
Is the tumor in the body rooted, just look at walking? Doctor: 4 signs of walking, seek medical attention as soon as possible

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Hurry up and save people!" In the bank hall, several customers who were queuing suddenly exclaimed.

Uncle Zhang, who was still queuing in front of the ATM machine just now, suddenly turned pale, his body was weak, and he fainted to the ground.

Uncle Zhang is 65 years old this year, a retired middle school teacher, his body is quite strong on weekdays, and he occasionally goes to the park to do tai chi, why did he suddenly faint?

Aunt Liu next to her hurriedly ran over, grabbed Uncle Zhang's shoulder and patted it gently, "Uncle Zhang, Uncle Zhang, what's wrong with you?" ”

A few minutes later, Uncle Zhang gradually woke up, looked around, and found that he was actually lying on the floor of the bank, surrounded by a circle of people.

"Don't be nervous, it may be hypoglycemia," said a good Samaritan, "sit down for a while, I'll help you get a taxi and go to the hospital quickly." ”

Uncle Zhang had palpitations, got up tremblingly, got into a taxi and went straight to the nearest hospital.

Is the tumor in the body rooted, just look at walking? Doctor: 4 signs of walking, seek medical attention as soon as possible

When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor arranged a series of examinations, and then in the consultation room, the attending doctor, Dr. Wang, solemnly said to Uncle Zhang:

"The way we walk can reveal a lot of health information, and sometimes we overlook subtle changes in the body that can hint at an underlying disease in the body."

Uncle Zhang was confused, what way to walk? He recalled how he usually walked, and there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary.

"Have you recently felt that you are always feeling inexplicably tired and weak when you walk?" Dr. Wang continued.

"There is a little bit," Uncle Zhang nodded, "I used to walk quite vigorously, but recently, I feel tired after walking a few steps, and I have to stop and rest." ”

"That's the problem," Dr. Wang explains, "there are four signs of walking that could indicate a tumor problem in the body.

The first is what you just mentioned, which is easy to get tired when walking, because tumors consume a lot of energy and nutrients in the body, resulting in fatigue. ”

Uncle Zhang frowned, as if he was digesting this information.

"The second sign is significant pain or discomfort when walking," Dr Wang continued.

Is the tumor in the body rooted, just look at walking? Doctor: 4 signs of walking, seek medical attention as soon as possible

"If you feel a dull ache in one area when you walk, such as your legs, abdomen or chest, it may be that the tumor is pressing on a nerve or organ."

Uncle Zhang thought about it, it seems that his knees have always been a little sore recently, he thought he was old and didn't take it seriously.

"The third sign is a change in the pace of walking," Dr. Wang gestured with his hand.

"If you notice that you become shaky when you walk, or your gait becomes abnormal, it could be that the tumor is affecting central nervous system or muscle function."

Uncle Zhang suddenly remembered that a few days ago, his wife said that he walked as if he was drunk and his steps were unsteady. He only thought it was because he was old at the time, but he didn't expect that there might be such a serious problem behind it.

"The last sign is that you're walking slower," Dr. Wong concludes, "and if you used to walk fast and now you're slow and you can't control it, it could be a tumor." ”

"So, I really have to pay attention," Uncle Zhang said with palpitations, "I have a little bit of these signs." ”

Doctor Wang nodded, "These signs may not be a big deal on their own, but if they are combined, plus your fainting today, you need to pay attention."

Is the tumor in the body rooted, just look at walking? Doctor: 4 signs of walking, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Next, we will do a more detailed examination to see if there is a tumor. ”

After a series of detailed examinations, it was finally confirmed that Uncle Zhang did have a small tumor in his body, although it is not big yet, but it has begun to affect his physical functions.

Dr. Wang recommended surgery as soon as possible, and reminded Uncle Zhang to pay more attention to his body signals, especially the changes in his walking style.

In the following treatment process, Uncle Zhang learned a lot of medical knowledge and began to pay attention to the health of his friends.

Once, when he was walking in the park, he met his old friend Uncle Li, and found that Uncle Li was walking in a strange posture and seemed to be a little lame.

"Uncle Li, why are you walking a little lame?" Uncle Zhang asked with concern.

"Alas, it's an old problem, it's been worse lately, maybe rheumatism." Uncle Li sighed.

Uncle Zhang was alert and recalled what the doctor had said, so he persuaded: "Uncle Li, don't underestimate the change in walking posture, it may not be just rheumatism, let's go to the hospital for a check-up." ”

Uncle Li was skeptical, but under Uncle Zhang's repeated persuasion, he still went to the hospital, and a tumor was found in the early stage.

Is the tumor in the body rooted, just look at walking? Doctor: 4 signs of walking, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Fortunately, due to the timely detection, Uncle Li recovered quickly after treatment.

Uncle Zhang was full of emotion, it turned out that the way he walked could really reveal so much health information.

Now, he observes his walking posture every morning and evening, and passes on this knowledge to his friends.

However, this raises a new question: Why do tumors affect the way people walk?

Uncle Zhang was puzzled by this question, so he consulted Dr. Wang again.

Dr Wong explains, "There are many reasons why tumors affect the way you walk.

First, the tumor may directly press on nerves and blood vessels, causing muscle weakness or pain, which can change the walking posture.

Secondly, metabolic disorders caused by tumors will consume a lot of nutrients and energy, making the body weak as a whole and affecting the stability of walking.

In addition, tumors may secrete some abnormal hormones that interfere with the normal physiological functions of the body, resulting in abnormal gait when walking. ”

"Another point is that tumors can affect the brain and central nervous system," Dr. Wang adds, "for example, brain tumors can directly affect the motor center and cause unsteady gait."

Is the tumor in the body rooted, just look at walking? Doctor: 4 signs of walking, seek medical attention as soon as possible

The discomfort and pain caused by the tumor can also cause the patient to subconsciously change the pace of walking to reduce the pain. ”

After listening to Dr. Wang's explanation, Uncle Zhang suddenly realized that the impact of tumors on the body is so complicated.

He sighed: "It seems that in the future, we elderly people should not only pay attention to diet and exercise, but also pay attention to these seemingly insignificant physical signals. ”

Through this experience, Uncle Zhang understood a truth: the body is his own, his health is also his own, and any abnormalities cannot be ignored, especially those seemingly ordinary small changes.

So, dear friends, if you or your relatives and friends have similar abnormalities when walking, don't take it lightly and seek medical attention in time to avoid greater health problems.

This begs a new question: how can potential health problems be detected early through other everyday behaviors?

For example, can subtle changes in diet, sleep, excretion, etc., also reveal the health status of the body?

It is important to know that every detail of the body is conveying a message of health, and as long as we observe carefully, we can detect potential problems earlier and take timely treatment measures.

Doctors often say, "Early detection, early treatment," which is not just a slogan, but a health warning for each and every one of us.

I hope you will pay more attention to your body in life and live a long and healthy life.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Chen Yuling. Role of secretory autophagy in tumor microenvironment, Chemistry of Life, 2024-07-02

Is the tumor in the body rooted, just look at walking? Doctor: 4 signs of walking, seek medical attention as soon as possible