
I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

author:The king of history
Sources: All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and is detailed at the end of the article


"I'd rather go to jail than lose money"!

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

At that time, one was Huang Shufen, who was driving in the wrong direction and driving a car, and the other was Zhao Xiangbin, who was riding a bicycle, and there was a car accident.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

However, this traffic accident has sparked a legal dispute and moral controversy that has lasted for many years.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

Among them, Zhao Xiangbin suffered a serious head injury due to this car accident, although he barely saved his life, but unfortunately became a vegetative person, and a series of high treatment costs brought about by this natural disaster brought a "critical blow" to Zhao Xiangbin's already not wealthy family.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

On the other hand, the other protagonist, Huang Shufen, took her family to Thailand for a trip after the accident and refused to fulfill the court's judgment to compensate.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

What's even more incredible is that she even threatened: She has a problem with her character and would rather go to jail than lose money.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

Huang Shufen's kind of "old lai" behavior set off a "bloody storm" on the Internet.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

So what happened to Huang Shufen? Did she finally make amends?

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

"Textbook old man"

In 2015, a sudden car accident turned into a seven-year tragedy.

After the car accident, Huang Shufen, who was driving in the wrong direction, was fine, but the bicycle owner Zhao Xiangbin was very seriously injured.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

At that time, he fell to the ground and fell into a coma, Huang Shufen immediately called the police and dialed 120, and the unconscious Zhao Xiangbin was sent to the hospital for treatment.

At first, Huang Shufen also showed due responsibility and compassion, however, over time, this attitude gradually changed drastically.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

Zhao Xiangbin suffered a serious head injury, and although he saved his life, he unfortunately became a vegetative person.

His son Zhao Yong faced the disaster from the sky and became a vegetative father, his heart was like a knife, Zhao Xiangbin worked hard all his life, and finally his son Zhao Yong grew up, but when he was about to enjoy the joy of family, he suffered this disaster.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

After the police investigation, it was determined that Huang Shufen was mainly responsible for the accident, and Zhao Xiangbin was secondarily responsible.

Faced with this result, Huang Shufen apologized to the Zhao family and said that she would contact the insurance company for compensation, however, the insurance company's compensation was very slow and the amount of reimbursement was very limited, but Zhao Xiangbin's treatment was imminent.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

You must know that in order to save his father, Zhao Yong's family sold the house, but the medical expenses were like a huge bottomless pit, and the family's savings were quickly exhausted.

Then Zhao Yong's family borrowed money from their relatives and friends, but in the face of high medical expenses, these are still only a drop in the bucket.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

When he was desperate, Zhao Yong thought of Huang Shufen, who was mainly responsible, for help, and in the first two months, Huang Shufen was quite positive and paid 76,000 yuan in compensation.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

However, she didn't expect that this was just a "smoke bomb" she released at the beginning, and then Huang Shufen began to miss appointments again and again and not answer the phone in order to escape compensation.

And Huang Shufen's career and income are still considerable, she is a small management in an insurance company, with a monthly salary of tens of thousands.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

What's even more unexpected is that after the accident, Huang Shufen also traveled to Thailand with her family, and even bought a house and car for her daughter two months after the accident, so Huang Shufen was obviously able to compensate but insisted on being a "lai".

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

Huang Shufen's life and actions after the car accident are in very strong contrast with the desperate situation faced by Zhao Xiangbin's family.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

Because of this, Huang Shufen's irresponsible behavior deeply stung Zhao Yong, because he was still worried about his father's treatment expenses.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

In the face of Zhao Yong's questioning, Huang Shufen shamelessly said: I don't have a penny, if you can't do it, you will hand me over to the police and let me go to prison!

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

These words completely angered Zhao Yong, who was already heartbroken, and he decided that he had to protect his rights and interests through legal means, and he sued Huang Shufen in court.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

Finally in 2017, the court ruled that Huang Shufen should compensate Zhao Xiangbin's family more than 93 yuan, of which the insurance company paid 26,000 yuan, and the remaining about 860,000 yuan needed Huang Shufen to compensate within 10 days.

I thought that taking up the weapon of the law could allow Huang Shufen to take her due responsibility. However, Huang Shufen blatantly flouted the law and refused to comply with the verdict.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

What's even more shocking is that Huang Shufen has always insisted that she has a problem with her character and would rather go to jail than lose money, her words and deeds have simply staged a "textbook old man" for us.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

In the face of Huang Shufen's such brazen words and deeds, Zhao Yong was cornered, and he decided to turn to the media and use the power of the Internet and netizens to get fairness and justice.

Later, Zhao Yong posted a video on social platforms, exposing Huang Shufen's various "old lai" behaviors.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

Soon sparked heated discussions, the power of netizens should not be underestimated, and netizens were condemning Huang Shufen's words and deeds.

Huang Shufen soon reaped the consequences, and she lost her high-paying job as a result.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

Under great pressure, Huang Shufen promised to pay 200,000 yuan in compensation first, but Zhao Yong no longer dared to believe Huang Shufen's verbal promise and insisted on executing it in accordance with the court's judgment.

Under the court's enforcement, Huang Shufen had no choice but to pay 100,000 yuan in compensation and was detained for 15 days.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

However, the compensation dispute, which dragged on for nearly two years, ultimately failed to save Zhao Xiangbin's life.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

At the end of 2017, Zhao Xiangbin, a vegetative person who had been lying on a hospital bed, left his son Zhao Yong forever.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate
I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

At the same time, the cause of Zhao Xiangbin's death was also determined to be directly related to the car accident, and Huang Shufen was arrested again on suspicion of traffic accidents.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

Considering her actions after the accident, the court gave her a lenient punishment and finally sentenced her to eight months in prison.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

A bite back?

However, unexpectedly, after being released from prison, Huang Shufen not only did not repent, but began to question the responsibility for the car accident.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

She even shifted the blame to Zhao Yong's family, blaming Zhao Xiangbin's death on his own family's poor care. She took the initiative to give interviews to the media in an attempt to reverse the direction of public opinion.

What's even worse is that in order to avoid compensation, Huang Shufen transferred all the property to her daughter's name, making it impossible for the court to enforce the judgment.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

Huang Shufen's behavior made the court very speechless, and the court could only include Huang Shufen in the list of dishonest persons.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

Although Huang Shufen was included in the list of dishonest judgment defaulters, for Zhao Yong, who has lost his father, it is tantamount to scratching his boots.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

In 2019, Zhao Yong filed a lawsuit with the court, demanding that Huang Shufen's property gift to his daughter be revoked, but received no response.

The lengthy lawsuit lasted seven years. It was not until 2022 that under the double pressure of the police and the court, Huang Shufen reluctantly compensated only 500 yuan.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

This paltry compensation was nothing short of a blatant mockery for Zhao Yong, who donated it directly to the left-behind children. So far, Huang Shufen still has 740,000 yuan in compensation unfulfilled.

The lawyer accidentally gets involved in the dispute

In the protracted battle of this compensation dispute, there was also an episode that made people laugh and cry.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

The dispute also unexpectedly implicated a lawyer, who reposted a video of Zhao Yong exposing Huang Shufen in order to help Zhao Yong recover the compensation.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

Unexpectedly, two years later, Huang Shufen actually sued Yue Daishan in court on the grounds of "infringing on the right to reputation", and also claimed 800,000 yuan from lawyer Yue Daishan with "the lion opened his mouth".

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

And this absurd lawsuit ended in Huang Shufen's defeat, and the court rejected all her claims.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate


The compensation lawsuit, which lasted for seven years, destroyed Zhao Xiangbin's family, and his son Zhao Yong also paid a huge price for it. His family is in trouble and life has become difficult, but despite this, he still insists on seeking compensation from Huang Shufen, hoping to get justice for his father.

On the other hand, Huang Shufen also suffered because of herself, and her "old lai" words and deeds also had a huge impact on her family, and Huang Shufen herself finally suffered the consequences, accepted the condemnation of public opinion, and ruined herself.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

However, who exactly is to blame for such an outcome? As for Zhao Yong, we also hope that he can let go of the past and live a good life.

I'd rather go to jail than pay compensation! "Lai" Huang Shufen, who bought a car and a house, refused to compensate

The information in this article is from:

"Textbook Fraud on the Parties' Right to Reputation Case Lost in the First Instance: Very Disappointed Will Appeal", Beijing News, released on 2019-06-19

"Take the initiative to pay 500 yuan, and still owe 740,000 yuan, the law can't do anything about "Lao Lai Huang Shufen"? The Paper, released on 2021-07-16

"Huang Shufen Wins the Case", released on 2018-12-07

"Tangshan's "Textbook Lai" Released After Completing His Sentence, Victim's Son: Will Continue to Recover", People's Daily, 2018-08-12

However, in order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!