
Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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As the temperature gradually rises in the summer, people with thrombosis may feel physically exhausted and unwell, especially when performing physical labor in a hot environment.

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things

Hot weather can increase the burden on the heart, causing the heart to beat faster and blood circulation faster, which undoubtedly increases the risk of blood clots for people with a history of blood clots. At this time, the problem may be more serious if the dietary choices are not right, especially if there is a preference for high iron and high-fat foods, such as pork liver.

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things

Traditionally, pork liver is often regarded as a blood tonic because of its rich nutrients such as iron and vitamin A. However, for patients with thrombosis, the intake of pork liver needs to be carefully considered, especially in disease management and dietary choices, there are many details that are not easy for ordinary people to notice.

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things

Although pork liver is rich in iron, it is a good choice for blood replenishment for the average person, but for patients with blood clots, extra care is required. Although the high iron content in pig liver can help improve anemia, it may also increase the viscosity of the blood, which can increase the risk of blood vessel blockage in patients with blood clots. And, let's talk about the frighteningly high cholesterol in pork liver.

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things

You see, if you eat too much of this thing, the cholesterol level in the body will go up, which will easily harden the blood vessel walls, and the so-called atherosclerosis may form over time. This is not a trivial matter, because in this way, the blood flow is blocked and the pressure on the circulatory system increases. These are all hidden dangers that lead to the aggravation of blood clots, so be careful.

The cholesterol content in pig liver is very high, but patients with thrombosis themselves need to strictly control their cholesterol intake, because too much cholesterol will be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques, which directly increases the risk of thrombosis.

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things

The high cholesterol in pig liver has a particularly significant impact on the blood circulatory system, which may lead to the exacerbation of existing thrombosis and increase the probability of cardiovascular disease.

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things

Let's talk about the vitamin A content in pig liver, although vitamin A is very beneficial for vision and skin health, but excessive vitamin A intake may lead to toxic reactions, especially in patients with blood clots, which may be more prone to excessive vitamin A accumulation due to the decline of liver metabolism.

Not only can this cause symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and dry skin, but long-term overdose may also increase the risk of fractures and affect bone density.

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things

In addition, pig liver contains a certain amount of copper, although copper is one of the essential trace elements for the human body, but for patients with thrombosis, excessive copper intake may affect the zinc balance in the body, and further may affect the function of platelets, thereby affecting the coagulation function of blood, which may lead to bleeding or increased risk of thrombosis.

The purifying function of pig liver also means that it may accumulate a certain amount of toxins and drug residues, especially in modern industrial farming, where animals may be exposed to a wide range of drugs and chemicals.

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things

These residues may be potential risk factors for patients with thrombosis, especially in patients with already impaired liver metabolism, and may further affect drug metabolism and clearance.

What we have to consider is the overall diet of people with blood clots. A healthy diet should be varied and should not rely on one or a few foods for nutrition, but should be balanced through a variety of food combinations.

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things

Long-term reliance on a single high-nutrient food such as pork liver may not only lead to excessive intake of certain nutrients, but may also cause relative deficiencies in other nutrients.

When it comes to the dietary management of thrombosis patients, in addition to avoiding high-cholesterol and high-fat foods, there are some seemingly healthy fruits and vegetables that actually need to be eaten with caution.

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things

Especially for the elderly, their body functions and metabolism are not as good as when they were younger, so it is even more important to consider the intake of each food in detail. Here's a look at four common fruits and vegetables that, while rich in many nutrients, may not be the best choice for certain people with blood clots.

Let's talk about grapefruit. Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which can provide great health benefits for the average person, such as boosting immunity and preventing heart disease. However, grapefruit may have adverse reactions with certain heart disease or thromboprophylaxis medications in patients who are taking them.

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things

It can affect the metabolism of drugs, especially those processed by the liver enzyme system, which can lead to abnormally high or low concentrations of the drug in the body, which can increase the risk of side effects or reduce the drug's effect.

Let's look at mangoes. Mango is a tropical fruit with a sweet taste and is rich in vitamins A and E. While these are good sources of antioxidants, mango's high sugar content can be a hidden problem for people with blood clots.

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things

A rapid rise in blood sugar levels can cause an inflammatory response in the body, which can exacerbate damage to blood vessels or form new blood clots in people with blood clots.

Persimmon is also a fruit to watch out for. Persimmons are rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C, which seem to be good for heart health.

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things

However, persimmons also contain higher amounts of tannic acid, which can combine with iron to form hard-to-absorb complexes when consumed with high-iron foods, thus affecting the normal level of iron in the blood. This is to be avoided for patients with blood clots who need to control their iron intake through diet.

Bananas, as a high-potassium fruit, are often recommended for patients who need to manage their risk of heart disease. However, in those with blood clots with renal insufficiency, excessive potassium intake can be dangerous, and in patients with kidney disease, potassium excretion is reduced, and excess potassium may cause abnormal heart function and even cardiac arrest.

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things

After considering the potential risks of these foods, patients with blood clots, especially elderly patients, should seek the advice of a professional doctor when choosing daily fruits and vegetables, and develop a personalized diet plan according to their health status and the type of medication they are taking.

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things

A healthy diet should take into account individual differences and avoid blindly following general healthy food trends, which is essential for the long-term health management of patients with thrombosis. By carefully adjusting their eating habits, patients with thrombosis can better manage their condition and avoid unnecessary health risks caused by food.

(The above names are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

What do you think about the "hidden murderer" of the blood clot in pig liver? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things


[1] Lin Jian, The value of soluble thrombomodulin combined with kidney injury molecule 1 in the early diagnosis of acute kidney injury caused by primary nephrotic syndrome*, Chinese Journal of Modern Medicine, 2024-06-19

Is pig liver a thrombosis "hidden murderer"? Doctors warn: Especially the elderly, try to eat less of these 4 things