
If you are over 40 years old, you have to quit chives as soon as possible! Doctor: People who are prone to problems love to eat two types

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Director Li, have you eaten a lot of chives during this time?"

Dr. Zhang asked with a smile.

Director Li was stunned for a moment, he had just finished an examination in the hospital and was about to go to the business hall to pay the electricity bill, when he happened to meet Dr. Zhang, an old classmate he hadn't seen for many years.

Director Li has just turned 40 this year, and is a creative director of an advertising agency. Recently, he has always felt sick to his stomach, so he went to the hospital today for a check-up.

"Ah, chives? I really like to eat, especially when I stir-fry, I always like to put more on it. Director Li replied truthfully.

"Well, that's not going to work," Dr. Zhang said with a serious face, "and when you're over forty, you have to quit chives as soon as possible!" Many people who are prone to problems love to eat chives. ”

Director Li was confused and asked, "What else can be wrong with this chives?" I thought it was a good thing. ”

Dr. Zhang smiled and said, "You may not know that although chives are delicious, they are really not very friendly to some people. Especially those of you who are in your forties. ”

If you are over 40 years old, you have to quit chives as soon as possible! Doctor: People who are prone to problems love to eat two types

Director Li became even more curious when he heard this, and urged Dr. Zhang to hurry up and make it clear.

Dr. Cheung then elaborated on a detailed explanation:

"Chives, as a common seasoned vegetable, are rich in vitamin C, vitamin K and fiber. Moderate consumption is good for the body, but for some people, especially those over the age of 40, it may bring some health risks. ”

"What are the specific hidden dangers?" Director Li asked.

"First of all, there are gastrointestinal problems." Dr. Zhang began to explain in detail, "Chives contain a lot of fiber, which may increase the burden on the stomach and intestines for some people with weak gastrointestinal function. Especially as we get older, our gastrointestinal function begins to decline, and excessive consumption of chives can easily lead to symptoms such as indigestion, bloating, and abdominal pain. ”

Director Li nodded, he has often felt uncomfortable in his stomach recently, and it seems that it does have a relationship.

"Secondly," Dr. Zhang continued, "chives are spicy foods that contain volatile spicy ingredients that have a stimulating effect on the gastric mucosa. Long-term excessive consumption may trigger gastritis and even increase the risk of stomach ulcers. ”

If you are over 40 years old, you have to quit chives as soon as possible! Doctor: People who are prone to problems love to eat two types

Hearing this, Director Li couldn't help but be a little nervous and asked, "Then what should I do now?" Do you want to quit chives completely? ”

Dr. Zhang shook his head and said, "I won't quit completely, but I must control the amount, and I can't eat it every day, especially not too much at one time." ”

To further illustrate, Dr. Zhang also told Director Li about a real case:

"I have a patient, surnamed Wang, 42 years old, who is a food lover and especially likes to eat chives. He had to add a lot of chives to his meals every day, but he recently came to the hospital for a check-up because of stomach pain and found that it was chronic gastritis. After we learned more about his eating habits, we advised him to reduce his intake of chives, and after a few months, his stomach pain symptoms were significantly relieved. ”

Director Li nodded frequently when he heard this, and felt that he would have to pay attention to his diet in the future.

Dr. Zhang continued, "In addition to gastrointestinal problems, chives are not very friendly to people with high blood pressure. Chives contain a certain amount of sodium, although the amount is not much, but for patients with high blood pressure who need to strictly control sodium intake, long-term excessive consumption may also adversely affect blood pressure control. ”

"So besides chives, what other foods should I pay attention to?" Director Li couldn't help but ask.

If you are over 40 years old, you have to quit chives as soon as possible! Doctor: People who are prone to problems love to eat two types

"In fact, in addition to chives, there are also some spicy and pungent foods, such as chili peppers, garlic, etc., which need to be eaten in moderation. Especially after middle age, various body functions begin to decline, and it is more important to pay attention to the balance and health of the diet. Dr. Zhang explained.

Director Li carefully wrote down these suggestions and said with emotion: "I really didn't expect that such an ordinary chives would be so exquisite." It seems that more attention will be paid in the future. ”

Dr. Zhang smiled and patted him on the shoulder, saying:

"In fact, healthy eating is a long-term process, and the key is to find a diet that works for you. It's not that chives can't be eaten, but they must be in moderation, especially for busy middle-aged people like you, and you should pay more attention to the indicators of your body. ”

Director Li thanked Dr. Zhang and decided to pay attention to his diet in the future and stop eating chives.

The two chatted for a while, and Dr. Zhang took his leave after seeing that it was not too early. Director Li continued to go to the business hall to pay the electricity bill, but he kept thinking about Dr. Zhang's words in his heart.

After Director Li returned home, he immediately looked up various information about chives on the Internet. He found that Dr. Zhang's words were indeed well-founded. Although chives are rich in nutrients, excessive consumption can indeed have adverse effects on the gastrointestinal tract, blood pressure, etc. Moreover, there are many research data to support this.

If you are over 40 years old, you have to quit chives as soon as possible! Doctor: People who are prone to problems love to eat two types

For example, a survey of 2,000 people over the age of 40 showed that 30% of those who consumed large amounts of chives over a long period of time reported varying degrees of gastrointestinal discomfort, while those who controlled their intake significantly reduced the incidence of discomfort.

In addition, another study showed that the spicy component in chives increases the irritation of the gastric mucosa, and long-term consumption may lead to a 25% increase in the incidence of gastritis. These data further validate Dr. Zhang's words.

Director Li also learned that some ingredients in chives are indeed not friendly to patients with certain diseases. For example, patients with high blood pressure need to strictly control their sodium intake, and although the sodium content of chives is not high, if they are eaten every day, the cumulative intake cannot be ignored.

In order to better understand this knowledge, Director Li also read some doctors' recommendations. He found that many doctors emphasised that after the age of 40, various body functions began to decline, and they needed to be more cautious in their diet. Especially spicy and irritating foods, eating them in moderation is good for health, but excessive consumption can cause many problems.

In the end, Director Li decided that the diet in the future must be diversified and no longer rely on a single food. Especially condiments like chives should be controlled in moderation and try to avoid overstimulation of the body.

At the end of the story, Director Li not only understood the dietary taboo of chives, but also deeply realized the importance of a healthy diet.

If you are over 40 years old, you have to quit chives as soon as possible! Doctor: People who are prone to problems love to eat two types

He decided to make a scientific and reasonable diet plan to ensure that he could maintain a healthy body even during his busy work.

On this day, Director Li not only solved the problem of electricity bills, but also unexpectedly gained valuable health knowledge. The conversation between the two benefited him a lot, and he decided to talk to his old classmate Dr. Zhang regularly in the future to learn more about health.

Question Discussion: Why does spicy food have such a significant impact on the health of certain populations, especially middle-aged people?

In explaining this problem, Dr. Zhang analyzed in detail the mechanism of action of spicy foods on the human body.

First of all, the capsaicin, volatile oil and other components in spicy foods have a stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and long-term consumption will cause damage to the gastric mucosa and increase the risk of gastritis and gastric ulcers. Secondly, these ingredients also stimulate the nervous system, causing a faster heartbeat and higher blood pressure, especially for people with high blood pressure, it is especially important to control the intake of these spicy foods.

In addition, middle-aged people have a relatively low tolerance to spicy foods due to the gradual decline in physical functions, and the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system are not as strong as when they were young.

Long-term intake of spicy foods in large quantities can easily cause a series of health problems, such as indigestion, stomach pain, and blood pressure fluctuations.

If you are over 40 years old, you have to quit chives as soon as possible! Doctor: People who are prone to problems love to eat two types

Therefore, after the age of 40, it is important to reduce the intake of spicy foods and maintain a light and balanced diet to maintain good health.

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If you are over 40 years old, you have to quit chives as soon as possible! Doctor: People who are prone to problems love to eat two types



If you are over 40 years old, you have to quit chives as soon as possible! Doctor: People who are prone to problems love to eat two types