
Is bracken an "accelerator" for kidney disease? Doctors have repeatedly warned: if you don't want kidney failure, don't buy 4 kinds of high-zinc vegetables

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Are your kidneys alright?" The doctor asked softly.

Uncle Li was standing in front of the electricity bill payment window in the community business hall when he suddenly heard a familiar voice and his heart trembled.

It turned out that the person queuing next to him was none other than his old classmate Dr. Wang, who had been in line for many years.

Dr. Wang's face was full of kindness, and he had just been discharged from the hospital when he happened to meet Uncle Li. "Oh, Lao Wang, why did you get out of the hospital?"

Uncle Li smiled and patted Dr. Wang's shoulder, "I'm in good health, but I've been a little tired lately." ”

Dr. Wang shook his head and said, "Uncle Li, the body is the capital of the revolution."

Although I am in the hospital every day, my health cannot be neglected.

Is bracken an "accelerator" for kidney disease? Doctors have repeatedly warned: if you don't want kidney failure, don't buy 4 kinds of high-zinc vegetables

No, I just ran into you when I was discharged from the hospital, so I can talk to you. The two sat down in a secluded corner and began to discuss health issues.

Uncle Li is a retired teacher, and he usually likes all kinds of vegetables, especially bracken, saying that he has eaten it for decades, and the more he eats, the more he feels energetic.

But recently, Uncle Li always feels back pain, especially when urinating, which makes him a little worried.

Doctor Wang frowned and asked, "Have you eaten anything special lately?" ”

Uncle Li scratched his head: "It's nothing special, it's just the bracken in my vegetable garden, I've been eating it for decades, and I haven't seen any problems." ”

Doctor Wang sighed: "Uncle Li, do you know? Although bracken is good, the fern in it is harmful to the kidneys.

Many people have eaten it for so many years, and there is no major problem, but at our age, we still have to pay attention. ”

Uncle Li was stunned for a moment: "Bracken is not good for the kidneys?" I haven't really heard of that. ”

Dr. Wang nodded: "Yes." Bracken contains a substance called brackenin, which can be eaten in large quantities for a long time and will cause a burden on the kidneys, especially those of us who are elderly, who are more likely to have renal insufficiency. ”

Is bracken an "accelerator" for kidney disease? Doctors have repeatedly warned: if you don't want kidney failure, don't buy 4 kinds of high-zinc vegetables

Uncle Li couldn't help but worry: "Then is there something wrong with my kidney?" ”

Dr. Wang saw his concern and comforted: "Don't worry, we can also alleviate it through dietary conditioning."

In addition to bracken, there are also some vegetables that are high in zinc that you should also pay attention to. ”

Uncle Li asked suspiciously, "High-zinc vegetables?" What does it mean? ”

Dr. Wang began to explain in detail: "Although some vegetables are rich in nutrients, the high zinc content will also have a certain burden on the kidneys.

For example, spinach, kale, broccoli, shiitake mushrooms, etc., although good for other parts of the body, are not very friendly to the kidneys.

Especially shiitake mushrooms, which have a particularly high zinc content, and those of us whose kidney function is not too good should eat less. ”

Uncle Li nodded: "Then I have to pay attention in the future, I can't eat more of these dishes." ”

Dr. Wang continued: "Yes, we elderly people are already in a state of kidney decline, and if we consume a large amount of foods high in zinc, it will increase the burden on our kidneys and lead to further decline in kidney function. ”

Is bracken an "accelerator" for kidney disease? Doctors have repeatedly warned: if you don't want kidney failure, don't buy 4 kinds of high-zinc vegetables

"In my case, in addition to diet, do you have any other precautions?" Uncle Li asked.

Dr. Wang smiled: "Of course there is." In addition to diet, we should also pay attention to drinking plenty of water, maintain adequate rest, and avoid overwork and mental stress.

At the same time, you can do some aerobic exercise in moderation to enhance the body's resistance. ”

Uncle Li breathed a sigh of relief: "I see." Looks like I'm going to have to pay more attention in the future. ”

Doctor Wang nodded: "That's right, Uncle Li." As we get older, all organs of the body are going downhill, but as long as we pay attention to our diet and lifestyle habits, we can still stay healthy. ”

The two chatted happily, and Uncle Li felt that he had benefited a lot, and hurriedly thanked Dr. Wang for his careful guidance.

Before leaving, Dr. Wang also specially reminded Uncle Li: "Remember, it is better to eat less high-zinc vegetables such as bracken and shiitake mushrooms in the future." ”

After Uncle Li returned home, he quickly put away all the bracken and shiitake mushrooms at home, and decided to pay more attention to his eating habits in the future.

He also took Dr. Wang's words to heart, and exercised moderately every day to keep him happy.

Is bracken an "accelerator" for kidney disease? Doctors have repeatedly warned: if you don't want kidney failure, don't buy 4 kinds of high-zinc vegetables

However, the story doesn't end there. Uncle Li gradually found that his physical condition had improved significantly, and he no longer felt tired and unwell as often as before.

He realized the importance of health and began to spread the knowledge to his family and friends.

One day, at a health lecture in the community, he met an old friend, Aunt Zhang, who was also concerned about health issues.

After listening to Uncle Li's story, Aunt Zhang also shared some of her health experiences.

She mentioned that she has always had high blood pressure, but through diet and moderate exercise, her blood pressure has stabilized a lot.

Uncle Li couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that those of us who are elderly really need to pay more attention to our bodies, listen more to the advice of doctors, and eat less foods that are harmful to the body." ”

Aunt Zhang nodded and agreed: "Yes, health is the most important." We want to live a healthy and happy life, which is the greatest responsibility for ourselves. ”

In this way, Uncle Li and Aunt Zhang, as well as more middle-aged and elderly friends, gradually mastered more health knowledge and lived a healthier and happier life through mutual communication and learning.

However, there is another question lingering in Uncle Li's mind: in addition to these high-zinc vegetables, what other dietary habits need special attention?

Is bracken an "accelerator" for kidney disease? Doctors have repeatedly warned: if you don't want kidney failure, don't buy 4 kinds of high-zinc vegetables

Uncle Li decided to consult Dr. Wang again. Dr. Wang patiently explained: "In addition to eating more zinc-rich foods, we should also pay attention to controlling salt intake.

Too much salt can cause high blood pressure and put a lot of strain on the kidneys. It is recommended to keep your salt intake below 6 grams per day.

At the same time, reduce your intake of greasy and spicy foods and eat more light, easy-to-digest foods. ”

Uncle Li suddenly realized: "I see, this time I really have a long experience." Dr. Wang smiled and nodded: "Yes, health needs the careful care of each of us."

As long as we maintain good living habits, we can have a healthy and happy old age. ”

This story made Uncle Li understand the importance of health and made him cherish his body even more.

He decided to pay more attention to his diet and lifestyle habits in the future, and no longer ignore any discomfort in his body.

Through his unremitting efforts, Uncle Li not only improved his health, but also influenced his friends around him, so that everyone felt that they had benefited a lot.

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[1] Gu Xiaoling. Clinical effect of lanthanum carbonate combined with levocarnitine in the treatment of patients on maintenance hemodialysis with chronic renal failure, clinical rational drug use, 2024-06-07

Is bracken an "accelerator" for kidney disease? Doctors have repeatedly warned: if you don't want kidney failure, don't buy 4 kinds of high-zinc vegetables

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