
Diabetics should eat less of three staple foods, eat more than one bite of blood sugar and blood sugar is out of control, and it is good to master 5 points of blood sugar

author:Chinese Diabetes Companions

For diabetics, choosing a staple food is no child's play. They should cherish the knowledge of food and drink as the navigator cherished the compass. In order to keep blood sugar stable and prevent complications, they should give preference to foods that are low in carbohydrates and have a soft glycemic index instead of traditional but "dangerous" staple foods. The following three staple foods can be called the "pioneers" of blood sugar, and sugar friends must be cautious to avoid them, so as not to soar blood sugar like a loose horse.

1. Diabetic friends eat white noodles and blood sugar is easy to rise

Like dancers on a northern table, noodles attract diners with their unique charm. However, these noodles – whether knife-cut, ramen, hand-rolled or pressed – all have one "secret weapon" in common: high starch content. Once they are ingested, blood sugar spikes like a rocket.

Diabetics should eat less of three staple foods, eat more than one bite of blood sugar and blood sugar is out of control, and it is good to master 5 points of blood sugar

2. Eat white flour steamed buns and blood sugar rises rapidly

Steamed buns, a regular at the northern table, may seem unpretentious, but they contain an amazing energy inside. It is similar to noodles, and the starch content should not be ignored. When a pure white flour steamed bun is put into the stomach, blood sugar will surge like a flood of beasts, which will catch sugar friends off guard.

3. Rice, white as jade

Rice, along with rice porridge, is the protagonist of the southern table. However, due to the lack of diabetes knowledge, many sugar friends still love it. They may be taking hypoglycemic drugs or insulin injections while ignoring the sugar-boosting power of rice. Especially rice porridge, blood sugar rises very quickly after drinking, and taking an extra sip may become the "fuse" for blood sugar spikes.

How do diabetics eat staple foods for blood sugar?

For people with diabetes, choosing staple foods and controlling their intake is an important part of controlling blood sugar.

1. First of all, we need to understand that not all staple foods can cause a sharp increase in blood sugar. Some foods with a low glycemic index (GI), such as whole-grain bread, brown rice, oats, etc., are good choices.

Diabetics should eat less of three staple foods, eat more than one bite of blood sugar and blood sugar is out of control, and it is good to master 5 points of blood sugar

2. We need to maintain diversity in our diet. Don't always eat the same staple food, you can alternate with a variety of whole grains, legumes, potatoes, etc. This not only makes the diet more interesting, but also helps stabilize blood sugar.

3. Reasonable control of staple food intake. Everyone's physical condition and nutritional needs are different, so we need to make a reasonable diet plan according to our actual situation. In general, the intake of staple foods at each meal should be 1/4 to 1/3 of the entire plate.

4. We also need to pay attention to the combination of meals. For example, eating staple foods with protein-rich foods (such as lean meat, fish, tofu, etc.) and vegetables can slow down the rate at which carbohydrates are absorbed, which can reduce the rate at which blood sugar rises.

5. We need to monitor our blood sugar levels regularly so that we can adjust our diet plan in time. If you notice that your blood sugar level is persistently high, you need to consult your doctor and adjust your diet and medication regimen according to your doctor's recommendations.

Diabetics should eat less of three staple foods, eat more than one bite of blood sugar and blood sugar is out of control, and it is good to master 5 points of blood sugar

In general, diabetic patients should give priority to low GI foods when choosing staple foods, maintain dietary diversity, reasonably control the intake of staple foods, pay attention to the combination of meals, and regularly monitor blood sugar levels. In this way, we can better control our blood sugar and maintain our health while enjoying our food.