
The United States has found that the blood that is prone to fat accumulation is too much carbohydrate? Advice: 3 things to quit as soon as possible

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Consuming too much carbohydrates can lead to fat accumulation in the blood." Doctor Li Jian said at the lecture.

He stood on the podium of the community rehabilitation center, his tone firm and clear.

Uncle Wang happened to be passing by here, and he was just going to the business hall to pay the phone bill, but he was attracted by this sentence.

After retirement, he lived a worry-free life, but his health has always been not as good as before, and when he heard this, he felt a sigh in his heart, and decided to sit down and listen.

Uncle Wang is a retired teacher, and he usually doesn't have any special hobbies, so he likes to eat something good, especially pasta and sweets.

In the past, my body was very good, but recently I always feel tired, and my belly is getting bigger and bigger. I went to the hospital for a check-up, and the doctor said that his blood lipids were high.

The United States has found that the blood that is prone to fat accumulation is too much carbohydrate? Advice: 3 things to quit as soon as possible

Although he had listened to a lot of lectures on health, this time the topic seemed to be very correct to his question, and he pricked up his ears.

Dr. Lee continued, "Many people know that excess fat can lead to high blood lipids, but you may not know that too much carbohydrate intake can also cause this problem. ”

He opened a chart from the podium showing a set of research data.

"According to our latest research," Dr. Lee said, pointing to the chart, "excessive carbohydrate intake can be converted into fat in the body, especially some foods with a high GI (glycemic index) such as white rice, noodles, white bread and sweets."

After ingesting these foods, blood sugar rises rapidly and insulin secretion increases, which promotes fat synthesis and storage, resulting in an increase in lipid levels in the blood. ”

Uncle Wang was dumbfounded when he heard this, and couldn't help but ask, "Doctor Li, what should we pay attention to?" ”

Dr. Lee smiled and said, "First of all, you should control the intake of high GI foods, such as white rice, white bread, etc., which can be replaced with whole grains, brown rice, oats, etc.

These foods are digested more slowly and do not cause a rapid rise in blood sugar. ”

The United States has found that the blood that is prone to fat accumulation is too much carbohydrate? Advice: 3 things to quit as soon as possible

He continued: "Second, quit three things: sweet drinks, refined sugar, and high-sugar snacks.

Many middle-aged and elderly people like to eat sweets and feel that this is a kind of enjoyment of life, but in fact, these sweets will not only increase blood sugar, but also lead to an increase in blood lipids, which will eventually cause damage to the heart and blood vessels. ”

Dr. Lee shared several real-life case stories to better illustrate the problem. "For example, Aunt Zhang, who is 65 years old this year, was a primary school teacher before she retired.

She is especially fond of sweet drinks, drinks a bottle of Coke every day, and enjoys all kinds of desserts.

As a result, diabetes was detected, and it was also accompanied by hyperlipidemia. At our suggestion, she began to reduce her intake of sweets, switch to sugar-free teas, and choose staple foods with a low GI.

After three months, her blood lipid levels dropped significantly and her physical condition improved significantly. ”

After listening to this, Uncle Wang pondered in his heart. He thought that he would eat a bowl of white rice porridge every morning and like to drink sweet soy milk.

When he got home, he decided to try adjusting his eating habits.

In the first step, he replaced the white rice porridge with oatmeal, the sweet soy milk with sugar-free soy milk, and gave up his favorite doughnut.

The United States has found that the blood that is prone to fat accumulation is too much carbohydrate? Advice: 3 things to quit as soon as possible

A month later, Uncle Wang went to the hospital for a follow-up, and the results surprised him, and his blood lipid level really dropped a lot.

He was so happy that he said, "This carbohydrate is really a big problem, Dr. Li is right!" ”

However, the story doesn't end there. Although Uncle Wang controlled his carbohydrate intake, he always felt that his body could be better.

He went to Dr. Li again and asked, "Dr. Li, I have now controlled my carbohydrate intake and my blood lipids have come down, but I still don't feel relaxed enough, is there anything I can do to make me feel better?" ”

Dr. Li nodded and said, "Uncle Wang, you have done a good job, but you can go further.

In addition to diet control, moderate exercise is also key. Walking briskly for 30 minutes a day can help increase metabolism, promote blood circulation, and reduce fat accumulation. ”

He added: "It's also important to get a good night's sleep and have a positive mindset. ”

Long-term stress and lack of sleep can affect the endocrine system, leading to fluctuations in blood sugar and blood lipids.

The United States has found that the blood that is prone to fat accumulation is too much carbohydrate? Advice: 3 things to quit as soon as possible

Doing more relaxing activities, such as listening to music and doing tai chi, is good for the body. ”

Uncle Wang nodded and decided to do so. He started going for walks in the park every morning and evening, and he also signed up for tai chi classes.

Gradually, he found that his physical condition was getting better and better, not only his blood lipids were stable, but his mental state was much better than before.

The story spread in the community, and everyone began to pay attention to their eating and lifestyle habits.

Dr. Lee's lectures are also becoming more and more popular, and more and more people are starting to realize that health is not just about controlling fat intake, but also about paying attention to carbohydrate intake.

However, the question arises: why do some people still have high blood lipid levels after controlling their carbohydrate intake, increasing exercise, and maintaining a good attitude?

In response to this question, Dr. Li gave a detailed analysis and answer in a lecture.

"Some people have high blood lipid levels, probably because of family genetics," he said.

The United States has found that the blood that is prone to fat accumulation is too much carbohydrate? Advice: 3 things to quit as soon as possible

In this group, even if the diet and lifestyle are strictly controlled, the blood lipid level will still be affected by genes. ”

"In addition, there is also the possibility of endocrine disorders, especially thyroid dysfunction.

Thyroid hormones have an important impact on metabolism, and if the thyroid gland is hypoactive and metabolism slows down, it can lead to an increase in blood lipid levels. ”

"For this group of people, in addition to controlling diet and lifestyle, professional medical examination and treatment are also required.

Blood lipid levels are controlled with medications and other treatments under the guidance of a doctor. ”

After listening to this, the residents of the community understood that health is not just about diet and exercise, there are many other factors to consider.

Everyone went to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination and adjusted their living habits according to their personal conditions.

Uncle Wang is no exception, he went for a physical examination on time and found that his physical condition has been maintained well, and he was happy.

The United States has found that the blood that is prone to fat accumulation is too much carbohydrate? Advice: 3 things to quit as soon as possible

Therefore, whether it is diet, exercise or lifestyle adjustment, it needs to be carried out according to individual circumstances in order to truly achieve the goal of health.

Everyone's physical condition is different, and only by finding the best way for you can you truly stay healthy.

In conclusion, Dr. Lee concluded, "Health is a comprehensive management that cannot be seen in just one aspect.

Diet, exercise, psychology, genetics, every factor cannot be ignored.

I hope that everyone can find the most suitable health management method for themselves and have a healthy and happy life. ”

After the lecture, Uncle Wang was deeply touched and decided to share what he heard today with more relatives and friends, so that everyone can benefit.

He is convinced that health is the greatest asset, and only by staying healthy can you enjoy more quality time.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Guo Hongwei. Correlation between pericardiac total fat volume and the risk of coronary heart disease, coronary stenosis and cardiac function in patients with hyperlipidemia, Medical Theory and Practice, 2024-05-25

The United States has found that the blood that is prone to fat accumulation is too much carbohydrate? Advice: 3 things to quit as soon as possible

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