
Are green onions a "speeder" of blood pressure? The doctor advises: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, touch these 2 things less

author:Dr. Liang popularized science
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"Lao Li, have you paid the electricity bill? Do you remember what the doctor told you last time? ”

On a hot summer day, Li Dahua was queuing up to pay the electricity bill when he suddenly heard a familiar shout. He turned his head and saw Zhang Ming, an old classmate from high school, walking towards him, still holding the physical examination report he had just received from the hospital.

Are green onions a "speeder" of blood pressure? The doctor advises: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, touch these 2 things less

Li Dahua is a creative director of an advertising agency, and he usually has a lot of work pressure and stays up late. Today, it is rare to take time to pay the electricity bill, and when I meet my old classmates, I naturally chat. "Zhang Ming, why are you here? Looking at your face, is the physical examination report not very good? ”

Zhang Ming smiled helplessly: "It's true, I was found to have high blood pressure, and the doctor prescribed me a lot of medicines, saying that I can't eat this and can't eat that." Dahua, you should pay attention to it, the body is the capital of the revolution. ”

"High blood pressure, that's something to be aware of." Li Dahua was chatting while thinking about his recent physical condition, and he was also a little worried.

At this time, Zhang Ming suddenly lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "Do you know, the doctor said that there are two things, you must not eat more, otherwise your blood pressure will rise." ”

Are green onions a "speeder" of blood pressure? The doctor advises: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, touch these 2 things less

"What's that?" Li Dahua asked curiously.

Zhang Ming cleared his throat, as if he was telling a big secret: "It's green onions and tofu!" ”

Li Dahua was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help laughing: "Green onions and tofu? What are you kidding, how do these things affect blood pressure? ”

Zhang Ming nodded solemnly: "Really, that's what the doctor said." I didn't believe it at first, but after listening to him explain it in detail, I realized that there was a lot of truth in it. ”

It turned out that Zhang Ming's doctor cited a series of data and cases when telling this point. According to research, the incidence of high blood pressure is 20% higher in people who eat green onions more than the general population. The doctor explained that green onions contain an ingredient called sulfide, and while this ingredient has many benefits for the body, it can lead to unstable blood pressure for people with high blood pressure.

Are green onions a "speeder" of blood pressure? The doctor advises: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, touch these 2 things less

"You might be thinking, aren't green onions supposed to be good for cardiovascular health? It is true that eating green onions in moderation can help prevent arteriosclerosis, but if you eat a large amount of it every day, it can instead irritate blood vessels and cause blood pressure to rise. The doctor's words lingered in Zhang Ming's mind.

As for tofu, the problem lies in the process of making it. Many tofu tofu is made with large amounts of salt and other additives, which increase the amount of sodium in the body, which in turn can lead to an increase in blood pressure. In particular, the doctor mentioned that a study of 3,000 people with high blood pressure showed that the blood pressure control effect of people who consumed a lot of tofu for a long time was significantly less effective than those who ate less or no tofu.

"So, the doctor told me that if I want my blood pressure to be stable, it's best to touch these two things less. Anyway, I'm now blacklisting green onions and tofu. Zhang Ming said this, with a wry smile on his face.

Are green onions a "speeder" of blood pressure? The doctor advises: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, touch these 2 things less

Li Dahua was stunned when he heard it, he usually likes to eat green onions mixed with tofu, and now he really has to pay attention to it.

"However, speaking of which, did you know that there is actually one more thing that needs to be paid attention to than green onions and tofu, and that is instant noodles." Zhang Ming's words suddenly changed, and his tone became more serious.

"Instant noodles? Didn't you say green onions and tofu are the most dangerous? "Li Dahua can't keep up with the rhythm of his old classmates.

"That's right, the doctor also reminded me that instant noodles contain a lot of salt and fat, especially the very strong flavor of the seasoning packet, which is frighteningly high in sodium. Eating instant noodles for a long time will not only increase blood pressure, but also easily lead to cardiovascular diseases. ”

Zhang Ming's words made Li Dahua feel a little shocked, he didn't expect that the instant noodles he usually loved so much would have such a big hidden danger.

Are green onions a "speeder" of blood pressure? The doctor advises: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, touch these 2 things less

"You see, the doctor gave me a case, 50-year-old Uncle Wang, who usually likes to eat instant noodles, but his blood pressure was ridiculously high and he almost had a stroke. Later, the doctor adjusted his diet, and his blood pressure slowly decreased. ”

Zhang Ming continued: "Therefore, if you want to control your blood pressure, the key is to pay attention to your diet, eat less high-salt and high-fat foods, eat more vegetables and fruits, and maintain healthy lifestyle habits. ”

After listening to Zhang Ming's narration, Li Dahua fell into deep thought. As a creative director of an advertising agency, he is usually busy at work and eats irregularly, often making do with fast food, takeout and instant noodles. And now, he realizes how harmful this lifestyle is to health.

"It seems that more attention will be paid in the future. Thank you for reminding me, Zhang Ming. Let's work together to stay healthy! Li Dahua said sincerely.

Are green onions a "speeder" of blood pressure? The doctor advises: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, touch these 2 things less

The two chatted for a while, and then went home. But Li Dahua's mood could not be calmed for a long time. He began to re-examine his habits and decided to make some changes from today.

At this point in the story, readers may have a question: since green onions and tofu are potentially harmful to people with high blood pressure, how do you balance your diet in order to enjoy delicious food and stay healthy?

Actually, this question is not difficult to answer. First of all, we need to understand that no food should be consumed in excess, even if it is good for health. Green onions and tofu are beneficial to the body when consumed in moderation, but excessive amounts may have negative effects. There are several ways we can balance our diet:

Are green onions a "speeder" of blood pressure? The doctor advises: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, touch these 2 things less
  1. Eat in moderation: Foods such as green onions and tofu can be eaten in moderation, but don't consume large amounts every day. It is recommended to consume 1-2 times a week.
  2. Eat a varied diet: Eat a varied diet and don't favor one food over the other. Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and high-quality proteins, such as fish, poultry, and lean meats.
  3. Reduce salt intake: Minimize your intake of foods high in salt, including instant noodles, pickles, pickled foods, etc. When cooking, you should also take care to control the amount of salt used.
  4. Increase exercise: Proper exercise can help lower blood pressure and maintain cardiovascular health. It is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, such as brisk walking, swimming, etc.
Are green onions a "speeder" of blood pressure? The doctor advises: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, touch these 2 things less
  1. Regular check-ups: Regular check-ups can help us detect health problems in time and take appropriate measures to make adjustments.

Through the above methods, we can keep our blood pressure stable and stay away from high blood pressure while enjoying our food. A healthy lifestyle requires us to stick to it every day, starting with small things, in order to truly benefit.

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[1] Wang Jianguo. Ambulatory blood pressure characteristics and influencing factors in elderly patients with hypertension, Chinese Journal of Geriatric Multi-organ Diseases, 2024-01-28

Are green onions a "speeder" of blood pressure? The doctor advises: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure, touch these 2 things less