
A tooth for a tooth, China fired the first shot of countermeasures, cutting off the lifeblood of the United States and Europe in one fell swoop, and the United States and Europe could not sit still

author:Listen to the clouds

Western countries led by the United States often get stuck in China's neck because of technical problems, and now China is retaliating with a tooth for a tooth, how they treated us at that time, and now we have to return it, it is really relieving!

A tooth for a tooth, China fired the first shot of countermeasures, cutting off the lifeblood of the United States and Europe in one fell swoop, and the United States and Europe could not sit still

As we all know, the United States often launches technological sanctions against the mainland, and also brings some unrelated countries to target the mainland, and is often stuck on technical issues, but now it is different, the wind direction has changed, but China is stuck in the neck of the United States.

Sources of information:

2024-07-01 06:46· {Clarify that rare earth resources belong to the state, China promulgated the "Rare Earth Management Regulations" to attract foreign media attention}

A tooth for a tooth, China fired the first shot of countermeasures, cutting off the lifeblood of the United States and Europe in one fell swoop, and the United States and Europe could not sit still

It is because of the rare minerals that have been discovered in the world, and the continent alone accounts for 40% of the world's storage, which has been discovered, and there are many more that have not been discovered.

A tooth for a tooth, China fired the first shot of countermeasures, cutting off the lifeblood of the United States and Europe in one fell swoop, and the United States and Europe could not sit still

The use of rare minerals is very extensive, just like many high-tech weapons in the United States are inseparable from the raw materials of rare minerals on the mainland, if the mainland does not provide them with this material, then it will be difficult for their high-tech weapons to develop, and they can only find another way.

A tooth for a tooth, China fired the first shot of countermeasures, cutting off the lifeblood of the United States and Europe in one fell swoop, and the United States and Europe could not sit still

For example, the stealth fighter of the United States, the appearance of their stealth fighter "stealth coating" is made of rare minerals imported from China, and the radar system that needs to be equipped on their aircraft, only by using better raw materials can the reconnaissance performance of the radar system be better improved.

A tooth for a tooth, China fired the first shot of countermeasures, cutting off the lifeblood of the United States and Europe in one fell swoop, and the United States and Europe could not sit still

In the last century, China's rare minerals were cabbage prices in China, and most of them were exported, because the mainland did not find the utilization value of rare minerals at that time, and only the United States imported a large number of them to buy them back for their own use.

It was only now that China's science and technology developed and we discovered that many of the raw materials for high-tech weapons in the United States were imported from China, and then we realized that it was ourselves who really stuck our necks.

A tooth for a tooth, China fired the first shot of countermeasures, cutting off the lifeblood of the United States and Europe in one fell swoop, and the United States and Europe could not sit still

After China's research and analysis of rare minerals, one conclusion has come to the conclusion that the value of this mineral is very high, comparable to gold, and most of the advanced technologies are now used, and it happens that the mainland has a lot of them.

After realizing this, the mainland issued a new regulation, specifically addressing the problem of rare mineral soils.

A tooth for a tooth, China fired the first shot of countermeasures, cutting off the lifeblood of the United States and Europe in one fell swoop, and the United States and Europe could not sit still

The first is that the ownership of rare minerals is all owned by the state, and no organization, individual unit, etc., can occupy it for its own use.

The second is to clarify the division of labor among various departments, which also makes it clear that there are management departments, which must supervise the production, circulation, import and export of the entire industrial chain, and must not relax their vigilance.

The third punishment is also quite large, any illegal mining, directly confiscated income, but also a fine of 5-10 times the amount, serious will directly stop production, even the competent authorities will face the risk of jail!

A tooth for a tooth, China fired the first shot of countermeasures, cutting off the lifeblood of the United States and Europe in one fell swoop, and the United States and Europe could not sit still

In addition, the regulations also clearly stipulate that rare minerals must be strictly inspected when importing and exporting, and must be the same as the list of information reported.

Sources of information:

2024-07-01 09:50· {"Rare Earth Management Regulations" will come into force on October 1 to help the high-quality development of the rare earth industry}

A tooth for a tooth, China fired the first shot of countermeasures, cutting off the lifeblood of the United States and Europe in one fell swoop, and the United States and Europe could not sit still

China's regulations are not making a big deal at all, because rare minerals can be said to be already the country's important weapon, and whoever controls it will be able to develop faster and more powerfully.

A tooth for a tooth, China fired the first shot of countermeasures, cutting off the lifeblood of the United States and Europe in one fell swoop, and the United States and Europe could not sit still

It may not be clear to say this, to give an easy-to-understand example, people did not take it seriously when they discovered crude oil before, and when people found out its use value, they frantically developed science and technology around crude oil, from cars and motorcycles to airplanes and warships.

A tooth for a tooth, China fired the first shot of countermeasures, cutting off the lifeblood of the United States and Europe in one fell swoop, and the United States and Europe could not sit still

It is the emergence of crude oil that pushes people to move forward faster, and now China's rare minerals have been found to have a very large utilization value, and the mainland has a lot of them, on the contrary, the United States has almost none, they only have a little bit not enough for them, so they can only rely on imports.

A tooth for a tooth, China fired the first shot of countermeasures, cutting off the lifeblood of the United States and Europe in one fell swoop, and the United States and Europe could not sit still

At this time, it was time for China to get stuck in the neck of the United States, when the chips were in place, the United States banned the export of chips to the mainland, which made it difficult for the mainland for a while, but fortunately, China finally developed it itself and solved this problem.

China's new regulations have put an end to the idea that the United States wants to send people to secretly mine in China and then smuggle it to the United States.

A tooth for a tooth, China fired the first shot of countermeasures, cutting off the lifeblood of the United States and Europe in one fell swoop, and the United States and Europe could not sit still

At present, the United States' high technology will stagnate without the supply of raw materials, and some people will say that the United States can go to other countries to import, and if you look at the world, only the mainland has complete mining technology and refining technology, and ask the United States whether it is willing to pay a high price to buy our things, or is it willing to pay a cheap price to buy some inferior products.

Now the United States has begun to bow its head and beg us, and it is our turn to jam his neck, and when we are happy, we will sell him cheaper, and stop making it so difficult for him.

A tooth for a tooth, China fired the first shot of countermeasures, cutting off the lifeblood of the United States and Europe in one fell swoop, and the United States and Europe could not sit still

This is also a bargaining chip in the mainland's negotiations, not only can the United States and Western countries impose technical sanctions on us, but we can also sanction them in reverse, and then it will depend on who is stronger and who can afford it.

China is rising little by little, and now the time, place, people, and conditions are all met, and the era that belongs to China has arrived, and the mainland can and will continue to break through and become stronger.

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