
Once a man is over the age of 49, he is susceptible to 3 diseases, one common and two can be avoided in advance

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Uncle Wang, have you been feeling tired and dizzy lately?"

The doctor looked at the medical records and asked earnestly.

Zhang Dali is a middle-level manager of a company. On this day, he was queuing up to pay the electricity bill in the business hall, when suddenly, he saw a familiar figure walking from the side.

"Yo, isn't this the old classmate Li Ming? How did you get out of the hospital? Zhang Dali shouted.

Li Ming stopped, turned his head and looked, sure enough, it was his old classmate Zhang Dali, so he walked over and said with a smile: "Oh, Dali, long time no see!" I just came out after a physical examination, and the doctor said that I had a small health problem and asked me to pay attention. ”

Zhang Dali asked with concern, "Are you okay?" What do doctors say? ”

Li Ming smiled bitterly and said, "Don't mention it, the doctor said that I am old, almost 50 years old, and some diseases are inevitable, but there are two kinds that can be prevented in advance." ”

When Zhang Dali heard this, he immediately became interested: "Oh? What kind of illness are they? ”

Once a man is over the age of 49, he is susceptible to 3 diseases, one common and two can be avoided in advance

Li Ming sat down and began to talk about the doctor's advice.

"Doctors say that men who have passed the age of 49 are particularly susceptible to three diseases. One of them is a common cardiovascular disease, and the other two can be prevented to reduce the risk – diabetes and prostate problems. ”

Zhang Dali asked suspiciously:

"Cardiovascular disease? I've heard that, but why is 49 a key point? ”

Li Ming explained: "The doctor said that as we age, the blood vessels gradually harden, and blood lipids tend to rise. Especially after the age of 49, the metabolism in the body slows down, and the cardiovascular burden increases. Therefore, men at this age should pay special attention to blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar. ”

In order to make Zhang Dali more clear, Li Ming gave an example:

"For example, Lao Zhao of our unit had a heart attack when he was 50 years old, but fortunately he was rescued in time to save his life. Later, the doctor said that he usually did not pay attention to diet and exercise, and he was stressed, so he suddenly became ill. ”

After listening to this, Zhang Dali's face was a little solemn: "It seems that cardiovascular problems really can't be ignored." ”

Li Ming nodded: "Yes, the doctor recommends that people over the age of 49 should have regular physical examinations to monitor blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar." At the same time, eat less high-fat, high-salt foods, exercise more, and maintain a healthy weight. ”

Zhang Dali thought thoughtfully: "What about diabetes and prostate problems?" ”

Once a man is over the age of 49, he is susceptible to 3 diseases, one common and two can be avoided in advance

Li Ming continued: "Diabetes is also a big problem, especially when modern people have poor eating habits and are prone to excessive sugar and fat intake. Doctors say the key to preventing diabetes is to control your diet and maintain your weight, eat less sweet and greasy foods, and eat more vegetables and whole grains. ”

Zhang Dali nodded and said, "I've heard of this, diabetes is indeed related to diet." ”

In order to make Zhang Dali clearer, Li Ming talked about another case:

"There is a patient, Xiao Wang, who was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 45, and the doctor said that he usually likes to drink sugary drinks and always eats supper at night. Later, he changed his eating habits and controlled his blood sugar, and his condition improved. ”

Zhang Dali sighed: "It seems that eating habits are really important. ”

Li Ming added: "As for prostate problems, doctors said that when you are older, the prostate gland is prone to hyperplasia, resulting in problems such as difficulty urinating, frequent urination, and urgency. Although prostatic hyperplasia is a benign condition, it can develop into prostate cancer if prevention is not taken into account. ”

Zhang Dali frowned: "This sounds very troublesome, is there any way to prevent it?" ”

Li Ming smiled: "The doctor recommends that you usually drink more water, avoid holding urine for a long time, and have regular prostate examinations." Especially people with a family history should pay more attention to these issues. ”

Zhang Dali nodded: "This reminds me that I always forget to drink water when I am busy." ”

Once a man is over the age of 49, he is susceptible to 3 diseases, one common and two can be avoided in advance

Li Ming continued:

By the way, the doctor also mentioned that moderate exercise can also help prevent these diseases. In particular, aerobic exercise, such as jogging, swimming, cycling, etc., can not only enhance cardiopulmonary function, but also promote blood circulation throughout the body and reduce prostate problems. ”

In order to make Zhang Dali clearer, Li Ming gave an example again: "Lao Liu in our community goes to the park to run every morning, and now he is in his 60s, and he is still in good health. Doctors say his health has a lot to do with his long-term adherence to exercise. ”

Zhang Dali agrees: "It seems that exercise is really a good way to prevent diseases. ”

Li Ming patted him on the shoulder: "That's right, health is no trivial matter, especially at our age, we should pay more attention." ”

The two chatted for a while, and Zhang Dali suddenly thought of a question: "By the way, Li Ming, did the doctor say that why some people are still very healthy when they are old, while some people are prone to these diseases?" ”

Li Ming thought for a while and said: "The doctor said that this problem is quite complicated, involving genetic factors, living habits, dietary structure and psychological pressure and other reasons. ”

In order to better explain this problem, Li Ming gave a specific example: "For example, Lao Chen in our unit, his family has not had cardiovascular disease for several generations, so he has always been in good health. But our other colleague, Xiao Li, whose father is a heart patient, has always paid special attention to his diet and exercise to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. ”

Once a man is over the age of 49, he is susceptible to 3 diseases, one common and two can be avoided in advance

Zhang Dali thought thoughtfully: "It turns out that genetic factors are also an important influencing factor. ”

Li Ming nodded and said, "Yes, but even people with a family history can greatly reduce the risk of disease through good living habits and diet." The key is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. ”

Zhang Dali said: "Thank you, Li Ming, I really benefited a lot today. It seems that I need to plan my health management well. ”

Li Ming smiled and said, "You're welcome, everyone is a friend." Health problems should not be sloppy, and you must pay more attention to them. ”

At this point in the story, the exchange between Zhang Dali and Li Ming came to an end, and Zhang Dali had a clear direction of health management in his heart. However, this begs a new question: in addition to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and prostate problems, what are the other common health problems that men need to pay special attention to once they reach the age of 49?

This question needs to be further analyzed and answered.

Once a man is over the age of 49, he is susceptible to 3 diseases, one common and two can be avoided in advance

In addition to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and prostate problems, men over the age of 49 need to pay special attention to the following common health problems:

1. Osteoporosis:

Once a man is over the age of 49, he is susceptible to 3 diseases, one common and two can be avoided in advance

Studies have shown that men lose bone density at a faster rate after the age of 50, so special attention needs to be paid to calcium and vitamin D intake. It is advisable to spend more time in the sun and increase your intake of calcium-based foods such as milk, soy products and dark green vegetables.

2. Sleep Disorders:

Once a man is over the age of 49, he is susceptible to 3 diseases, one common and two can be avoided in advance

3. Liver Disease:

Once a man is over the age of 49, he is susceptible to 3 diseases, one common and two can be avoided in advance

In summary, once men pass the age of 49, in addition to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and prostate problems, they also need to pay special attention to osteoporosis, sleep disorders and liver disease.

Through a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, and good work and rest habits, you can effectively prevent these health problems and maintain good health.

Once a man is over the age of 49, he is susceptible to 3 diseases, one common and two can be avoided in advance

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Ancient Oasis

Once a man is over the age of 49, he is susceptible to 3 diseases, one common and two can be avoided in advance


[1] Shi Yalei, Cheng Wanjun, Deng Risen. Professor Zhang Minjian's experience in using Fuyang thought in the treatment of male diseases[J].Clinical Research in Traditional Chinese Medicine,2021,13(08):100-102.)

Once a man is over the age of 49, he is susceptible to 3 diseases, one common and two can be avoided in advance

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