
Why is summer the peak period for rhinitis? The doctor said bluntly: observe the nose more, and you can also self-check the three diseases

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Why is summer the peak period for rhinitis? This has to start with the special structure of the nose. ”

As soon as the doctor at the health lecture spoke, he attracted Zhang Jianguo, who was passing by.

Zhang Jianguo originally just went to the business hall to pay the phone bill, passed by the community health care center, and found that a health lecture was being held.

It was hot, so he decided to go in and sit for a while, but he was suddenly attracted by the doctor's opening statement.

Zhang Jianguo, a 50-year-old chef in a small restaurant, works in a hot and stuffy environment, and has been feeling uncomfortable lately, with a runny nose and sneezing frequently.

"Why is summer the peak of rhinitis? The first thing to understand is that the structure and function of the nose is complex, it is not only a part of the respiratory system, but also has the function of filtering, warming and moistening the air. ”

"However, the high temperature and humidity in summer, the frequent use of air conditioners, and the large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor may all contribute to the occurrence and aggravation of rhinitis." ”

Why is summer the peak period for rhinitis? The doctor said bluntly: observe the nose more, and you can also self-check the three diseases

Zhang Jianguo nodded frequently when he heard this, he has always been in the air-conditioned room recently, no wonder his nose has been uncomfortable.

The doctor continued: "The humidity in the air is higher in the summer, which makes it easier for bacteria and viruses in the air to multiply. In addition, the air quality in the air-conditioned room is poor, and allergens such as dust mites and mold are easy to accumulate, leading to a high incidence of rhinitis. ”

Zhang Jianguo suddenly thought that the back kitchen of the restaurant was also damp all year round, and he couldn't help but feel nervous.

"So what are we going to do?" Someone in the audience asked.

The doctor smiled and replied, "First of all, keep the indoor air clean and circulating, open the windows regularly for ventilation, and reduce the time of use of the air conditioner. Secondly, pay attention to personal hygiene, wash your nasal passages frequently, and avoid contact with allergens. ”

In order to give everyone a better understanding, the doctor also told a real case:

"I have a patient, Xiao Liu, who is Chinese New Year's Eve two years old today and is a programmer. In the summer, I often worked overtime and stayed in an air-conditioned room all day, and as a result, I got allergic rhinitis. After learning more about his lifestyle habits, we advised him to reduce the time of using the air conditioner, maintain indoor air circulation, and wash his nasal passages with saline every day. After a few months, his rhinitis symptoms were significantly reduced. ”

Why is summer the peak period for rhinitis? The doctor said bluntly: observe the nose more, and you can also self-check the three diseases

Zhang Jianguo listened very carefully and decided to improve his living environment after going back.

The doctor continued: "In addition to rhinitis, summer is also a time of high incidence for some other diseases. You can check for some diseases by observing the changes in your nose. ”

When Zhang Jianguo heard this, he became interested again, and couldn't help asking: "Then what diseases can you check yourself?" ”

The doctor smiled and replied, "First of all, it can be judged by the color of the nose." Normally, the color of the nose should be pink. If the nose is red, it may be due to inflammation such as rhinitis, sinusitis, etc. If the nose is whitish, it may be a sign of anemia. ”

Zhang Jianguo hurriedly touched his nose and felt a little red, it seemed that he really had to pay attention.

"Secondly," the doctor continued, "can be judged by the color of the snot. Normal nasal discharge should be clear or white. If the nasal discharge is yellow or green, it may be a sign of a bacterial infection and prompt medical attention is required. In addition, if there is blood in the nasal discharge, it may be caused by dry nasal passages or a broken nasal mucosa, which should also be taken seriously. ”

Zhang Jianguo nodded when he heard it, he had a little yellow snot recently, and he thought it was a fire, so it seemed that he had to go to the doctor.

Why is summer the peak period for rhinitis? The doctor said bluntly: observe the nose more, and you can also self-check the three diseases

The doctor also mentioned that in addition to rhinitis, changes in the nose can also reflect some systemic diseases. "For example, if your nose bleeds a lot, it could be a sign of high blood pressure or a blood disorder. In addition, some people with liver disease also experience redness in the nose. ”

In order to give everyone a better understanding, the doctor told another case: "I have a patient, Lao Zhou, who is 55 years old this year, has frequent nosebleeds. We thought it was rhinitis at first, but after a detailed examination, it was found that he had high blood pressure. After medication and lifestyle adjustments, his nosebleed symptoms gradually eased. ”

Zhang Jianguo nodded frequently and decided to pay more attention to his nose in the future and discover health problems in time.

The doctor concluded: "Summer is the high incidence period of rhinitis, so we must pay attention to keeping the indoor air clean and circulating, and reduce the use of air conditioners. At the same time, by observing the changes in the nose, you can self-check for some diseases and take measures in time. ”

After listening to this lecture, Zhang Jianguo felt that he benefited a lot. He decided to improve his living environment after returning home, pay attention to personal hygiene, and at the same time regularly observe his nose to detect and prevent health problems in time.

On this day, Zhang Jianguo not only solved the problem of telephone bills, but also unexpectedly gained valuable health knowledge. He felt that such lectures were very meaningful and decided to come back regularly in the future to learn more about health.

Why is summer the peak period for rhinitis? The doctor said bluntly: observe the nose more, and you can also self-check the three diseases

The doctor, explaining this problem, analyzed in detail the effect of the summer environment on the nose.

First of all, the summer is hot and humid, and the humidity in the air is high, making it easier for bacteria and viruses to multiply.

Secondly, the frequent use of air conditioners in summer and the large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor areas lead to irritation and dryness of the nasal mucosa, which increases the risk of inflammation. In addition, the air quality in the air-conditioned room is poor, and allergens such as dust mites and mold are easy to accumulate, further aggravating the symptoms of rhinitis.

Therefore, it is very important to prevent rhinitis in summer and keep indoor air clean and circulating.

At the same time, opening windows regularly for ventilation, reducing the time of air conditioning, and cleaning the nasal cavity frequently can effectively prevent and alleviate the symptoms of rhinitis.

By observing changes in the nose, other potential health problems can also be detected in time, allowing for proactive preventive and therapeutic measures.

There are many ways to relieve rhinitis symptoms, but here are a few that are effective and easy.

Why is summer the peak period for rhinitis? The doctor said bluntly: observe the nose more, and you can also self-check the three diseases

Doing a moderate amount of aerobic exercise every day, such as walking and jogging, can help improve rhinitis symptoms, but avoid exercising outdoors with high pollen concentrations.

Conclusion - rhinitis is not a simple matter - observe the nose more, and you can also self-check for three diseases.

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Ancient Oasis

Why is summer the peak period for rhinitis? The doctor said bluntly: observe the nose more, and you can also self-check the three diseases


[1] Ma Wei, Ding Le, Chen Lizao, et al. Gene analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cell gene and treatment of allergic rhinitis[J/OL].Biotechnology,1-11[2024-07-02].

Why is summer the peak period for rhinitis? The doctor said bluntly: observe the nose more, and you can also self-check the three diseases

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