
In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

author:There is a murmuring wind in the summer
In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

Text/Editor: Xia Youfeng

In 2006, a major event occurred at Stanford University that caused a sensation among Chinese students, and a "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" for Chinese students was born.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately exploded among the international students, and everyone discussed, who is this Wang Yaowu? Why did his name appear at Stanford University across the ocean?

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

Wang Yaowu, this name may be a little unfamiliar to people who are not familiar with modern Chinese history, but for those who have experienced those war-torn years, it is a thunderous name.

He was once a dazzling general in the Kuomintang army, a "thorn in the eye" of the Japanese army invading China, and one of the most troublesome opponents of our party back then.

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

He was born in poverty, but with his outstanding military talent, he rose through the ranks of the Kuomintang army, and eventually became a feudal official with heavy troops.

The Battle of Songhu, the Battle of Nanjing, the Battle of Wanjialing, the Battle of Changsha, the Battle of Changde, and the bloody battles of dozens of battles, large and small, shaped Wang Yaowu's "twinkling star"

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

Wang Yaowu's life is full of legends, he was not only a victorious general who terrified the enemy on the battlefield of resistance against Japan, but also a prisoner who was defeated and captured in the War of Liberation.

He once stood firmly on the opposite side of our party, but in the face of the great interests of the nation, he did not hesitate to choose to resist the aggressors, and made great achievements for the independence and liberation of the Chinese nation.

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

For such a complex historical figure as Wang Yaowu, later generations have mixed evaluations of him.

But it is undeniable that he is a general with great military talent, and he is also a Chinese full of patriotic feelings.

Even after he was defeated and captured, he still cared about the reunification of the country and hoped to see the motherland prosper, and finally served as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference after being pardoned.

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

Wang Yaowu's spirit and will have been continued in his only daughter, Wang Luyun.

Wang Luyun has been deeply influenced by his father since he was a child, and he is full of admiration and love for his father.

After Wang Yaowu's death, Wang Luyun was determined to pass on his father's spirit so that more people could understand his story and remember his contributions.

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

Wang Luyun understands that inheritance is not just an empty slogan, but also needs to find a practical way.

She has been thinking about how she can honor her father's memory in a more meaningful way and pass on his spirit to more people.

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

Because of his father's entrustment, Wang Luyun did not go to Taiwan, but went to Hong Kong to settle down, and it was here that Wang Luyun met her future husband Huang Zhenhui.

Huang Zhenhui is a young person with the same aspirations as her, and they are both eager to contribute to society with their own strength.

The two hit it off at first sight, talked happily, and soon fell in love.

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

After getting married, Wang Luyun and Huang Zhenhui decided to start a business together, hoping to bring some positive changes to society and make their lives more meaningful through their own efforts.

They chose the real estate industry, which was at the height of Hong Kong's real estate boom, and countless businessmen were waving banknotes and sharpening their heads to squeeze into this industry.

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

With a keen sense of business and hard work, Wang Luyun and Huang Zhenhui's company quickly developed and grew and had a certain influence in the industry.

The success of his career has also made Wang Luyun more capable of achieving the goal that has been lingering in his heart - to commemorate his father in a special way and inherit his spirit.

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

Wang Luyun knows that education is the key to changing destiny and the cornerstone of national development and progress.

She hopes to help more aspiring young people get better educational opportunities and cultivate more talents for the country.

So, she decided to set up a scholarship to support those students who excelled in character and academics.

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

When choosing a partner university, Wang Luyun immediately thought of Stanford University.

Stanford University is one of the top universities in the world, and it is the dream of countless students to be able to enter this university.

Wang Luyun hopes that through the establishment of the scholarship, more Chinese students can realize their dreams, learn knowledge on a higher platform, improve their abilities, and contribute to the development of the country in the future.

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

In memory of his father, Wang Luyun decided to name the scholarship after his father.

She hopes that through the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship", more people can understand her father's story, remember his contributions, and let his spirit be inherited and carried forward in these young students.

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

When Wang Luyun told Stanford University about his idea, he immediately received strong support from the university.

But Wang Luyun then made a request: when selecting scholarship winners, priority should be given to students from Chinese mainland, followed by all Chinese students, and then students from other countries.

Stanford University has great admiration for General Wang Yaowu's deeds and deep admiration for Wang Luyun's righteous deeds of inheriting his father's spirit. The two sides hit it off and soon reached a cooperation intention.

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

In 2006, the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" was officially established at Stanford University.

After the news came out, it immediately aroused huge repercussions in the Chinese circles at home and abroad, and people expressed their appreciation for Wang Luyun's righteous deeds and also expressed their respect for General Wang Yaowu's patriotic feelings.

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

The establishment of the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" is not only the best commemoration of General Wang Yaowu, but also the best interpretation of history.

It is like a bridge that transcends time and space, passing on General Wang Yaowu's patriotic feelings and fighting spirit to a new generation of young people.

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people

The wheels of history are rolling forward, and history has its own comments on the merits and demerits of General Wang Yaowu.

But it is undeniable that he is a legendary historical figure, and his life experience and spiritual world are worthy of serious consideration and learning by future generations.

And Wang Luyun used his own way to make his father's spirit shine more brightly in the new era.

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people


Baidu Encyclopedia: Wang Yaowu

In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people
In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people
In 06, Wang Yaowu's daughter set up the "Wang Yaowu Scholarship" at Stanford, and a request was praised by the Chinese people