
A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

author:Boyle's notes

"I haven't touched you for three years, and you told me that the child in your belly is mine, so why don't you take me as the wrongdoer?"

A woman divorced her ex-husband for 3 years, and suddenly came back with a big belly, making her ex-husband responsible for herself, and her kind-hearted ex-husband took her in. However, after giving birth to a child, the woman still wanted to remarry, and even wanted her ex-husband to raise the child, and even said bluntly: "Aren't you missing a second child?" ”

So, what's going on here?

A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

Zhang Qiu and Yang Daxin used to be an enviable couple, they met and fell in love in college, and soon after graduation, they entered the palace of marriage.

After getting married, the two worked hand in hand and soon had their own career and lovely son. To outsiders, their lives are simply synonymous with happiness.

However, the happy life did not last long, and three years ago, a sudden turn of events completely changed the fate of the family.

A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

Their son was disabled for life in an accident that was devastating for both.

Grief and self-blame eat up their lives, and cracks begin to appear in the otherwise sweet relationship between husband and wife.

In this pain, Zhang Qiu and Yang Daxin had a disagreement on whether to have a second child.

A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

Zhang Qiu hopes to have another child to fill the emptiness in his heart, while Yang Daxin believes that they need time to heal their wounds and are not suitable to have another child for the time being.

This disagreement eventually led to their divorce.

After the divorce, Zhang Qiu and Yang Daxin each started a new life, however, fate always seemed to like to joke, and just three years after the divorce, Zhang Qiu found out that she was pregnant.

A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

She was both pleasantly surprised and panicked by the unexpected news, she had no stable job and no regular partner, and raising a child on her own was a huge challenge for her.

In despair, Zhang Qiu thought of the only person who could help her, and that person was her ex-husband Yang Daxin.

Although they had been divorced for three years, Zhang Qiu felt that Yang Daxin was the only person she could rely on at the moment, and with apprehension, she contacted Yang Daxin and asked for his help.

A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

When Yang Daxin received Zhang Qiu's call, his heart was full of contradictions.

On the one hand, he still has some residual feelings for Zhang Qiu and can't bear to see her in trouble, on the other hand, he has started a new life and doesn't want to be tied up by his past relationships anymore.

After some thought, Yang Daxin finally decided to help Zhang Qiu.

A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

Zhang Qiu gave birth to a child, but her situation did not improve, she had no job, no income, and she had to take care of a newborn, all of which made her feel extremely stressed.

In this case, Zhang Qiu made a request that shocked Yang Daxin, and she hoped to be able to remarry Yang Daxin.

This request put Yang Daxin in a dilemma, he understood Zhang Qiu's predicament, but also clearly knew that there was no love between them.

A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

For him, remarriage meant giving up his new life and re-burdening a heavy responsibility, and after careful consideration, Yang Daxin finally rejected Zhang Qiu's request.

Despite refusing to remarry, Yang Daxin decided to temporarily take in Zhang Qiu and his children and give them some financial support.

He hopes to help Zhang Qiu get through the difficult times and give her time to replan her life.

A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

However, things turned out to be unexpected. In the process of getting along with Zhang Qiu, after some questioning by Yang Daxin, Zhang Qiu finally admitted the truth, the child's biological father was a substitute driver named Tan Jihua.

Under these circumstances, Zhang Qiu made a shocking decision: she asked Yang Daxin to help her send the child to a welfare home.

A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

This decision not only shocked Yang Daxin, but also sparked more moral controversy.

In order to confirm the identity of the child's biological father, Yang Daxin and Zhang Qiu found Master Tan together.

However, Master Tam firmly denied that he was the father of the child and refused to take a paternity test. This attitude plunged Zhang Qiu into deeper despair.

In desperation, Zhang Qiu decided to solve the problem through legal means. She filed a lawsuit with the court to confirm Master Tan's paternity and pay child support.

A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

In court, Zhang Qiu and Master Tan had a heated argument, Zhang Qiu insisted that Master Tan was the biological father of the child, while Master Tan firmly denied it.

Eventually, the court ordered a paternity test, which confirmed that Master Tan was indeed the child's biological father.

However, even after the paternity was confirmed, Master Tan still refused to take on the responsibility of raising him.

A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

He claimed that he already had a family and could not take on additional responsibilities, an attitude that put Zhang Qiu in a desperate situation again.

In this process, Yang Daxin has been silently following the development of the situation, and although he is disappointed and angry at Zhang Qiu's behavior, he can't help but feel pity when he sees her in such a difficult situation.

In the end, the court ruled that Master Tan had to pay child support, but the amount was far less than Zhang Qiu's expectations.

A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

This result made Zhang Qiu feel both relieved and disappointed. She finally won some rights for her children, but the road ahead is still full of hardships.

Looking back on the whole incident, we can't help but ask: Is Zhang Qiu's experience just an isolated case, or does it reflect a deeper social problem?

While there are criticisms of her actions, should we also reflect on society's attitudes and support for single mothers?

A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

Zhang Qiu's story reveals the fragility of marital relationships in modern society, and people's ambivalence in the face of difficult situations.

It reminds us of the need for more rationality and responsibility when dealing with relationship issues, and at the same time, the story calls on society to give more understanding and support to single mothers.

For Zhang Qiu, this is undoubtedly a tragic ending.

A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

Her actions have led to serious consequences, not only losing the trust and support of her ex-husband, but also bringing great challenges to the future of herself and her children.

This story also teaches us a lesson about responsibility, whether it is Zhang Qiu, Yang Daxin or Master Tan, everyone evades their responsibilities to varying degrees.

This reminds us that we need more courage and responsibility when faced with life's big choices.

Finally, this story also shows us the important role of the law in resolving family disputes.

Although the law cannot solve all problems, it provides a relatively fair platform for resolving disputes.

A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

This reminds us that seeking legal help is a wise choice when faced with a problem that we cannot resolve on our own.

Overall, the story of Zhang Qiu and Yang Daxin is a complex case of love, responsibility, and humanity.

It not only reveals the fragility of marital relationships in modern society, but also reflects people's ambivalence in the face of difficult situations.

This story reminds us of the need for more rationality and responsibility when dealing with emotional issues. At the same time, it also calls on society to give more understanding and support to vulnerable groups.

A 46-year-old woman, bizarre pregnant, forced her ex-husband to pay for it, ex-husband: I haven't touched you for three years

Let's hope that through the lessons of this story, we will be able to make wiser choices in our future lives, take our due responsibilities, and give more understanding and support to others.

Only in this way can we create a more harmonious and warmer society.

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