
Studies have shown that there is a big difference between those who eat lettuce and those who don't! In summer, remember that "2 types of greens" are harmful

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Uncle Li, have you ever felt bloated lately, and you always have hiccups after eating?"

The doctor's question made Uncle Li's face change.

The protagonist of the story, Zhang Dazhi, alias Zhang Dazhi, is an ordinary bank clerk.

That day, he was going to the business hall to pay the electricity bill. He walked into the business hall and was met by a familiar figure.

"Oh, Zhang Dazhi, long time no see!" Old classmate Wang Ming had just been discharged from the hospital, and he greeted Zhang Dazhi warmly as soon as he saw him.

Zhang Dazhi also recognized his old classmate and quipped: "Wang Ming, I haven't seen you for a long time, why did you go to the hospital and get sick?" ”

Wang Ming smiled bitterly and said: "Don't mention it, it's just that my stomach is swollen and I always have hiccups, I went to the hospital for a checkup, and the doctor said that my gastrointestinal function is not very good, and by the way, I was reminded of some dietary precautions." ”

Zhang Dazhi asked with concern: "Then are you better now?" ”

Wang Ming nodded: "It's better, but the doctor said to pay attention to your diet, especially in summer, and not to eat indiscriminately." ”

Studies have shown that there is a big difference between those who eat lettuce and those who don't! In summer, remember that "2 types of greens" are harmful

When Zhang Dazhi heard this, he immediately became interested: "When you talk about food, I really have some experience." Recent studies have shown that there is a big difference between people who eat lettuce and those who don't! ”

When Wang Ming heard this, he raised his eyebrows: "Oh? What else can be the difference between eating lettuce and not eating it? ”

Zhang Dazhi saw that his old classmates were interested, so he began to talk endlessly. "Did you know that lettuce is actually a very healthy vegetable, especially in the summer, and eating lettuce has a lot of benefits for the body? People who don't eat lettuce may miss out on a lot of health benefits. ”

Wang Ming asked curiously, "What do you say?" ”

Zhang Dazhi explains: "First of all, lettuce is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A and potassium. Vitamin A is good for the eyes, while potassium helps regulate blood pressure. In summer, it is hot, sweats a lot, and the body is prone to potassium deficiency, so eating lettuce can be a good supplement. ”

Wang Ming nodded: "It's really good to say this, people are indeed prone to sweating in summer, and potassium is also important." ”

Zhang Dazhi continued: "Secondly, lettuce also helps with gastrointestinal health. Lettuce is high in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation. Moreover, lettuce also has a certain diuretic effect, which helps to drain excess water from the body and prevent edema. ”

Wang Ming touched his stomach: "I see, no wonder the doctor always says to eat more vegetables." ”

Zhang Dazhi continued: "Not only that, but the study also found that people who eat lettuce regularly have a much lower incidence of cardiovascular disease than those who do not eat lettuce. The polyphenolic compounds in lettuce help lower cholesterol and protect the cardiovascular system. ”

Studies have shown that there is a big difference between those who eat lettuce and those who don't! In summer, remember that "2 types of greens" are harmful

Wang Ming smiled and said, "It seems that I will eat more lettuce in the future, but are these the differences you just mentioned?" It doesn't feel shocking enough. ”

Zhang Dazhi smiled mysteriously: "Of course it's more than that. In fact, there are two other particularly important aspects, the doctor told me that the difference between people who eat lettuce and those who don't eat lettuce is their immunity and anti-cancer ability. ”

When Wang Ming heard this, he immediately became interested: "Tell me quickly, what's going on?" ”

Zhang Dazhi explained: "According to the latest research, lettuce contains a substance called chlorogenic acid, which has a strong antioxidant capacity and can enhance immunity against foreign viruses and bacteria. It is easy to get sick in summer, and eating more lettuce can strengthen the resistance. ”

Wang Ming nodded: "Sounds good, but what's going on with anti-cancer?" ”

Zhang continued: "The chlorogenic acid and other polyphenolic compounds in lettuce can also inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells. Studies have shown that people who eat lettuce regularly have a much lower chance of developing certain cancers than those who don't. ”

Studies have shown that there is a big difference between those who eat lettuce and those who don't! In summer, remember that "2 types of greens" are harmful

In order to convince Wang Ming more, Zhang Dazhi also gave an example:

For example, a study in the United States followed the eating habits and health of 5,000 adults over a long period of time. It was found that those who regularly consumed lettuce had a 35% lower risk of colon cancer than those who did not. Also, these people have a lower overall cancer rate. ”

After listening to this, Wang Ming couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect a small lettuce to have so many benefits." ”

Zhang Dazhi said with a smile: "Therefore, the impact of eating habits on health is very large. The doctor also reminded me that there are two types of vegetables in summer that must be eaten less, or even not eaten, otherwise it will be harmful to the body. ”

When Wang Ming heard this, he quickly asked, "Which two types of greens?" ”

Zhang Dazhi said seriously: "The first category is green vegetables with high oxalic acid content, such as spinach.

Sweating a lot in summer makes it easy for the body to lose calcium, and the oxalic acid in spinach will combine with calcium to form calcium oxalate, which affects the absorption of calcium, and long-term intake of high oxalic acid foods can easily lead to kidney stones. ”

Wang Ming nodded in understanding: "I see, what about the second category?" ”

Studies have shown that there is a big difference between those who eat lettuce and those who don't! In summer, remember that "2 types of greens" are harmful

Zhang Dazhi continued: "The second category is green vegetables that contain a lot of pesticide residues, such as some out-of-season vegetables. Summer itself is prone to heat stroke and food poisoning, and if you eat these vegetables with high pesticide residues, your body is easily harmed. Therefore, doctors recommend choosing seasonal, fresh, and organic vegetables as much as possible in summer. ”

After listening to this, Wang Ming said with deep feelings: "It seems that the diet in summer really can't be sloppy, thank you, Zhang Dazhi, I learned a lot today." ”

Zhang Dazhi waved his hand: "You're welcome, everyone is an old classmate." Health problems should not be sloppy, and you must pay more attention to them. ”

The two chatted for a while, and Zhang Dazhi suddenly remembered a question, he asked: "By the way, Wang Ming, did the doctor tell you why some people still have gastrointestinal problems after eating a lot of lettuce, while some people eat very little but are very healthy?" ”

When Wang Ming heard this, his brows furrowed slightly: "I didn't ask this carefully, what's going on?" ”

Zhang Dazhi explains: "Actually, this question involves the combined influence of individual differences and eating habits. Although lettuce is beneficial for most people, everyone's constitution is different and the digestive system functions differently. Some people have weak gastrointestinal function and may be sensitive to certain foods, even healthy vegetables, which can trigger discomfort. ”

Studies have shown that there is a big difference between those who eat lettuce and those who don't! In summer, remember that "2 types of greens" are harmful

In order to better explain this problem, Zhang Dazhi gave a specific case: "For example, there is a patient, Ms. Li, who has been eating lettuce for a long time but has been suffering from gastrointestinal discomfort. Doctors found that she was allergic to certain ingredients in lettuce, causing indigestion. Therefore, the doctor advised her to switch to other vegetables rich in dietary fiber, and her symptoms improved significantly. ”

After Wang Ming heard this, he suddenly realized: "I see, it seems that even if it is a healthy food, you have to choose it according to your own physique." ”

Zhang Dazhi nodded: "That's right, everyone's eating habits and physique are different, and they can't be generalized." The key is to find a diet that works for you so that you can really benefit. ”

Zhang Dazhi concluded: "In short, a healthy diet is the foundation for maintaining good health, and there are many benefits to eating lettuce, but it is also necessary to pay attention to individual differences and a balanced diet. At the same time, it is important to choose safe and healthy ingredients in summer to avoid unnecessary health risks. ”

At this point in the story, Zhang Dazhi and Wang Ming have a clear answer in their hearts, and the two cherish each other and go home separately. And Zhang Dazhi also has a new question in his heart:

Why are some vegetables good for some people and potentially bad for others?

Studies have shown that there is a big difference between those who eat lettuce and those who don't! In summer, remember that "2 types of greens" are harmful

The impact of vegetables on different groups of people mainly depends on the individual's physique, health status and digestive system. Everyone's genes, immune system, and digestive enzymes are different, so they react differently to the same food.

Genetic differences lead to different sensitivities in individuals to food components. For example, some people are born with allergies to the ingredients in certain vegetables and may experience uncomfortable symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain after consuming them, while these ingredients are completely harmless to others.

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Ancient Oasis

Studies have shown that there is a big difference between those who eat lettuce and those who don't! In summer, remember that "2 types of greens" are harmful


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