
The 14-year-old girl was bullied in the underground garage in turns, and the residents: very indignant! You are of legal age



In recent years, there have been more and more bullying incidents in society, both in schools and in society. Recently, a bullying incident in Jingbian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, has attracted great attention from all walks of life. A girl was bullied and insulted by many people in the underground garage of the community, and it was outrageous that many people chose to stand by and do not give any help or support.

Such bullying incidents not only make people feel heartache, but also make people deeply worried about the indifference and indifference of society. In this society full of love and warmth, we should join hands to face bullying bravely and give the victims the greatest support and help. It is also necessary to fundamentally address the spread of bullying, so that everyone can grow up healthily in an environment full of sunshine and positive energy.

1. Girls who are bullied

Recently, a surveillance video has been circulating on the Internet, and the scene in the video makes people feel very heartbroken and angry. The video is a bullying incident that took place in Jingbian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, when a girl was beaten and insulted by multiple people in the underground garage of the community.

According to the content of the video, it can be seen that the girl was surrounded by several older teenagers at the time, who not only verbally insulted the girl, but also constantly pushed and shoved the girl with their hands, and even someone picked up a mobile phone to film and threaten the girl. The girl kept her head down, without any resistance or counterattack, and the whole person looked very helpless and weak.

The 14-year-old girl was bullied in the underground garage in turns, and the residents: very indignant! You are of legal age

In this bullying incident, the girl's experience is very heart-wrenching, and what is even more outrageous is that many people chose to stand by and did not give the girl any help and support. It is conceivable that when a girl needs help and encouragement the most, she encounters such indifference and ruthlessness, which is undoubtedly hurtful and tormenting for the girl again and again.

Second, the ruthlessness of standing by and watching

In the face of such bullying incidents, many people may have this question, why do so many people choose to stand by and watch instead of reaching out to help girls? What is hidden behind this is the indifference and ruthlessness of the whole society, and it is also the attitude of "nothing to do with yourself, hang high" in people's hearts.

In today's society, relationships between people are becoming more and more indifferent, and many people choose to focus on themselves and appear very indifferent to the experiences and difficulties of others. When they see others being treated unfairly or in difficulty, they feel that it is not their business, so they do not have any sense of participation and responsibility, and finally choose to stand by and watch.

And in this bullying incident, it is not only the perpetrators who can make the girl suffer, but also those who choose to stand by and watch. Because of their callousness and ruthlessness, the abuser feels that he can treat others with impunity, and the victim feels even more hopeless and helpless, which is why more and more bullying incidents continue to be banned.

The 14-year-old girl was bullied in the underground garage in turns, and the residents: very indignant! You are of legal age

3. Be brave in the face of bullying

In the face of bullying incidents, we should give the victims the greatest support and help, so that they can feel the warmth and care of the society. It is also necessary to tell others that standing by is not the right choice, and that only by facing bullying bravely can the perpetrator feel fear and powerlessness, so that bullying can be effectively stopped.

Whether on campus or in society, more people need to stand up bravely, give help and support, so that victims no longer feel lonely and helpless. The spread of bullying also needs to be tackled at its roots, and this requires the concerted efforts of the entire society, including families, schools, all sectors of society, as well as the media and public opinion.

Parents and schools should strengthen the education of their children, so that they understand what is the right behavior, cultivate their empathy and respect for others, and establish a correct worldview and values from an early age. Children also need to be given enough love and support so that they can grow up in a healthy and positive environment and not become abusers or bystanders.

The 14-year-old girl was bullied in the underground garage in turns, and the residents: very indignant! You are of legal age

Society needs to establish better laws and systems to protect victims, punish perpetrators severely, and make them pay the price for their actions. There is also a need for more mental health education so that people understand the psychological issues behind bullying incidents and learn to deal with their emotions and stress correctly so that they do not turn negative emotions into harm to others.

The attention and solidarity of the media and public opinion is also very important, and only by making more people aware of the seriousness of bullying can we effectively stop such behavior. We should continue to pay attention to and call for more people to participate in this process and jointly create a social environment full of love and warmth.


"The triumph of evil requires only the good to stand by and watch." When faced with bullying incidents, we must not choose to stand idly by, but should bravely face and resist, and give the victims the greatest support and help. It is also necessary to fundamentally address the spread of bullying, so that everyone can grow up healthily in an environment full of sunshine and positive energy.

It is hoped that through such appeals and conjectures, more people's attention and conjectures about bullying incidents can be aroused, so that the society will be full of love and warmth, so that everyone can become the light of others when they are in trouble, and give the most sincere help and encouragement.