
In summer, the air is hot and stuffy, and the elderly have a heart attack at its peak, and the two "bad habits" should be vigilant, which will be very serious

author:Dr. Liang popularized science
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"Heart attacks are often caught off guard, especially in the hot and humid summer weather, and the elderly should be especially careful." Dr. Zhao's voice echoed through the health talks at the community rehabilitation centre. Uncle Li was originally just passing by, he had just finished paying the phone bill from the business hall, and when he saw the bustle in the health care center, his curiosity drove him in, and he sat in the back row and listened.

Uncle Li is 65 years old this year, and before his retirement, he was a senior power engineer and worked hard all his life. After retirement, he walked and fished every day, and lived a leisurely life. Listening to Dr. Zhao's lecture today aroused his concern about health issues.

In summer, the air is hot and stuffy, and the elderly have a heart attack at its peak, and the two "bad habits" should be vigilant, which will be very serious

"We elderly people should pay special attention to heart health in summer, there are two bad habits in life that can easily lead to heart attack." Dr. Zhao continued.

The first bad habit: I like cold drinks. "In the summer, many people like to drink cold drinks to relieve the heat, but this is not good for the heart. Excessively cold drinks can cause blood vessels to constrict, increasing the burden on the heart. ”

At this time, Dr. Zhao gave an example: "I have a patient, Uncle Wang, who is 75 years old this year. He usually likes to drink cold beer, and once after drinking two bottles of cold beer on a hot day, he suddenly felt tightness in his chest, and when he was sent to the hospital, he had an acute heart attack. Fortunately, the rescue was timely, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. ”

Dr. Zhao went on to explain, "Studies have shown that drastic changes in temperature can have a big impact on the cardiovascular system. Especially in the elderly, the cardiovascular system itself is relatively fragile, and drastic changes in temperature are more likely to cause myocardial infarction. ”

In summer, the air is hot and stuffy, and the elderly have a heart attack at its peak, and the two "bad habits" should be vigilant, which will be very serious

Uncle Li nodded again and again when he heard this, he himself has the habit of drinking cold beer in the summer, and he couldn't help but feel scared for a while when he heard this.

The second bad habit: irregular work and rest. Dr. Zhao continued, "After retirement, many elderly people have irregular schedules, and staying up late to watch TV and play cards may increase the risk of heart attack. ”

Dr. Zhao elaborated: "The heart needs to rest at night, and if the elderly often stay up late, it will increase the burden on the heart. Staying up late at night not only affects heart function, but also leads to problems such as increased blood pressure and irregular heartbeat. ”

Dr. Zhao gave another example: "Mrs. Zhang, 68 years old, her son works outside the home all the year round, she is alone at home, she often stays up late at night to watch TV, one day at about 2 o'clock in the morning, she suddenly felt palpitation, chest pain, and was sent to the hospital to be diagnosed with a heart attack. The doctor told her that it had a lot to do with her staying up late for a long time. ”

In summer, the air is hot and stuffy, and the elderly have a heart attack at its peak, and the two "bad habits" should be vigilant, which will be very serious

Dr. Zhao added, "Research data shows that the incidence of myocardial infarction is greatly reduced if the elderly can maintain a regular sleep schedule. Going to bed before 10 p.m. and waking up at 6 or 7 a.m. is good for your heart health. ”

When Uncle Li heard this, he was already thinking about getting rid of these bad habits when he went back.

Dr. Zhao's words resonated with everyone, and many elderly people nodded in agreement. "Of course, in addition to breaking these bad habits, we can also protect our heart through some healthy lifestyles, such as moderate exercise, healthy diet, and regular check-ups. ”

Dr. Zhao went on to explain the importance of moderate exercise in detail: "Moderate exercise for the elderly every day can effectively enhance cardiopulmonary function and reduce the risk of heart attack. For example, walking for 30 minutes a day or doing some simple gymnastics are all good choices. ”

In summer, the air is hot and stuffy, and the elderly have a heart attack at its peak, and the two "bad habits" should be vigilant, which will be very serious

He said: "I have a patient, Uncle Li, who is 70 years old this year, who insists on walking for an hour every morning and has always been in good health. Some time ago, he came to the hospital for a physical examination, and all indicators were normal, which had a lot to do with his long-term insistence on exercise. ”

Dr. Zhao then talked about the importance of a healthy diet: "The elderly should pay attention to the diet low in salt, fat and fiber. For example, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and less fried foods and high-fat foods. Such a diet can effectively protect the heart. ”

Dr. Zhao concluded by emphasizing the importance of regular check-ups: "Elderly people should have a comprehensive check-up at least once a year, especially for the cardiovascular system. Through physical examinations, heart problems can be detected early, allowing for early intervention and treatment. ”

Dr. Zhao's words were like a shot in the arm, giving a vivid health lesson to the elderly people present. After listening to the lecture, Uncle Li was full of emotion. He decided that from today onwards, he should pay attention to his daily habits and protect his heart.

In summer, the air is hot and stuffy, and the elderly have a heart attack at its peak, and the two "bad habits" should be vigilant, which will be very serious

Just as Uncle Li was about to get up to leave, Dr. Zhao suddenly asked a question: "Do you know why summer is the season of high incidence of myocardial infarction in the elderly?" ”

Uncle Li and the elderly people present shook their heads, and Dr. Zhao smiled and began to explain in detail: "In summer, the temperature is high, and the human body sweats a lot, which can easily lead to an imbalance of water and electrolytes in the body, an increase in blood viscosity, and a slowdown in blood circulation, which is easy to form blood clots and cause myocardial infarction. ”

Dr. Zhao continued, "At the same time, people tend to stay in air-conditioned rooms in order to cool down in summer, and the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large, and frequent temperature differences can also affect the cardiovascular system and increase the risk of myocardial infarction. ”

Dr. Zhao's explanation made everyone suddenly realize.

In summer, the air is hot and stuffy, and the elderly have a heart attack at its peak, and the two "bad habits" should be vigilant, which will be very serious

Uncle Li secretly made up his mind that he would drink more water in the future, pay attention to the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, no longer drink cold drinks willfully, and ensure a regular work and rest time.

This health lecture gave Uncle Li and the elderly people present a valuable lesson, allowing them to have a deeper understanding of the prevention of myocardial infarction. On the way home, Uncle Li thought about sharing the knowledge he learned today with his family and friends, so that more people could benefit.

So, the question is: in addition to paying attention to lifestyle habits and regular physical examinations, what other methods can the elderly effectively prevent myocardial infarction?

Dr. Zhao's detailed answer is: "There are several ways that older people can prevent a heart attack:

  1. Maintain a good state of mind. Older people should learn to regulate their emotions, avoid excessive tension and anxiety, and maintain a happy mood.
In summer, the air is hot and stuffy, and the elderly have a heart attack at its peak, and the two "bad habits" should be vigilant, which will be very serious
  1. Keep chronic diseases under control. Hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia are risk factors for myocardial infarction, and older people should actively treat these chronic diseases and regularly monitor blood pressure, blood glucose, and lipid levels.
  2. Avoid overexertion. The elderly should do what they can, avoid excessive physical labor and mental stress, and maintain moderate rest and activity.
  3. Do not smoke or drink alcohol. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption increase the risk of heart attack, and older people should quit smoking and limit alcohol.
  4. Maintain a healthy weight. Older people should pay attention to eating a balanced diet, avoiding obesity, and maintaining a healthy weight. ”

Through these methods, older adults can effectively reduce the risk of heart attack and maintain a healthy heart. Uncle Li listened to Dr. Zhao's advice and decided to implement these methods into his life after returning home to protect his health.

What do you have to say about this? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section!


[1] Zhu Manyu. A systematic review of risk factors for malignant arrhythmias in patients with acute myocardial infarction, Electronic Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, 2022-04-25

In summer, the air is hot and stuffy, and the elderly have a heart attack at its peak, and the two "bad habits" should be vigilant, which will be very serious

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