
In addition to coughing, having these two reactions is an early warning of coronary heart disease! The elderly should take precautions in advance

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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Early signs of coronary heart disease are not limited to:

Atypical symptoms such as difficulty breathing and chest tightness, epigastric pain, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, palpitations, and cold sweats may also be manifestations of heart problems.

Middle-aged and elderly people should be vigilant against these symptoms and seek medical examination in time.

One day at noon, two old friends met, which was very cordial, but it sparked a discussion about health.

"It's Dawei, what a coincidence! I just came out after a physical examination, no, the doctor said that my blood pressure was a little high, and said to pay attention to my body. ”

Liu Dawei asked with concern, "Are you okay?" Did the doctor say anything to look out for? ”

Li Feng waved his hand: "Fortunately, you have to pay more attention to diet and rest." By the way, how are you feeling lately? Is there anything wrong with your body? ”

In addition to coughing, having these two reactions is an early warning of coronary heart disease! The elderly should take precautions in advance

Liu Dawei sighed:

"Alas, don't mention it, I've been feeling tight in my chest lately, and I'm still out of breath. Some time ago, I had an old cough, I went to the hospital to see it, and the doctor said it was a common cold and asked me to drink more water. However, why does this symptom not get better? ”

When Li Feng heard this, he frowned: "You have to pay attention to this, I heard that some symptoms are not as simple as a cold, and they are likely to be an early sign of coronary heart disease!" ”

Liu Dawei was stunned: "Coronary heart disease? Isn't that easy for the elderly? ”

Li Feng said seriously: "Don't underestimate this disease, many middle-aged people will also get it." Did you know that in addition to coughing, there are two other reactions that are particularly noteworthy. ”

When Liu Dawei heard this, he hurriedly asked, "Which two reactions?" ”

Li Feng said: "The first one is difficulty breathing. A typical symptom of coronary heart disease is that you may also feel breathless at rest, especially at night when lying down. This is because the coronary arteries do not supply enough blood, resulting in a lack of oxygen to the heart muscle, which in turn affects the normal function of the lungs. ”

Liu Dawei asked suspiciously: "Then how to tell if it is caused by coronary heart disease?" ”

In addition to coughing, having these two reactions is an early warning of coronary heart disease! The elderly should take precautions in advance

Li Feng explained:

In addition to coughing, having these two reactions is an early warning of coronary heart disease! The elderly should take precautions in advance

In order to make Liu Dawei more clear, Li Feng also gave an example:

"There is a patient, Lao Li, who is in his 50s, who always thought he had chronic bronchitis, but a physical examination found that he had coronary heart disease. His symptom was that he always felt out of breath when he slept at night, and later the doctor asked him to do an electrocardiogram to find out what the problem was. ”

After listening to this, Liu Dawei's face was a little solemn: "Hearing you say this, I really have to pay attention, what is the second reaction?" ”

Li Feng continued: "The second is chest tightness, especially persistent chest tightness. Many people think that chest tightness is short-lived, but in fact, if you often feel like a stone in your chest, especially after exercise, it is likely that the heart is alarming. ”

Liu Dawei frowned: "I always feel chest tightness recently, and I thought it was caused by high work pressure and poor rest." ”

In addition to coughing, having these two reactions is an early warning of coronary heart disease! The elderly should take precautions in advance

Li Feng nodded:

"Stress is a factor, but chest tightness in coronary heart disease usually doesn't go away with rest. It is a persistent feeling of pressure, often accompanied by symptoms such as rapid heartbeat and cold sweats. If you feel this way, be sure to go to the hospital as soon as possible for a detailed examination. ”

In order to make Liu Dawei pay more attention, Li Feng also mentioned some data:

"According to statistics, more than 30% of middle-aged and elderly people with chest tightness symptoms are diagnosed with coronary heart disease. Moreover, this feeling of tightness in the chest can often be mistaken for another medical condition, delaying treatment. ”

Liu Dawei sighed: "I didn't expect this little chest tightness and dyspnea to be a sign of coronary heart disease." Looks like I'm going to have to go to the hospital for a check-up. ”

Li Feng patted Zhang Dali's shoulder: "Yes, the body is the capital of the revolution, don't wait until the problem is serious to regret it." Usually pay attention to diet, exercise more, and have regular physical examinations to find problems in time. ”

Liu Dawei nodded, and secretly decided in his heart that he would go to the hospital for a good examination when he went back.

In addition to coughing, having these two reactions is an early warning of coronary heart disease! The elderly should take precautions in advance

At this point in the story, Liu Dawei has understood the early signs of coronary heart disease and began to pay attention to his health problems. Li Feng continued to share some knowledge about the prevention of coronary heart disease.

李风 says:

In addition to coughing, having these two reactions is an early warning of coronary heart disease! The elderly should take precautions in advance

Liu Dawei asked, "What foods are rich in vitamins C and E?" ”

Li Feng replied: "For example, citrus fruits, strawberries, spinach, cauliflower, almonds, peanuts, etc. Not only are these foods delicious, but they also help a lot with heart health. ”

Liu Dawei kept it in mind and asked again: "Is there anything else to pay attention to?" ”

Li Feng continued:

In addition to coughing, having these two reactions is an early warning of coronary heart disease! The elderly should take precautions in advance

Liu Dawei nodded: "I know this, but I am usually busy with work, and it is difficult to persevere." ”

In addition to coughing, having these two reactions is an early warning of coronary heart disease! The elderly should take precautions in advance

Li Feng said with a smile: "Exercise does not have to be concentrated together, it can be spread out throughout the day, such as walking to and from work and walking during lunch break, which can have a good effect." ”

Liu Dawei sighed: "That's right, it seems that I have to adjust my work and rest time." ”

Li Feng added:

In addition to coughing, having these two reactions is an early warning of coronary heart disease! The elderly should take precautions in advance

Liu Dawei smiled bitterly: "This is a bit difficult, but for the sake of health, you still have to control it." ”

Li Feng nodded and said, "Yes, health is the most important." In addition, regular medical checkups are also essential. Especially if you are over 40 years old, you should have an annual cardiovascular check-up to detect potential health problems early. ”

Liu Dawei said: "Thank you, Li Ming, I really benefited a lot today. Looks like I'm going to have to plan my health management well. ”

Li Feng patted him on the shoulder: "You're welcome, everyone is a friend." Usually pay more attention and get sick less in order to live more comfortably. ”

In addition to coughing, having these two reactions is an early warning of coronary heart disease! The elderly should take precautions in advance

At this point, the exchange between Liu Dawei and Li Feng came to an end, and Zhang Dali had a clear direction of health management in his heart.

However, this begs a new question: in addition to dyspnea and chest tightness, are there any other atypical symptoms that could also be early signs of coronary heart disease?

This question needs to be further analyzed and answered.

In addition to dyspnea and chest tightness, early signs of coronary heart disease may include the following atypical symptoms:

1. Upper abdominal pain:

Coronary heart disease sometimes presents with discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen rather than typical chest pain. This pain is often mistaken for stomach problems or indigestion, delaying treatment.

2. Dizziness or syncope:

In addition to coughing, having these two reactions is an early warning of coronary heart disease! The elderly should take precautions in advance

3. Nausea and vomiting:

During a coronary heart attack, some people experience nausea and vomiting, especially after strenuous exercise or emotional stress.

In addition to coughing, having these two reactions is an early warning of coronary heart disease! The elderly should take precautions in advance

4. Fatigue and weakness:

In addition to coughing, having these two reactions is an early warning of coronary heart disease! The elderly should take precautions in advance

5. Heart palpitations:

Patients with coronary heart disease may feel abnormal heartbeats, such as rapid heartbeat, irregular heartbeat, etc. These symptoms are often accompanied by chest tightness or difficulty breathing.

6. Breaking a cold sweat:

During a coronary heart attack, people may suddenly break out in cold sweats, which are often caused by pain or panic.

In addition to coughing, having these two reactions is an early warning of coronary heart disease! The elderly should take precautions in advance

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Ancient Oasis

In addition to coughing, having these two reactions is an early warning of coronary heart disease! The elderly should take precautions in advance
