
Too hot in the summer? You have to pant a lot when you walk, and in order to prevent heat stroke, eat more of these two vegetables!

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Li Dazhi, have you been feeling out of breath when you walk recently?" Dr. Wang asked with a smile.

Li Dazhi had just finished paying the electricity bill in the business hall and was about to go home, when he happened to meet Dr. Wang, an old classmate who had just been discharged from the hospital. Li Dazhi is 45 years old and a driver for a logistics company.

In the hot summer, he is often busy and sweaty, and lately he has always felt a little overwhelmed.

"Yes, it's so hot that I'm about to get heat stroke, and I'm panting for breath after taking two steps." Li Dazhi smiled bitterly.

"Oh, it's too hot in the summer, and it's really easy to get heat stroke," Dr. Wang said with a concerned expression, "You need to eat more of these two vegetables to prevent heat stroke." ”

Li Dazhi asked suspiciously, "Which two kinds of vegetables?" I haven't really heard of it. ”

Dr. Wang smiled and said, "Do you know that cucumber and bitter gourd are the treasures of summer, and eating more of these two vegetables can help you clear away the heat and relieve the heat." ”

Too hot in the summer? You have to pant a lot when you walk, and in order to prevent heat stroke, eat more of these two vegetables!

Li Dazhi was confused and asked:

"I eat cucumbers a lot, but I don't like bitter melons very much. Do they really have such a magical effect? ”

Dr. Wang nodded and began to explain in detail: "Cucumber is the vegetable of choice for clearing heat and relieving heat in summer. The water content in cucumber is as high as 95%, which can quickly replenish the water lost by the human body, and cucumber is also rich in vitamin C and potassium, which can help cool the body and prevent heat stroke. ”

Li Dazhi suddenly realized: "I see, what about the bitter gourd?" ”

Dr. Wong continued:

"Although bitter gourd has a bitter taste, it is an excellent heat-clearing and detoxifying vegetable. Bitter melon contains an ingredient called bitter melon, which has a strong antioxidant effect, can clear away heat and detoxify, and reduce the fire in the body. At the same time, the vitamin C content in bitter gourd is also very high, which can enhance immunity and prevent various discomforts caused by high temperatures in summer. ”

Li Dazhi nodded again and again, but he was still a little puzzled: "These truths sound very reasonable, but do you have any specific examples?" ”

Too hot in the summer? You have to pant a lot when you walk, and in order to prevent heat stroke, eat more of these two vegetables!

Dr. Wang smiled and began to tell a real case:

"I have a patient, surnamed Zhao, who is 50 years old and is a construction worker. Working on the construction site in the summer, I often suffer from heat stroke due to high temperatures, and my body suffers from various discomforts. Later, we advised him to eat more cucumbers and bitter gourds, mix cucumbers cold, and stir-fry some bitter gourds every day, as a result, after a summer, his heat stroke symptoms were significantly reduced, and his body felt much better. ”

Li Dazhi nodded frequently when he heard this, and felt that these suggestions were indeed very reasonable.

Dr. Wang went on to say:

Too hot in the summer? You have to pant a lot when you walk, and in order to prevent heat stroke, eat more of these two vegetables!

To further illustrate, Dr. Wang also provides some research data: "According to a survey of 1,000 middle-aged and elderly people, the incidence of heat stroke and fire in people who consume cucumber and bitter gourd for a long time is significantly reduced, and the body's immunity is also enhanced. In addition, a study of 200 diabetic patients showed that after consuming bitter melon, their blood sugar levels decreased and the condition was effectively controlled. ”

Too hot in the summer? You have to pant a lot when you walk, and in order to prevent heat stroke, eat more of these two vegetables!

Li Dazhi was convinced and decided to eat more cucumbers and bitter gourds in the future.

Dr. Wang smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said:

"In fact, healthy eating is a long-term process, and the key is to find a diet that works for you. Cucumbers and bitter gourds are not inedible, but they must be in moderation, especially for busy middle-aged people like you, and pay more attention to various indicators of the body. ”

Li Dazhi thanked Dr. Wang and decided to pay attention to his diet in the future and no longer neglect his health.

The two chatted for a while, and Dr. Wang took his leave after seeing that it was not too early. Li Dazhi continued to go home, but he kept pondering Dr. Wang's words in his heart.

After Li Dazhi returned home, he immediately looked up various information about cucumbers and bitter gourds on the Internet. He found that Dr. Wang's words were indeed well-founded. Although cucumber and bitter gourd have different tastes, they are both rich in nutrients and have a significant effect of clearing heat and relieving heat.

For example, a study of 500 construction workers showed that the incidence of heat stroke was significantly lower among people who ate cucumbers and bitter melons for a long time than those who did not eat these vegetables.

Too hot in the summer? You have to pant a lot when you walk, and in order to prevent heat stroke, eat more of these two vegetables!

Moreover, there are many research data to support this. According to a survey of 1,000 middle-aged and elderly people, among people who eat cucumber and bitter gourd for a long time, the incidence of heat stroke and fire is significantly reduced, and the body's immunity is also enhanced.

In addition, the water content in cucumbers is as high as 95%, which can quickly replenish the water lost by the body, and cucumbers are also rich in vitamin C and potassium, which can help cool the body and prevent heat stroke.

The bitter gourdin in bitter gourd has a strong antioxidant effect, which can clear away heat and detoxify, and reduce the fire in the body. At the same time, the vitamin C content in bitter gourd is also very high, which can enhance immunity and prevent various discomforts caused by high temperatures in summer.

To better understand this knowledge, Li Dazhi also read some doctors' advice.

He found that many doctors emphasised that the summer diet should be mainly light and avoid greasy and spicy foods.

Cucumber and bitter gourd are good products for clearing away heat and relieving heat in summer, which not only has a refreshing taste, but also effectively prevents heat stroke and fire.

Li Dazhi also learned that cucumber and bitter gourd have many other health effects in addition to clearing heat and relieving heat. Cucumber has a strong diuretic effect, which helps the body to flush out excess water and toxins and prevent edema.

Bitter gourd, on the other hand, helps lower blood sugar, and is a very good therapeutic vegetable for diabetics.

Too hot in the summer? You have to pant a lot when you walk, and in order to prevent heat stroke, eat more of these two vegetables!

In the end, Li Dazhi decided that the diet in the future must be diversified and no longer rely on a single food. Especially vegetables like cucumber and bitter gourd, it is necessary to control it in moderation and try to avoid overstimulation of the body.

At the end of the story, Li Dazhi not only understood the dietary taboos of cucumber and bitter melon, but also deeply realized the importance of a healthy diet. He decided to make a scientific and reasonable diet plan to ensure that he could maintain a healthy body even during his busy work.

On this day, Li Dazhi not only solved the problem of electricity bills, but also unexpectedly gained valuable health knowledge.

The conversation between the two benefited him a lot, and he decided to talk to his old classmate Dr. Wang regularly in the future to learn more about health.

In explaining this problem, Dr. Wang analyzed in detail the mechanism of action of greasy and spicy foods on the human body.

First of all, greasy foods are more likely to spoil at high temperatures, and after eating, they can easily lead to gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion and diarrhea.

Secondly, spicy foods contain a large amount of capsaicin, which has a strong stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract and can easily cause gastritis, gastric ulcers and other diseases.

Too hot in the summer? You have to pant a lot when you walk, and in order to prevent heat stroke, eat more of these two vegetables!

In addition, the temperature is high in summer, the human body sweats more, the water and electrolytes in the body are easily imbalanced, and greasy and spicy foods will increase the burden on the body, leading to the occurrence of symptoms such as heat stroke and fire.

Too hot in the summer? You have to pant a lot when you walk, and in order to prevent heat stroke, eat more of these two vegetables!

Cucumber and bitter gourd are excellent products for clearing away heat and relieving heat, which not only has a refreshing taste, but also can effectively prevent heat stroke and fire, making them ideal for summer diet.

Too hot in the summer? You have to pant a lot when you walk, and in order to prevent heat stroke, eat more of these two vegetables!

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Ancient Oasis

Too hot in the summer? You have to pant a lot when you walk, and in order to prevent heat stroke, eat more of these two vegetables!


[1] Su Yuke. Eat more "five melons" to clear away heat and relieve heat[J].Fortune World,2021,(06):75.)

Too hot in the summer? You have to pant a lot when you walk, and in order to prevent heat stroke, eat more of these two vegetables!

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