
The Lingqiu County Bureau of Culture and Tourism held a singing activity to celebrate the "July 1st" and celebrate the party's revolutionary classic songs

author:New times, new things
The Lingqiu County Bureau of Culture and Tourism held a singing activity to celebrate the "July 1st" and celebrate the party's revolutionary classic songs

  In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, stimulate the entrepreneurial passion of cadres and the masses, and sing the praises of the great party, the great motherland and the great new era with enthusiasm, on July 1, the Lingqiu County Bureau of Culture and Tourism held a singing activity to celebrate the "July 1st" and "sing the red classics and continue the red blood" to praise the party's revolutionary classic songs. More than 100 people from the county cultural center, Tang Heyun choir and cultural center wind orchestra participated.

The Lingqiu County Bureau of Culture and Tourism held a singing activity to celebrate the "July 1st" and celebrate the party's revolutionary classic songs

  Soaring singing, singing unforgettable years; Familiar melodies, interpreting the music of the times. At 6 o'clock in the morning, everyone gathered in the Government Square with great excitement, and the performance in the Government Square kicked off with the chorus "Singing the Motherland", and the passionate melody expressed the deep love for the great motherland. Then, the song "Towards Rejuvenation" sang the firm belief of the Chinese nation towards great rejuvenation, and the song was full of power. "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", this truth was most affectionately interpreted in their singing "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China". The progressive rhythm of the chorus "We Walk on the Road" shows everyone's determination and courage to move forward. The majestic "Seven Laws: The Long March" seems to bring us back to that magnificent historical journey. In particular, the participation of the Wind Orchestra of the Cultural Center made the whole event magnificent and climaxed.

The Lingqiu County Bureau of Culture and Tourism held a singing activity to celebrate the "July 1st" and celebrate the party's revolutionary classic songs

  After the flag-raising ceremony, the national flag guard team of the directly subordinate organ affairs service center sang the song "The Motherland Will Not Forget", the passionate and surging singing, shocking people's hearts, making people's blood boil, as if bringing the audience into the deep love and infinite reverence for the motherland.

The Lingqiu County Bureau of Culture and Tourism held a singing activity to celebrate the "July 1st" and celebrate the party's revolutionary classic songs

  During the event, everyone walked along the road pioneered by the revolutionary ancestors into the Pingxingguan Dajie Scenic Area, sang the red movement, and sent sincere and warm wishes for the 103rd anniversary of the party. In Qiaogoumen District Square and Pingxing Guan Dajie Memorial Hall, Jiangshuai Square sang revolutionary classic songs such as "Military Song of the Eighth Route Army" respectively, and filmed the MV of "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party", so that more people can feel this sincerity.

The Lingqiu County Bureau of Culture and Tourism held a singing activity to celebrate the "July 1st" and celebrate the party's revolutionary classic songs

  "July 1st", a special time node, a great symbol of the times. At this moment, this move is of great significance and far-reaching impact, which is not only a collective review of the revolutionary tradition, but also a collective review of the red culture. The great course of the motherland is picturesque, and the glorious years of the motherland are like songs. Revolutionary classic songs are the melody of the times and the witness of history. Generations of Chinese sons and daughters have grown up listening to revolutionary classic songs, and the unique and charming songs let us recall the passionate youth, let us remember the war years filled with gunpowder, and let us remember the fiery era of the motherland's construction and reform and opening up.

The Lingqiu County Bureau of Culture and Tourism held a singing activity to celebrate the "July 1st" and celebrate the party's revolutionary classic songs

  Staying true to the original intention and keeping the mission in mind, this event closely followed the main theme of the new era and actively spread positive energy. Through the form of musical performances, the voice of the people of Lingqiu is conveyed to the party with singing, eulogizing the glorious history and great achievements of the Communist Party of China, inspiring the masses of the people to work hard, contribute to the high-quality leapfrog development of the motherland, and present the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party with excellent results. (Deng Hua)

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