
"Forced drugged and stripped naked" Hilton's heiress revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

author:Yun Yu is not surnamed Wen

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On the surface, she is the envy of everyone's top American socialite, one of the heirs of the Hilton Group, worth billions of dollars, living a chic and wanton life, and unlimited scenery.

However, where we can't see it, this rich and famous woman was confined in solitary confinement for 20 hours in a boarding school, forcibly drugged by American teachers, and subjected to all kinds of abuse.

The United States has always claimed to pursue "freedom and equality", why did this heiress suffer such injustice? What happened to this socialite now?

"Forced drugged and stripped naked" Hilton's heiress revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

America's top socialite

The heir to the Hilton who has experienced twists and turns is called Paris Hilton, she was born in New York, USA in 1981, Jia Baoyu was born with jade in her mouth, and she was born with a golden spoon in her mouth.

Because she is the great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton, the founder of Hilton, and one of the heirs to its huge estate, Hilton is her family, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a wealthy celebrity.

Paris Hilton has lived a life of clothes and food since she was a child, with a special maid at home to take care of her diet and daily life, and her superior material life has cultivated her into a nobody-in-sight and arrogant character.

"Forced drugged and stripped naked" Hilton's heiress revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

Although her parents love her and spoil her, they still hope that she will achieve something and become a highly educated elite, but Paris was rebellious in her adolescence, disobeyed discipline, and opposed her parents everywhere, and her parents finally decided to send her to the "Young Reform Institute".

said that it was a "young reform school", but in fact it was a boarding school that could not be contacted by the outside world, and her parents thought that Paris could reform here, but who would have thought that it would have caused her a lifelong shadow of a teenager.

It took more than 20 years for Paris to muster up the courage to make the school's misdeeds public, what happened?

Red Star News, 2024-07-01, ""Forced to be drugged and stripped naked" Hilton Group heiress revealed that she had been sexually abused at boarding school"
"Forced drugged and stripped naked" Hilton's heiress revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

boarding school

According to reports, on June 26, Paris Hilton attended a hearing in the U.S. House of Representatives, and the rich and famous lady revealed her scars in front of everyone.

She confessed that when she was 16 years old, she was "sexually abused" at a boarding school known as Provo Canyon School, a notorious boarding school in Utah that regulates psychological development.

Paris remembers bitterly that she was beaten by the school teacher, verbally insulted, and locked up at every turn, one time is a day, which is not the most hateful, the most painful thing for her is that she was forcibly drugged by the teacher, stripped naked, etc.

"Forced drugged and stripped naked" Hilton's heiress revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

At that time, she was isolated, and even when she told her parents, her parents chose to believe the school, the teachers, and thought she was lying.

This experience left an indelible wound on Paris's heart, causing her to suffer from mental illness and difficulty in establishing intimate relationships with people, which seriously affected her normal life.

Paris also wants to hold the school responsible, but unfortunately, the school was sold, and now the people behind it claim that everything that happened to them has nothing to do with them, and they have no way to verify it.

"Forced drugged and stripped naked" Hilton's heiress revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

Paris's desire to get justice for herself is shattered, and just as she is about to forget the past and stop pursuing it, she hears about a teenage girl's case.

She learns that a 12-year-old rebellious girl was also sent to a similar school by her family, but the girl was abused by the school teacher and unexpectedly became pregnant and gave birth to a child.

Knowing all this, Paris can't bear it anymore, and she decides to use her influence to uncover the ugly fig leaf of the boarding school, let the truth come to light, and let these criminals and institutions get the punishment they deserve.

"Forced drugged and stripped naked" Hilton's heiress revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

Paris Hilton, 43, who is supported by this strong conviction and spoke out in front of everyone in the House of Representatives, said that she does not want to see this kind of thing happen again, and there will be victims like her again.

Paris's experience is not an exception, not a special case that happened because she was beautiful, but a kind of gutter evil that has always existed in American society.

Many children of American celebrities have experienced such things before, even Michael Jackson's daughter Paris Jackson is no exception.

China News Network, September 13, 2014, "Jackson's daughter was revealed to be unmarried and pregnant, and was sent to a detention school for suicide"
"Forced drugged and stripped naked" Hilton's heiress revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

American Education

As early as 2020, Paris made a documentary about herself, in which she acknowledged for the first time what she experienced and encountered as a young woman.

Who would have thought that one stone would stir up a thousand waves, and Paris's unbearable memories would resonate with many celebrities, many American high-society celebrities, who have disclosed their experiences of being abused at school.

Michael Jackson's daughter was one of them, and when Michael Jackson died, he left behind three children, the eldest of whom was only 12 years old.

"Forced drugged and stripped naked" Hilton's heiress revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

Paris Jackson is Michael Jackson's favorite second daughter, and he built a 2,800-acre estate for his daughter, which includes not only a playground but also a zoo.

When her father was alive, she could be said to have been loved by thousands of people, but after her father's death, the lives of her three children were completely changed.

Paris, in particular, became more and more reticent, and later became a troubled girl, and after entering a rebellious period at the age of 16, her behavior became more and more excessive.

"Forced drugged and stripped naked" Hilton's heiress revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

Just because her family prevented her from going to the concert, she chose to commit suicide, and this excessive behavior finally made the family decide to send her to a detention school for troubled juveniles.

It was here that Paris was also beaten and abused by his school teachers, resulting in a more serious mental illness and the need to take antidepressants every day in order to live a normal life.

"Forced drugged and stripped naked" Hilton's heiress revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

In our eyes, they have a lot of money and an enviable good life, but behind the scenes, they have silently experienced so much pain, which is only reported, and you can imagine how common such things are in the United States.

In many people's impressions, the United States has a strong liberal atmosphere, advocates the pursuit of happy education, and parents are also very open-minded, bringing infinite possibilities to children's growth.

"Forced drugged and stripped naked" Hilton's heiress revealed that she had been sexually abused at school

But the fact is that Paris Hilton's investigation revealed that more than 50,000 children in the United States are sent to residential institutions every year, which are as inhumane as the school she lived in 27 years ago, and the essence has not changed much.

This means that boarding schools in the United States continue to brew such tragedies, so she called on American society to pay attention to children and teenagers, and wants to persuade lawmakers to strengthen community resources to ensure that children can stay away from these institutions and avoid similar incidents.


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