
Doctors dissected 3,318 cancer deaths and found the pattern of cancer deaths: these three groups of people are susceptible to cancer

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Dr. Chen, you say, how can you not get sick?" Zhang Xiaoming was stunned for a long time at the mobile phone screen, this question came so suddenly.

Zhang Xiaoming, an ordinary bank clerk, has been a little annoying recently, and his electricity bill has been in arrears for several months, so he has to go to the business office to pay the bill in person today. On this hot day, there were many people in line, and he was bored with his mobile phone, thinking about his recent health condition, and couldn't help but sigh like this.

Doctors dissected 3,318 cancer deaths and found the pattern of cancer deaths: these three groups of people are susceptible to cancer

"Xiao Ming? You're paying your electricity bill here, too? A familiar voice sounded, and when he looked back, it was actually his old classmate Wang Qiang. Wang Qiang had just been discharged from the hospital, and his spirit did not look very good, so the two exchanged a few words and began to talk about health issues.

"Wang Qiang, why is your face so bad? Sick? Zhang Xiaoming asked with concern.

"Hey, don't mention it, during this period of hospitalization, the doctor asked me to do a lot of tests, saying that I was at high risk of cancer. You say, "Why is this so unlucky?" Wang Qiang sighed.

"What? Cancer? You've got to be careful! Zhang Xiaoming was startled and hurriedly asked Wang Qiang what was going on.

Wang Qiang recalled: "The doctor told me a lot of things, but in summary, there are three types of people who are most likely to get cancer. Do you know what the three are? ”

Doctors dissected 3,318 cancer deaths and found the pattern of cancer deaths: these three groups of people are susceptible to cancer

"I really don't know, let's talk about it." Zhang Xiaoming couldn't wait to ask.

Wang Qiang smiled mysteriously and said, "Don't worry, let's find a cool place to sit down and talk slowly." ”

So, the two walked into a nearby teahouse, ordered two glasses of cold drinks, and Wang Qiang began to talk about his experience.

"When I was hospitalized, I met an old doctor named Chen Zhiqiang, who was very experienced, and he had dissected the bodies of 3,318 cancer victims and came to some conclusions. He said there are three groups of people who are particularly vulnerable to cancer. ”

Zhang Xiaoming took a sip of his drink and asked anxiously, "What are the three categories?" ”

"First of all, people who stay up late for a long time. Dr Tan said he had seen too many people who had their immune systems break down because of staying up late, and as a result, various cancers came to their door. Wang Qiang said solemnly.

Doctors dissected 3,318 cancer deaths and found the pattern of cancer deaths: these three groups of people are susceptible to cancer

Zhang Xiaoming slapped his thigh and said angrily: "It's over, it's over, don't I belong to this category?" I work in a bank, work overtime every day, and often stay up late until the early hours of the morning at night. ”

"No, the doctor said that staying up late will disrupt the body's biological clock, affect hormone secretion, and in the long run, the body's self-repair ability will decline, and cancer cells will grow more easily." Wang Qiang then explained.

Zhang Xiaoming nodded, with a heavy heart: "What about the second category?" ”

"The second group is people who eat irregular diets and love to eat junk food. Did you know that when Dr. Chan performed an autopsy, he found that many cancer patients had very bad stomachs and intestines, and many of them usually liked to eat fried, pickled, and high-sugar and high-fat foods? Wang Qiang said, shaking his head.

"I usually like to eat fast food, and it's pretty bad." Zhang Xiaoming said embarrassedly.

Doctors dissected 3,318 cancer deaths and found the pattern of cancer deaths: these three groups of people are susceptible to cancer

"The doctor especially emphasized that it is necessary to eat more vegetables and fruits and maintain a balanced diet. Those who love to eat junk food are prone to problems due to heavy gastrointestinal burden and toxin accumulation. Wang Qiang added.

Zhang Xiaoming sighed helplessly: "What about the third category?" ”

Wang Qiang showed a wry smile: "The third category is people who have been stressed for a long time and are in a bad mood. Doctors say that many cancer patients have long-term experience of excessive stress, and the body's immunity will decrease, and cancer cells will be more likely to take advantage of the weakness. ”

"Oh, I work in a bank, and the pressure is quite high." Zhang Xiaoming smiled bitterly.

"Doctors also say that stressed people are prone to endocrine disorders and low immunity, which are important factors that can trigger cancer." Wang Qiang sighed.

After listening to Wang Qiang's explanation, Zhang Xiaoming fell into deep thought. He accounts for almost all of the characteristics of these three types of people.

"What can I do?" Zhang Xiaoming asked worriedly.

"Dr. Chan gave me some advice, you can try it too. First, get enough sleep and try not to stay up late. Second, adjust your eating habits, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less junk food. Finally, learn to de-stress and maintain a good mindset. Wang Qiang said earnestly.

Doctors dissected 3,318 cancer deaths and found the pattern of cancer deaths: these three groups of people are susceptible to cancer

Zhang Xiaoming nodded and decided to change his lifestyle from today.

Just when the two were chatting passionately, a person came in at the door of the teahouse, and it was Dr. Chen. He saw Wang Qiang, walked over with a smile, and patted him on the shoulder: "Wang Qiang, do you feel better?" ”

Wang Qiang hurriedly stood up and said respectfully, "Doctor Chen, thanks to your advice, I have already begun to change my habits. ”

Dr. Chen nodded and looked at Zhang Xiaoming: "Who is this?" ”

"This is my old classmate Zhang Xiaoming, who also has some health problems, and it just so happened that we talked about the three types of people you mentioned who are susceptible to cancer." Wang Qiang explained.

"Oh, is it? So how did you talk? Dr. Chan asked with a smile.

Zhang Xiaoming said with some excitement: "Dr. Chen, Wang Qiang told me about your research, which is really beneficial!" ”

Dr. Chan smiled, "That's good." In fact, the most important thing to prevent cancer is to change your lifestyle and achieve early detection and early treatment. Each of us is responsible for our own health. ”

Doctors dissected 3,318 cancer deaths and found the pattern of cancer deaths: these three groups of people are susceptible to cancer

Zhang Xiaoming nodded, and suddenly remembered a question: "Doctor Chen, are there any other specific cases of these people you are talking about that you can share to help us better understand?" ”

Dr. Chen thought for a moment and nodded, "Yes, there is a typical case that I remember very well. There was a patient named Li Daming, in his forties, who stayed up late and worked overtime for a long time, usually liked to eat fast food, and was also very stressed. As a result, one day I suddenly found that I had more stomach pain, and when I went to the hospital to check, it was already an advanced stage of stomach cancer. Only then did Li Daming realize the seriousness of the problem, but it was too late. ”

Zhang Xiaoming was shocked when he heard this: "It's really terrible, it seems that we really have to pay attention to these issues." ”

Dr Tan continued, "Actually, many cancer patients have had similar experiences. For example, there is a lady named Zhao Li, who is in her thirties, especially likes to eat fried food, and usually has great mood swings and stress. As a result, she was also diagnosed with breast cancer. The doctor advised her to change her lifestyle, and she began to pay attention to her diet, learn to reduce stress, and actively treat, and now she is recovering well. ”

Doctors dissected 3,318 cancer deaths and found the pattern of cancer deaths: these three groups of people are susceptible to cancer

Wang Qiang nodded: "Yes, these cases mentioned by Dr. Chen have given me a lot of inspiration and made me realize the importance of health. ”

Zhang Xiaoming nodded thoughtfully: "After listening to these stories, I really feel a lot." It appears that lifestyle changes are the key to cancer prevention. ”

"That's right," says Dr. Chan, "that cancer prevention is not just a matter of medicine, it's a matter of each of us' attitude towards life." Maintain good lifestyle habits and maintain a happy mood to stay away from cancer. ”

Zhang Xiaoming clenched his fists and said firmly: "I will definitely change myself from today, pay attention to diet, regular work and rest, reduce stress, and strive to be a healthy person." ”

Dr. Chan smiled with relief: "That's right, only if each of us values our own health can we have a good life." ”

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the teahouse, and Zhang Xiaoming and Wang Qiang looked curiously, and it turned out to be a group of people discussing a recent health topic.

Doctors dissected 3,318 cancer deaths and found the pattern of cancer deaths: these three groups of people are susceptible to cancer

"Dr. Chen," Zhang Xiaoming suddenly thought of a question, "since these three types of people are prone to cancer, is there any way to quickly assess whether they belong to a high-risk group?" ”

Dr. Chan nodded and said solemnly, "That's a good question. In fact, there are many health assessment tools that can help us understand our health. For example, regular medical check-ups, genetic testing, etc., can help us detect potential health problems at an early stage. Especially for people with a family history of the disease, it is even more important to have regular and comprehensive check-ups. ”

"Physical examinations and genetic testing are really useful." Zhang Xiaoming nodded thoughtfully.

"Yes," Dr Chan adds, "with these tools, we can identify problems early and take timely measures." For example, some cancers can be cured by surgery at an early stage, but if they are detected too late, the difficulty and cost of treatment will greatly increase. ”

Wang Qiang also nodded in agreement: "Dr. Chen is right, prevention first, early detection, early treatment, in order to maximize our health." ”

"Looks like I'm going to have to get a medical check-up." Zhang Xiaoming said with a smile.

"That's right, let's take action, for the sake of our own health and the happiness of our families, we should all pay attention to these issues." Dr. Chan encouraged.

Zhang Xiaoming and Wang Qiang looked at each other and smiled, and decided to take their health problems seriously from today and no longer take them lightly. In life, health is the greatest wealth, and they all understand this truth.

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[1] Yao Yifei. Analysis and Interpretation of the 2022 Global Cancer Statistical Report: A Comparison between China and the World, Chinese Journal of Basic and Clinical Cancer Studies, 2024-06-30

Doctors dissected 3,318 cancer deaths and found the pattern of cancer deaths: these three groups of people are susceptible to cancer