
World of Warcraft official sanctions studio, the national server super uplift is about to be launched, these questions are very important

author:Game Farm Worker

I believe that many people like agricultural workers can be said to love and hate the studio, and in most cases, they hate the studio to the core, because the studio has really destroyed the game environment, and raised the price of the time badge in the World of Warcraft game, and many rare resources have almost been plundered by the studio, and everyone will find that it is more convenient to enter some points where it is more convenient to brush G coins, which are all script accounts, but sometimes you have to find a studio, but recently the World of Warcraft official has finally begun to sanction the studio.

World of Warcraft official sanctions studio, the national server super uplift is about to be launched, these questions are very important

And recently because of the new server and some players because they don't have much time, but they urgently need to practice a full-level account in the new server and play with people in the group, why choose the new server There are too many advantages for agricultural workers, you can refer to the previous article. Since I don't have much time and want to reach the full level, and the previous World of Warcraft direct upgrade package can't directly upgrade the level to the full level, many players choose to find a studio to help level up.

World of Warcraft official sanctions studio, the national server super uplift is about to be launched, these questions are very important

In fact, many people have placed orders with the studio long before the World of Warcraft WLK nostalgic service national server was opened, and even when the official announcement of the server was announced, many people had already looked for the studio to place an order, and the studio also made a lot of money during this time, but one thing that no one could have imagined was that after the WLK nostalgic service national server was launched, the official official announcement was to sell a super direct upgrade package in the mall, which can directly upgrade the player's level to the full level, and also give away 213 outfits and other equipment.

World of Warcraft official sanctions studio, the national server super uplift is about to be launched, these questions are very important

Players who saw these news were not calm, because even if the price of the official direct upgrade package is as high as the studio or higher than the studio, players will definitely give priority to buying from the mall, after all, the official gift package will be more reassuring, and the official gift package is not only the direct upgrade but also equipment and backpack G coins, these are definitely things that the studio can't do, so many studios are refunding, and even one studio has refunded more than 40 orders, accumulating more than 30,000 refunds, Roughly calculated that an order is between 700-800, and the farmer feels that the price of the official direct promotion package should not exceed 500.

World of Warcraft official sanctions studio, the national server super uplift is about to be launched, these questions are very important

The official also answered some common questions about the super helicopter package, but the official still hasn't announced when the super helicopter package will be launched in the mall, but the farmer feels that the official launch time should be after the soft launch of the national server. After purchasing the pack, players can exchange 213 outfits and other equipment in the Northrend Crystal Song Forest, Dalaran Silver Territory or Sunreaver's Temple, of course, the place where the Tribal Alliance can be exchanged is different, so don't go wrong.

World of Warcraft official sanctions studio, the national server super uplift is about to be launched, these questions are very important

There is also a core problem is that you can buy several super direct gift packs, according to the official statement, the super direct package does not limit the number of purchases, as long as you have a full-level account in your account, you can use it, and the only restriction of the direct upgrade package is a non-full-level account, but the farmer thinks that no player will buy a direct upgrade package for a full-level account, right? If anything, it's a bit too arrogant.

There is also a very core problem that the number of people queuing for the new server has increased a lot, and the queue time is too long, so do you need to switch to the old server? The only advantage of the new server is that it will not be lonely and easy to team up, which is very suitable for players to accumulate experience in the game, but it is true that the current long queue time has seriously damaged everyone's game experience.

World of Warcraft official sanctions studio, the national server super uplift is about to be launched, these questions are very important

So from the current point of view, the overall processing efficiency of the national server is relatively fast, and soon after the service was opened, the World of Warcraft official fixed the bug in a specific location in the northerly tundra of Northrend, and also repaired the method of relying on heirlooms to transfer G coins, followed by the problem of queuing for too long, but now the only problem is still that the new server queues for too long, and the queue time for entering the game on the weekend is more than six hours, so at this time, the peasants are already thinking about whether to return to the old service, After all, there really isn't that much time to queue.

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