
5 hardcore movies that are scary than the other, I don't believe you've seen them all

author:Yaoyao Kan movie

1, "Annabelle"

It's really scary, and the ending makes me think there will be a sequel. The image design of Annabelle's doll is quite good, he just poked at the point where everyone is terrifying, like a human or a non-human, as for the plot, I don't feel so scary, the main thing is that the atmosphere is too good. In the end, the manager of the black bookstore jumped off the building and was really caught off guard, and the ending was a little bit bad.

5 hardcore movies that are scary than the other, I don't believe you've seen them all

2, "Guillotine Valley"

In the heavily colored retro-style images, the camera stops on a fantasy story controlled by lust and revenge in a remote suburban town. What is this, science and fantasy coexist, darkness and joy fly together. The Headless Horseman is quite neat and handsome when he breaks through the tree and his hands rise and fall, the special effects and atmosphere are very good, and the town and forest are all sets. And this ending is really just connected with the barber Todd!

5 hardcore movies that are scary than the other, I don't believe you've seen them all

3, "Zombie Paradise"

Perfect for three or five friends to watch together! A zombie apocalyptic survival guide that teaches you how to survive is very useful. It turns out that the famous scene of the West riding a motorcycle is from this.,It's a little interesting with Sister Stone's cp.,I have to think of Garfield.,I can only see you all living a good life in the same humanities... The foursome in the movie is set to be very loving, and there are no relatives and friends, so what is the difference between people and zombies.

5 hardcore movies that are scary than the other, I don't believe you've seen them all

4, "Eat Raw"

In an accident, Ericia's finger is cut off by scissors, and in the face of the severed finger in front of him, Justin can no longer suppress his inner desire. The heroine is particularly sensitive when she is fragile and suppresses herself, and it always makes me hallucinate a little pervert. If it weren't for the last shot, I probably wouldn't have watched it a second time, but after watching it a second time, I realized that my previous understanding of my sister's idea was completely wrong, and I once again sighed at the subtlety and wisdom of this movie.

5 hardcore movies that are scary than the other, I don't believe you've seen them all

5, "Hide and Seek"

It's a little scary. I don't know much about the plot, I fell asleep in front of me, and I was lost in the back. In such a reversal, the little girl's abnormal behavior in the early stage is difficult to understand, and there are many interludes that are quite mysterious. The little girl can act and play with De Niro. The ending is intriguing, and the child's incomplete personality is basically caused by the original family.

5 hardcore movies that are scary than the other, I don't believe you've seen them all

5 hardcore movies that are more scary than the other, don't believe you've seen them all!

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