
Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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During the hot summer months, many people choose to eat some cold dishes to relieve the discomfort caused by the heat, among which cilantro is popular for its unique refreshing taste.

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things

However, for people with certain health conditions, such as those with liver insufficiency, consuming too much coriander may not be a good option.

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things

On hot days, people often feel a loss of appetite due to the high temperature, so if you choose to eat some light cold dishes, it seems to be a good choice. However, if this cold dish contains a lot of coriander, those who already have liver problems may feel stomach upset and even nausea after eating.

This is because the liver is under increased stress when metabolizing these foods that contain high levels of oxalic acid and volatile components, which affects overall digestion.

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things

For patients with liver disease, coriander, a seemingly ordinary and harmless vegetable, may actually hide unknown risks. Although coriander is loved by many people for its unique aroma and rich nutritional value, it may not be ideal for patients with liver insufficiency.

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things

Coriander contains relatively high levels of volatile oils and oxalic acid. Although volatile oils can increase the aroma of food and increase appetite, for people with imperfect liver function, these volatile compounds require the liver to do additional metabolic work, which is undoubtedly worse for the already overburdened liver.

Secondly, the presence of oxalic acid is another issue. Although oxalic acid does not pose a direct health threat in most cases, it can combine with calcium in the body to form calcium oxalate, which can not only cause kidney stones, but also cause metabolic disorders in patients with liver disease.

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things

The formation of calcium oxalate reduces free calcium in the blood and may negatively affect heart function, which is often closely related to liver conditions.

In addition, certain compounds in coriander, such as polyphenols and flavonoids, have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in healthy humans.

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things

However, these substances may not be properly processed in the case of impaired liver function, and the accumulation in the body can have toxic effects. In particular, the liver's ability to remove toxins is reduced, and these otherwise beneficial compounds become potentially harmful.

More seriously, some volatile components in coriander may interfere with the activity of drug-metabolizing enzymes in the liver, which may affect the efficacy of the drug or even cause adverse reactions for patients with liver disease who are taking medication.

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things

For example, certain ingredients in coriander may interact with drugs used to treat liver disease, such as interferon, affecting how quickly the drug is metabolized and how potency it is.

Considering these complex biochemical effects, patients with liver disease should undergo a detailed consultation and evaluation before consuming coriander. While an absolute ban may be a bit excessive, it is a wise choice to control the intake of coriander in moderation after understanding the individual's specific health status, or to look for alternatives with the advice of a doctor.

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things

When it comes to dietary modifications for people with liver disease, routine recommendations may include reducing fats, avoiding alcohol, and choosing low-salt foods.

However, in addition to avoiding certain foods, it is more important to highlight some liver-friendly vegetables that can help improve liver function and promote liver health. In this section, we'll explore four vegetables that are especially beneficial for people with liver disease and explain their benefits in detail.

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things

Let's start with bitter melon. Bitter melon, the name may sound a little intimidating, but its benefits for liver health cannot be overlooked.

Bitter melon contains a lot of antioxidants, such as vitamin C and flavonoids, which are effective in scavenging free radicals in the body and reducing oxidative stress, which is essential for liver health.

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things

In addition, a unique ingredient in bitter melon, guazurin, has been shown to improve the metabolic function of the liver and help lower blood sugar, which is especially important for many patients with liver disease, who often have problems with insulin resistance.

Next, let's talk about onions. Not only are onions a regular in cooking, but their benefits for liver health should not be underestimated. At the same time, onions are also rich in sulfur compounds and flavonoids, which have powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things

In addition, onions also contain high amounts of arbutin, a known liver protector that reduces liver cell damage and promotes liver cell repair.

When it comes to vegetables that are good for the liver, you can't fail to mention beets. Not only is this thing beautiful, but it's also a good helper for the liver. The betalain in the beet is simply a natural "cleaner", which can activate the enzymes that help the liver detoxify and sweep out all the toxins that should not be there.

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things

Moreover, beets are quite rich in fiber, which is also very important for the liver. Did you know that if the digestive system works well, the burden on the liver is much less. Fiber helps to promote digestion and allows the liver to work less hard to deal with those harmful substances, which indirectly protects the liver from further damage.

Let's talk about celery, this little green thing is really not simple. Celery has a lot of water and fiber, especially for those who don't have a good liver. It has so much water in it that it can help the body maintain its water balance, especially in the summer, eating some celery feels refreshed.

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things

Moreover, the fiber of celery is particularly good for the intestines, which can help our intestines keep those bad things out and prevent them from being absorbed into the body, which indirectly reduces the workload of the liver.

Also, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients in celery are really good friends of the liver. They can help reduce inflammation in the liver, making the liver less red and painful, thus allowing for relief from the symptoms of liver disease. Therefore, celery is not only a good ingredient for cold dishes or soups, but also a very effective helper for protecting the liver.

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things

When considering these vegetables, it is important to introduce them through a balanced diet. Patients with liver disease should do this gradually when introducing new foods, preferably under the guidance of a doctor or dietitian. Each vegetable has its own unique nutrient profile and potential benefits, but moderation and suitability are key.

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things

With smart food choices and appropriate lifestyle modifications, people with liver disease can effectively support their liver health and improve their quality of life.

(The above names are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

What do you think about people with liver disease to stay away from coriander? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things


[1] Zhang Shaoying. Effect of spleen on liver macrophage activation of hepatic stellate cells in the progression of liver fibrosis, Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Medical Science), 2024-06-19

Should liver disease patients stay away from coriander? Doctor's advice: If you want to be healthy, you can eat more of these things