
Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

author:Singing the night of sleep

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Wen I dreamed of the night nine songs

Edited I Night

At this moment, let go of the things you don't want to care about and enjoy your happy time

A Japanese netizen asked such a question on Quora, the largest Q&A website abroad: "If China Taiwan and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?" On the Taiwan issue, China has always adhered to the "one China" principle, and if you take 10,000 steps back, China will never give Japan the opportunity to join forces with Taiwan.

Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

"Japan is so stupid! Once China takes military action against Japan, it will be tantamount to setting the target of its first missile attack - the Yasukuni Shrine. And the PLA will be more than happy to repay Japan for what it did to China during World War II. ”

Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

"Well, I hope Japan has the guts and doesn't break its promises. If Japan helps Taiwan in the mainland's war to unify Taiwan, many Chinese will be very excited. Because for China and the Chinese people, this is a very, very rare, precious and legitimate opportunity to wage war against Japan, the purpose of which is not only to defeat Japan on the battlefield, but to completely destroy the whole of Japan. ”

Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

"I know very well the history between China, Japan and Taiwan over the past few centuries. I believe that if any conflict arises, as you have described, China's response will be a full-fledged escalation as soon as Japan shows signs of interfering in a future conflict over Taiwan. This sentiment is intense, and the determination is expressed on multiple levels. ”

Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

"It is extremely irresponsible for the citizens of Japan to make such remarks involving the territorial disputes of other countries in front of a nuclear-armed country and a permanent member of the UN Security Council."

Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

Many netizens feel that if Japan really implements this plan, it can only show that Japan's behavior is very stupid, not to mention that Japan wants to meddle in the affairs of China's Taiwan, only to say that once Japan launches an attack, I believe that only a group of Chinese who have achieved great ambition will return all the atrocities that Japan has done to China, and it is still on the basis of having a reasonable reason to fight back.

You must know that China has always maintained its determination not to give up an inch of territory in dealing with the territorial issue, and if it is not China, China will not want any of it, but if it belongs to China, China will certainly not give it up in the slightest.

2021-10-23 20:07 Source: Xinhua News Agency
Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

The Land Boundary Law has expressed that China adheres to the principle of friendly consultation, and has also made it clear that China's territory and sovereignty are inviolable, and that China will always take limited measures to resolutely safeguard China's territorial sovereignty and resolutely crack down on any attempt to undermine China's territory.

Turning to today's issue, if Japan wants to directly cross China and join forces with Taiwan, China will inevitably resist Japan's actions to the end, and Japan's thinking is undoubtedly questioning China's current strength.

Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

However, Japan seems to have forgotten that in the famous War of Resistance Against Japan, China not only rose up to resist for 14 years to gain war strength, but also directly opened up China's popularity and unshakable position in the international community through this war.

Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

If Japan now wants to start a war conflict with China, we might as well look at the current gap between China and Japan. In terms of population size, China has a huge territory of manpower, and the Chinese population alone is about ten times higher than Japan.

These abundant human resources will also bring enough troops to China, and China is a country with extremely high quality and obedience, which can give advice to the country at the first time.

Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

Moreover, in terms of industry and economy, China has surpassed Japan in terms of war potential, China has a complete military-industrial system, and the largest population in the world, if China enters a combat state in an all-round way, it can quickly mobilize the whole society to participate in it, and transform the entire country into a powerful weapon of war.

Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

In terms of land, sea and air, China can completely deal the most serious blow to Japan in all aspects, whether it is in terms of the number of people on land, sea and air, or weapons, once a war is launched, Japan will not be able to fight with China today.

Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

In today's international situation, once the war is launched, it will no longer be a simple foreign gun and cannon, nuclear weapons have become a necessary symbol, take Japan as an example, China's Dongfeng-21D missile can completely cover all of Japan's territory, Japan will have no ability to fight back, this can also correspond to the problem of today's Japanese netizens, even if China fights alone, it is enough to make Japan have no return.

Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

Returning to the Taiwan issue, it is a well-known fact that Taiwan has been a part of China since ancient times, and in the face of a rising China, there are always countries that want to try to attack China through the issue of Taiwan's return.

Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

In the face of the Taiwan independence ideology that has arisen within Taiwan, many countries have seized on this point to show their skills to China, taking the question raised by Japanese netizens today as an example, it has already touched China's red line, and China's experience of wars large and small has told China that only by taking sovereignty into its own hands can it bring a better future to the country.

Xinhuanet2024-01-15 23:07
Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

As early as 80 years ago, China, the United States, and Britain clearly stipulated in the [Cairo Declaration] that Taiwan should be returned to China after the theft of China's territory, and in 1945, China, the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union jointly issued the [Potsdam Proclamation], one of which required Japan to implement the [Cairo Declaration] to the end.

Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

Subsequently, Japan accepted the proclamation and announced its unconditional surrender, although it was only a treaty for Japan to implement, but it was enough to prove that Taiwan's subordination to China was a fact with international legal effect, and no one should be allowed to infringe on it again.

Taiwan is bound to return, China will eventually achieve reunification in the true sense, and the "one-China" principle will not be changed by any incident.

Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

On this issue, China has received the support of many countries and international organizations, which have stated that they will firmly support the fact that China will safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and support China's great cause of reunification at an early date.

No matter how other countries, including Japan, try to dismantle the "one-China" principle, it is impossible to change the fact that there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan has never been a country, and Taiwan has always belonged to China, both in the past and in the future.

Japanese netizens asked, if Taiwan, China and Japan join forces, how long can China hold out?

If Japan still has illusions, it can only go to a point of no return, and neither in the past nor in the present day, China has never taken Japan in its eyes, and in the current thinking that China insists on taking the road of peace, Japan should also feel fortunate that China is not a war-loving country, and the main way for Japan to achieve stable development is to stop all delusional thoughts about disintegrating China.


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