, it is best not to take it for a long time, this time, after eating my traditional Chinese medicine, you don't need to take other medicines. ”

Dampness and cold block the door of life, depression is repeatedly opened, a Chinese patent medicine, rising and relieving depression under the sun, and the spirit is naturally good

Prescription: cinnamon, aconite, rehmannia rehmannia, dogwood, peony bark, yam, poria cocos, zexiao, etc.

After taking it for half a month, the child reported that the fear of cold has improved a lot, and his mood is better, but he always has insomnia at night.

After 3 and a half months of taking this prescription, the child was very happy to tell me that his mood is very stable every day, the discomfort on his body is gone, and his stomach is comfortable. After that, he stopped taking Western medicine. Children's lives and studies are gradually returning to normal.

There was no recurrence after six months of follow-up.

My train of thought

Because of yang deficiency, these conditions will block the operation of yang energy in the body, resulting in yang energy not being able to generate and function. If you want to be cured, you need to dredge the cold and damp evil qi in the body, so that the yang energy can flow smoothly. Then go to replenish the yang and replenish the yang energy.

Dampness and cold block the door of life, depression is repeatedly opened, a Chinese patent medicine, rising and relieving depression under the sun, and the spirit is naturally good

Fangzhong is used to replenish yang and dispel cold and dampness, the upper can replenish the heart yang, the middle can warm the spleen yang, and the lower can replenish the kidney yang, so that the cold and dampness in the little girl's body are all discharged, and she is naturally not afraid of cold.

It can nourish yin and nourish blood, invigorate blood and dispel blood stasis. It can regulate the balance of yin and yang in the patient's body, and like she is often tired and weak, Rehmannia can also replenish the middle and invigorate the qi.

Poria cocos can help water infiltrate dampness and strengthen the spleen and stomach, and also has the effect of calming the nerves, which can improve her sleep quality, and can prevent the leakage of yang energy when she sleeps well.

The above is today's sharing, Mr. Gu, thank you for reading.

(This article is for study and reference purposes only.) Non-professional readers should learn from and apply the prescriptions mentioned in this article under the guidance of TCM physicians, and should not try them blindly. )
