
American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

author:Singing the night of sleep

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Wen I dreamed of the night nine songs

Edited I Night

At this moment, let go of the things you don't want to care about and enjoy your happy time

An American netizen asked the question on Quora, the largest Q&A website abroad: "Why don't you kill China in a war to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States?" ”

American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

I have to say that the thoughts of American netizens are really stupid as always, the United States has long lost the ability to dominate the world, and whether it was in the past or now, the United States should not think that it can defeat China, although China loves peace, it does not mean that China is afraid of aggressive wars for no reason, and many netizens also gave their own views on this:

"What kind of stupid provocative question is this? I answer this question because there are so many people trying to guess this question and say if, if, if. ”

American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

"On this planet, competition is survival, and God has given all life the right to compete from the day it is born. If the United States refuses anyone to compete with her, it only shows how pathetic and failed the country has become. ”

American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

"Have you read the history of the 'Korean War'? aka the Forgotten War? The United States cannot destroy any country with nuclear capabilities in any war. ”

American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

"There is no reason for the United States to defeat China in a war, unless China invades the United States first, the dispute between the United States and China is not a reason to trigger any war, plus the United States is not always right, China is right, morally, the United States has lost, and in this case, it is the United States, not China, that is evil."

American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

From the answers of netizens, I believe that this American netizen has understood that it has always been the United States that has been playing the role of a country that hinders the development of other countries, and secondly, historically, the United States has not launched a conflict against China, the Korean War, which is known as the "War of Forgetting", I believe that the United States at that time had also seen China's strength.

American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

In the face of this problem, it is inseparable from the propaganda of the US and Western media, and in the eyes of Western capitalist countries, the rise of China is undoubtedly the biggest blow to them.

Looking back at China in the last century, it was only used by them as a trading object, and now China has absolute power, and it should not be underestimated, whether it is in terms of weapons or economy, for all countries, if they attack China now, it is the most stupid behavior.

American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

When it comes to competitive behavior, China hopes that all countries can achieve a fair and win-win scenario, but the United States has always been a dominant power, and in addition to the fact that the United States believes that it has strong military and economic strength, it has constantly exercised "long-arm jurisdiction" over neighboring countries, and always wants to set off a storm by interfering in the political affairs of other countries, so as to achieve the picture of its own exclusive interests.

American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

In the face of China's rise, the United States will naturally not turn a blind eye, during this period, in order to contain China's development, the United States started a "trade war" with China, in trade, the United States is accustomed to imposing tariffs against China, in order to hit China's competitiveness, for this reason does not hesitate to pull other countries to jointly achieve sanctions against China.

American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

In the face of China's science and technology, the United States also did not "let go" China, for example, the United States has announced that it will ban the export of chip equipment and technical support to China, which can clearly feel that the United States is determined to contain China to the end, but even the United States did not expect that after banning the export of chips, China is now completely self-sufficient in chips.

American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

In the face of the containment of tariffs imposed by the United States by force, the United States did not change at all after China's kind persuasion, and only then did China begin to take countermeasures against the United States in imposing tariffs.

In all respects, China has never taken the initiative to launch an attack on the United States, but the United States is the "troublemaker", and China constantly wants to suppress China just to preserve its position as the world's largest power.

American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

However, the United States also ignores the most important point, even if the United States has not launched a containment of China, China will never want to become the world's number one for this, and China has always wanted nothing more than to achieve an international atmosphere of "mutual benefit and win-win".

Moreover, when it comes to why the United States does not launch a war against China, it can be said that it does not have enough strength or does not dare, and now China has already become a world power, and it is also a world-class nuclear power in terms of military aspects, and China has the full strength to resist any foreign country that wants to invade, and I believe that the United States does not want to return its country to the most primitive state of life.

American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

Many people think that China, as the world's largest economy, cannot shake the position of the United States, but in fact, the United States has begun to decline in the economy, whether it is the decline in the credit rating of the United States or the situation of economic disintegration, these are the reasons why the United States does not dare to start a head-on conflict with China.

American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

The most direct reason is China's nuclear weapons, China's nuclear weapons are inseparable from its determination to maintain world peace, but after China's most real nuclear force was exposed, the United States immediately began to worry.

The United States has always been known as a military power, but it has forgotten that China has the world's largest railway network system, and such data proves that China's missile trains can obtain the widest range of activities in the world, and if China's missile trains enter the railway network, it will be difficult to find traces of China's missile trains even the most advanced satellites.

American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

Secondly, the DF-27, known as the "aircraft carrier killer", has reached the point of giving the United States a headache once it comes out, and the DF-27's ultra-long range and supersonic flight capability can already reach a breakthrough through the missile defense system at any time, and it is precisely with the research and development of the DF-27 that the strength of the Chinese People's Liberation Army has been strengthened in a big way.

American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

Judging from the above, it can be seen that China is not competing with the United States in a blind way, on the contrary, the United States, on the basis of its reluctance to recognize China's strength, has continued to exert pressure and contain China.

Moreover, in the face of China's current comprehensive strength in all aspects, the United States also delusions that it can threaten China, and China is only peace-loving, which in no way means that China is afraid of the United States.

American netizens: In order to prevent China from continuing to compete with the United States, why not destroy him in the war?

Today's U.S. reluctance to recognize the fact of China's rising rise is not a self-deprecating act, and it is precisely because of this constant U.S. attack that China can only prove that China will only get stronger.

The media and the masses in the United States and the West should also stop their malicious smear against China, China's power has become an indispensable force in the world, and it is more important to recognize China's excellence and strength, and it is the unbreakable development trend of today's society to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results for all countries.

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