
It is the champion of ear nourishment, usually eat some, tinnitus and deafness do not come to find, and the skill does not lose Chinese patent medicine

author:Gu Chunqing, director of the Department of Encephalopathy

This article is very important, you should definitely read it carefully!

Hello everyone, I'm Gu Chunqing.

Friends who often have tinnitus should pay attention, and today I will share with you an ear-nourishing food that I often eat. Eat well, tinnitus and deafness don't come to find!


"Food" is taken by the sick not only to heal the sick, but also to satisfy hunger. Traditional Chinese medicine has long recognized that food is not only nutritious, but also cures diseases.

So why do I only take out peanuts when there are thousands of foods?

It is the champion of ear nourishment, usually eat some, tinnitus and deafness do not come to find, and the skill does not lose Chinese patent medicine

The reason why people have tinnitus is because the balance of the viscera is broken, and the most common ones are kidney qi deficiency, kidney essence deficiency or liver fire is too strong.

And peanuts can nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish qi and nourish blood, and can have a good effect on tinnitus. In addition, peanuts are also rich in vitamin B complex, which can improve nerve conduction function and relieve tinnitus symptoms caused by nerve damage.

My outpatient case

There was a Mr. Xu in the outpatient clinic before, who was only in his 40s, and his tinnitus had been for 6 years.

At first, because I was too busy with work, I didn't pay attention to it, until I couldn't stand it anymore and it affected my work efficiency, so I went to the hospital for examination, neurogenic tinnitus.

The film was filmed, and the medicine was taken, but the effect was not good. When it was serious, my ears followed flies at night, ringing non-stop, I couldn't sleep well, and I almost lost my job!

Mr. Xu paid attention to it and inquired everywhere, but later he was deceived by someone to buy kidney tonic medicine, and the children at home hurriedly brought the number to the hospital.

It is the champion of ear nourishment, usually eat some, tinnitus and deafness do not come to find, and the skill does not lose Chinese patent medicine

Diagnosis: , typical kidney yin deficiency.

Prescription: nourish yin and nourish the kidney, fill the lean marrow (rehmannia rehmannia, fried yam, wolfberry, dogwood, Sichuan hyssop, deer horn gum, turtle plate gum, dodder seed, etc.)

He was instructed to eat some peanuts as a dietary aid, and it was relieved within a month.

When the kidney yin is replenished, the yin and yang in the body are balanced, and Mr. Xu's tinnitus will naturally disappear.

How to eat peanuts

Eat some peanuts every day, raw or cooked. In this way, the nutrients can be directly absorbed into peanuts, which is good for improving neurotransmission function and nourishing yin and kidney.

Wash and mash the peanuts, add the washed rice, cook them into porridge, add a little rock sugar to taste when cooked, and then eat. It can replenish the middle and invigorate qi, delay aging, brighten the ears and eyes, and is very effective in improving tinnitus.

It is the champion of ear nourishment, usually eat some, tinnitus and deafness do not come to find, and the skill does not lose Chinese patent medicine

Stew peanuts with other nourishing ingredients, such as goji berries and red dates. The soup stewed in this way can not only nourish the yin and kidneys, but also nourish the body, and is also very effective in relieving tinnitus.

(This article is for study and reference purposes only.) Non-professional readers should learn from and apply the prescriptions mentioned in this article under the guidance of TCM physicians, and should not try them blindly. )
