
Interpret the linkage logic of "World of Warships", from old games to new IPs, and reach a diverse player base

author:Game Farm Worker

"World of Warships" has been online for many years, and its popularity has continued to rise, and through the linkage with other IPs, "World of Warships" has frequently broken the circle and further expanded the game audience. What is surprising is that "World of Warships" is such a hardcore game, but it can be unanimously praised for every linkage! In the end, the selection criteria for "World of Warships" linkage IP are like this? Based on past examples, let's take a look!

Interpret the linkage logic of "World of Warships", from old games to new IPs, and reach a diverse player base

(1) For hard-core users

Although the gameplay of "World of Warships" is already relatively casual among many hardcore naval combat games, it is undeniable that a large part of its user base is hardcore military enthusiasts who like war. In order to meet this user group, it is natural to give preference to works that compare "MAN", such as the previous linkage with "Warhammer 40K", players can start and drive those cool galactic battleships to compare with other realistic warships, which is quite fresh, and the world view setting of "Warhammer 40K" is highly overlapping with "World of Warships", and the linkage between the two has played a 1+1>2 effect!

Interpret the linkage logic of "World of Warships", from old games to new IPs, and reach a diverse player base

(2) Oriented to sentimental users

This is mainly for pan-gamers and IP-feeling players, for pan-gamers, "World of Warships" has been linked with the veteran SLG masterpiece "Might and Magic 3: Heroes Invincible" published by 3DO! Catherine Iron Fist of the Castle, Somra of the Tower, Memphira of the Fortress, Somla of the Tower, Sandru of the Necropolis, Naamis of Hell and Genna of the Dungeon, 6 heroes join the faction as commanders, and they also have their own voices! At the moment when the linkage was announced, many old players shouted unexpectedly! After all, this game has a history of 25 years, and there are really not many people who remember it, and it is rare to see you again, and the feeling is really indescribable!

Interpret the linkage logic of "World of Warships", from old games to new IPs, and reach a diverse player base

In addition to emotional games, "World of Warships" is also two blossoms in emotional film and television, and has been linked with "Popeye" and "Godzilla vs. King Kong", one is a classic childhood cartoon, and the other is a childhood special effects enlightenment, which is also full of feelings. Personally, I think the most amazing is the linkage ship of "Godzilla vs. Kong", which is not only full of the style of the destruction of the world, but also has a special appearance decoration in the boathouse - a whole monster stands in the stern, extremely powerful! Many players also sent private messages to the official, highly recommending adding this monster decoration to the battlefield!

Interpret the linkage logic of "World of Warships", from old games to new IPs, and reach a diverse player base

It is said that this year's "World of Warships" will also be linked with the world-renowned sci-fi IP "Star Trek", and friends who like it may wish to look forward to it!

Interpret the linkage logic of "World of Warships", from old games to new IPs, and reach a diverse player base

(3) For young users

"World of Warships" also further subdivides the age group of users, and links with a number of popular works that young people liked back then, such as the popular "Blue Route" in the second tour circle, the highly connotative topic anime "Those Things About the Rabbit That Year", and "Three Kingdoms", which is never absent in the ghost animal circle. And if you taste it carefully, these IPs have a high degree of relevance to "World of Warships"!

Interpret the linkage logic of "World of Warships", from old games to new IPs, and reach a diverse player base

Of course, in addition to the above IPs, "World of Warships" has many unexpected circle-breaking linkages. The reason why it has been online for many years is still so popular, in addition to the excellent quality of its own games, it is also inseparable from the excellent game brand operation, I have to say that the planning really knows how to select products, and understands feelings, and understands young people better, and a series of operations that keep pace with the times make "World of Warships" always glow with freshness, which is greatly conducive to long-term development. According to this momentum, it is estimated that it is not impossible for "World of Warships" to become popular for another 20 years!

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