
Country Idyllic(360)

author:Golden Wind Gyokuro o
Country Idyllic(360)

This starry sky is a good day that Liang Mingyou's family is looking forward to very much.

"Grandpa, I want money to buy things." The little granddaughter Yanlin walked up to her grandfather who was sweeping the open dam and said in a childish voice.

This family's beloved baby, of course, responds to all requests.

Friend Liang took out a dollar from his coat pocket and gave it to the little girl with a red face who was blushing from the sun.

"Go to the right to buy things and buy less. Wait a minute, we still have to eat good things, today you bought you a lot of delicious food to come home. Liang Mingyou glanced at his little granddaughter with doting eyes.

This little obedient is the lifeblood of the Liang family, and the pearl of the palm of thousands of pets, and the little princess is so cute.

"Eat less snacks, you won't eat again when you eat." Her mother Yan Yong said.

The family had been busy for most of the day, because there were important guests coming tonight. Everyone as a whole is like a great enemy, for fear that we rural people will not be as good as the people in the city with all their might.

In fact, when Liang Mingyou learned that his future mother-in-law was Teacher Dou Zhiqun, who used to teach at Yunjiang Central School and was famous for his frugality. I already know most of them in my heart, but they are the right person.

For the first time, the object of this little woman came to visit them. In order to make a good first impression, it is necessary to have a grand atmosphere of warm hospitality.

Not to mention, Liang Mingyou's eldest son, Liang Ye, really married a good wife and mother who is as beautiful as a fairy. She is a rare good woman who can go up to the hall and down to the kitchen. Their Liang family really burned high incense, and Peng Cailan did not hurt her daughter-in-law to this daughter-in-law.

At the beginning, when the eldest sister Liang Xingyu asked someone to be a matchmaker and introduced this canary-like beautiful girl in the deep mountains to Liang Ye, his initial impression of her was that everything was good, but her height was slightly insufficient. was scolded by the eldest sister for a few words, the mountains are big and there is no firewood, and the trees are big and there are no trees. This lantern torch is not easy to find, girl, you still hate this and that. My father is the same old private teacher who has been teaching for decades. With a good tutor and a pink face, this elf fairy in the mountains is more than enough for you.

Back then, Liang Xingyu happened to say that he would introduce Lu Xiaolan, the little daughter of Brother Zhang Fa, to Liang Ye, but her mother unceremoniously rejected her. Now, Xingyu admires her mother's wise vision. Mingfen also heard someone mention that the eldest daughter of the old widow Mrs. Wen also took the initiative to chase Liang Ye, of course, because the family abused Li Xiaolian's sister-in-law to death. There are also things that this woman's mother had with Peng Hexian when she was young. Liang Xingyu said that the eldest brother Liang Ye, even if there are no women in the world, I would rather let you fight as a bachelor than marry an unscrupulous woman who has a mother and a daughter.

This is a major event involving whether Liang Xing will be happy or not in his life, and the second sister Liang Xinlian and his wife also returned to their parents' house with their three-year-old lively and lovely son Xiaodan.

"Liang Yanlin, take the younger brother of the second aunt's family and go to the dam outside." Liang Mingyou shouted.

Yanlin, who came back from buying things, took Xiaodan's hand: "Come, my sister will give you something to eat." ”

Today is Saturday, and Liang Xingyu is not in a hurry to return to his home in Yunjiang after school.

"Linlin is so well-behaved, she knows how to share good things with her brother." She reached for her hands. Hold your little nephew in your arms and amuse it. This guy hasn't seen him for a long time, and he looks much fatter than Yunxiao when he was a child.

"She's your aunt, my aunt, little egg." Yan Lin said to Xiao Dan rawly.

The little egg, who was a little short-lived, quietly leaned over to the aunt. Because, when he was weaned, it was his aunt who got him for a few days. The child was very well-behaved on the night of weaning, and he was only a one-year-old child. After the aunt was fed with rice. I slept next to her until dawn, and I didn't say a word.

But later, on one occasion, Xiaodan set his aunt black (scared) to fire.

That night, a guest came to Liang Xingyu's house, and the guest's daughter was given to Li Xiaode as a goddaughter when she was born. Their family came down from Linhu Town, saying that the child hadn't seen his godfather and godmother for a long time, and they missed them.

After dinner, Yun Xiao took his godsister to play with his toys. There are only four adults left chatting from all over the world.

"Sister, hey! You've got guests tonight! How lively it is. The second sister Liang Xinlian went upstairs and entered the house with the little egg. The second brother-in-law, Ling Qiang, followed behind.

"Second sister, have you eaten? What's wrong with Little Egg? The eldest sister noticed that her nephew's health was not normal, and asked worriedly.

Liang Xinlian's tears welled up at once. She choked up and said, "Xiao Dantou went to his grandmother's house on the rock a few days ago, and grandma was very happy to see her grandson coming, and the meatballs that she couldn't bear may have been left for too long to grow mold." Her eyes are irrelevant (invisible). I didn't find that the meatballs couldn't be eaten. I gave it to the little egg to eat, and that night I vomited and vomited, and I had a high fever. We rushed to the county hospital overnight, and the doctor had eaten unclean food and had been poisoned very dangerously. You see, it's been two days of losing the night, and it's not getting any better. ”

Liang Xingyu hurriedly took the child from the second sister's hand, only to see that he drooped his eyelids and had no strength at all.

"Son, open your eyes and look at your aunt. Don't scare Auntie. Seeing my sister sad, my sister was also sad.

"Hey, his treasure (god) mother, I heard that there is an earthwork that treats diarrhea in children, and it is very good." The godmother-in-law said: "Decocting brown sugar water with black tea to give him a meal (compensation test), not only does it not cost a lot of money, but it is not a bad thing." ”

Liang Xingyu hurriedly complied immediately. Boil the sugar tea, blow it cool, and then gently scoop it with a spoon and slowly feed the tired eggs.

Hey! Tonight's very dangerous condition of Xiaodan is as good as Liang Xingyu, the godmother-in-law Zhuang Yu, said of the earth. It's less than two hours. Xiaodan's malignant dysentery in the county's First People's Hospital has not stopped. It's miraculously much better.

In the afternoon of the same day, Xiaodan ran out of liquid, and Liang Xinlian's family of three walked out of the gate of the hospital. Seeing signs of improvement in my son had little effect. It's getting dark. They don't want to go back to their home on the hill, and there is no readily available transportation at this time. What's even more afraid is that if you go back, in case Xiaodan's condition suddenly worsens in the middle of the night, he will only be helpless and helpless, how can he get it?

"Little Dan, let's stay at Aunt Yunjiang Township for one night tonight. It's close to the city, so it's convenient. Xin Lian said.

"Yes." The husband Ling Qiang agreed, and he had a good understanding with his wife. The mother who wanted to say that she was afraid of the little egg didn't agree.

This is a coincidence, there should be a magical force to save the child's life. ……

These two innocent sisters and brothers danced happily. Xiao Dan sat on the stone bench at the door of Kwon Mi Xue's house, because this place was the tuyere. Usually, the adults and dolls of these two families will sit here and laugh and chat when they have nothing to do, as well as chatting about some well-known gossip news within a radius of 100 miles.

Yan Lin sat opposite her younger brother, holding the snack of plastic products she had just bought in one hand, and freeing the other hand to feed the things in the mouth of the little egg, which became the mouth of a little bird, this picture is very warm.

Country Idyllic(360)

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