
Starz's 10 most outstanding Yellow Storm series of American dramas, especially the last one

author:Yaoyao Kan movie

1. "American Gods" series

In the first season, the combination of God-based and modern civilized society, the male protagonist played by Ricky Whittle has just been released from prison and meets "Wednesday" played by Ian McShawn; Kick off the war between God and God. Everything in the play revolves around shadows, but the highlight of the play is the interaction between a group of naked men and women located in the depths of the temple, and it is also a fragrant scene, a blend of modern and ancient.

Starz's 10 most outstanding Yellow Storm series of American dramas, especially the last one

2. "Legend of the Ancient Battlefield" series

The first season is still very good-looking, the female protagonist is elegant and beautiful, the male protagonist is sunny and handsome, and the Scottish style of the 18th century. The whole set is very real and beautiful, full of the strong love of the male and female protagonists, and it also shows the local simple customs. In short, the plot tells the Scottish people's sincere feelings, firm beliefs, and special realism in all aspects!

Starz's 10 most outstanding Yellow Storm series of American dramas, especially the last one

3, "Call Girlfriend" series

Beauty is already a woman's burden, and being smart makes her understand everything, and pride makes her unable to be obedient. So Christine gives us a sample of a girl who grows positively and strives to conform to the rules of society suddenly turns around and bravely says "no" to everything. Say "no" to cliché love, and say "no" to the expectations of loved ones. Utilitarianly, of course, her choices are not always right, and many are even stupid.

Starz's 10 most outstanding Yellow Storm series of American dramas, especially the last one

4, "Black Sails" series

The story tells the story of the pirate captain male protagonist who looks around for the voyage of the warship in order to rob a warship that transports a large number of jewels and gold coins, and prepares for it. The characters are vivid and vivid, the use of power is like a fish in water, the male captain is ruthless, and he is good at power, and he is in the process of bloodthirsty adventure at the knife edge step by step, luring each other, and the basic direction is according to his meaning.

Starz's 10 most outstanding Yellow Storm series of American dramas, especially the last one

5, "Lust for Power" series

The first time I watched so many black dramas, it was much better than I imagined, the music was amazing, and I liked the rhythm and foreshadowing of the whole season, it was so simple and direct and not pretentious, it was really good. The characters are reasonable, just with some elements that have been criticized by some people, but, I make sure you stay patient, this world is not a simple distinction between good guys and bad guys.

Starz's 10 most outstanding Yellow Storm series of American dramas, especially the last one

6, "Spring and Autumn of the Temple"

There is a historical TV series that is thrilling and happy. It is said that part of the church prototype was the Salisbury Cathedral. The story surrounding the construction of a Catholic cathedral is too superficial. It is no wonder that the whole of Europe is now flooded with green religions, and Europe has abandoned its faith and pursued humanism and is not God-centered.

Starz's 10 most outstanding Yellow Storm series of American dramas, especially the last one

7, "Relative Universe" series

The subject matter is my favorite genre, and the setting is great. A wonderful spy war sci-fi drama with a profound portrayal of the complex aspects of the characters' human nature. After the eighth episode, it was super exciting, the Baldwin line knocked me to death, Simmons's acting skills were applauded and acclaimed, the later AB personality change was too real and ironic, the relationship between the husband and wife was well buried, and the political correctness was not lacking in funny.

Starz's 10 most outstanding Yellow Storm series of American dramas, especially the last one

8, "Holy City"

A drama that wastes time. I originally liked Jamie Campbell very much, he was too general in the play, and he may not be suitable for this makeup, and his face was very puffy, especially his eyes. The only one who supported the whole process was Eva Green, and her several sets of makeup were so beautiful! This type of mysterious shrine maiden is really her comfort zone.

Starz's 10 most outstanding Yellow Storm series of American dramas, especially the last one

9, "The White Queen"

The plot progresses very quickly, inheriting the throne, and then being driven down by another group of people, and after a few days, I will be doing it again, like a joke. "War of the Roses" lives up to its name, this rollercoaster-like life is really exciting, and of course, only those of royal blood are qualified to play. Then I went to Baidu's history at that time and found that it was really so messy.

Starz's 10 most outstanding Yellow Storm series of American dramas, especially the last one

10, "Spartacus" series

The picture is magnificent, and the lens is exquisite. The fighting is very burning, and the plot is gripping. Death means loss for anyone. For a free man, death is the loss of the joy of life; For slaves, death was the pain of losing one's life. Death is the only relief that slaves can seek, this is the reason why they are not afraid of death, and it is also the reason why we will win!

Starz's 10 most outstanding Yellow Storm series of American dramas, especially the last one

Starz's 10 most brilliant Yellow Storm series of American dramas, especially the last one!

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