
Diabetic patients eat staple foods, and if these two steps are wrong, blood sugar will double!

author:Chinese Diabetes Companions

In the world of diabetics, the delicate balance of blood sugar seems to be a never-ending dance, and they are careful to take every step of the way on the stage of eating. Whenever faced with the choice of rice or pasta, their hearts are like war drums beating and they are hesitant. That craving for food and health concerns make it difficult for them to indulge in their appetite as ordinary people do.

Diabetic patients eat staple foods, and if these two steps are wrong, blood sugar will double!

However, according to the wisdom of nutritionists, the GI values (glycemic index) of rice and noodles are not far apart. What really determines blood sugar fluctuations is the total calories intake that is hidden behind the daily diet. The fat and salt that are quietly added during the cooking process, as well as the presence or absence of vegetables on the table, are indispensable notes in this dance.

In this journey of dancing with health, diabetics need to listen more carefully to the melody of their body and feel the rhythm of food. Only with the right rhythm can you dance the most elegant dance, maintain blood sugar stability, and enjoy the beauty of life.

Flour rice and rice + high fat blood sugar will double

Rice, porridge, and even pasta, the ingredients of these staple foods, each have a similar melody on the stage of GI value (glycemic index). However, the cooking of rice is like a simple solo, with only water as the companion, accompanied by the greenery of green vegetables, and the blessing of fibers, so that it plays a harmonious movement of satiety and satisfaction on the taste buds, making it difficult for hungry demons to get close, and invisibly pressing the "delay" button for the absorption of carbohydrates and calories to avoid a sudden rise in blood sugar.

Diabetic patients eat staple foods, and if these two steps are wrong, blood sugar will double!

White rice and noodles, like the two dancers on stage, are equally light, but the calories are significantly different. Two bowls of noodles are comparable in carbohydrates and calories to a bowl of rice, and it seems that noodles are superior, but in a pure comparison without any seasoning or toppings, this conclusion seems a little thin.

However, the story behind the dancer of noodles is more complicated. As a gorgeous transformation of flour, it often dances with salt and fat during processing, and on stage, it is often accompanied by high-fat broth or dried shallots, a combination that invisibly makes the calorie intake like a wild horse, and the fluctuation of blood sugar is also intensified.

For people with diabetes, eating and drinking is like walking a tightrope, and every step needs to be taken carefully. The choice of rice and noodles is no longer a simple taste preference, but a subtle control of blood sugar balance. Dietitians act as conductors to point out the mystery behind this: rice and noodles have similar GI values, but what really affects blood sugar is the addition of oil, salt, and vegetables during the cooking process. In this game with blood sugar, every detail can be the key to winning or losing.

Drinking porridge + with high-salt pickles is easy to soar and high blood sugar

Would it be more appropriate for us to turn to porridge? In this regard, Lin Shuwen, director of the nutrition department of Guangtian Hospital, has a unique opinion. She pointed out that porridge is similar to pasta, and two bowls of porridge are almost equivalent to one bowl of rice. However, the degree of starch gelatinization of porridge is particularly significant, like a silky music, easily played in the human body, surrounded by the melody of digestion and absorption. However, this rapid digestion and absorption is like a torrent that hits the blood sugar concentration, causing it to rise sharply in a short period of time. What's even more worrying is that the pickled pickles that Chinese people love to pair with porridge, the high salt taste undoubtedly adds fuel to the fire of the glycemic index, which may exacerbate the deterioration of the disease.

Diabetic patients eat staple foods, and if these two steps are wrong, blood sugar will double!

In response to this, dietitian Zhao Jiarong gave professional advice. She believes that in the choice of staple food for diabetics, rice should be the first choice, followed by porridge and pasta. Of course, if it is really difficult to let go of the attachment to porridge or pasta, then the choice of food to accompany it is particularly important. It's wise to cut back on high-salt pickles and high-fat soup bases and embrace fresh, high-fiber vegetables instead. Those green vegetables can not only add a touch of vitality to the table, but also bring a full sense of satiety. Moreover, the dietary fiber they contain is like an intimate guardian, which effectively reduces the GI value, delays the absorption of calories and the rise of blood sugar, and makes it easier for diabetics to control sugar.

If you want to have good blood sugar, don't forget to supplement high-fiber greens when eating

  High-fiber vegetables can delay the body's absorption of carbohydrates and calories, and are a good helper for diabetics to stabilize blood sugar. If the daily calorie intake of female patients is limited to 1500 kcal, the calories of staple foods should be controlled at 210 kcal per meal, about eight minutes full of white rice in a porcelain bowl, if the white rice is replaced with high-fiber grain rice, sweet potato rice, brown rice or purple rice, the calories are about the same, but it can reduce the total GI value of rice food and avoid a rapid rise in blood sugar after meals. In addition, 8 minutes full of white rice calories is equivalent to 1.5 bowls of five-grain porridge.

Is it difficult to control blood sugar with high-gluten flour? The protein content has little effect

When flour is carefully divided into low, medium and high gluten due to the difference in protein content, and then transforms into the softness of bread, the lightness of cake, the firmness of noodles and the crispiness of fritters, we can't help but ask, are these delicacies quietly affecting the ups and downs of blood sugar while integrating into our lives? In this regard, Director Lin Shuwen gave a professional answer. She pointed out that the amount of protein content has no significant effect on blood sugar, and it is the carbohydrates and calories in food that really grasp the rudder of blood sugar changes.

Diabetic patients eat staple foods, and if these two steps are wrong, blood sugar will double!

Noodles and bread often need to be made with a little salt or oil, which adds extra calories to the food. When we taste these delicacies without moderation, the calories we consume are like a tide that quietly rushes in, affecting the stability of blood sugar.

In particular, when trans fats, known as ghee, are added to processed pasta, the problem is no longer just calories. This fat not only gives food an attractive taste, but also acts as an undercurrent of risk, silently increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, while enjoying good food, we should stay vigilant and minimise the intake of such unhealthy fats.