
The women's basketball team lost gold in an upset! Li Xin spoke angrily with low emotional intelligence, blaming coach Zhang Ziyu?

author:Yun Yu is not surnamed Wen

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Zhang Ziyu of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team cooperated with her teammates to win the runner-up, and she herself won the MVP.

Zhang Ziyu's strength is obvious to all, why is Li Xin not optimistic about her?

The women's basketball team lost gold in an upset! Li Xin spoke angrily with low emotional intelligence, blaming coach Zhang Ziyu?

Most Valuable Player

This year's Chinese U18 women's basketball team, Zhang Ziyu, who is only 17 years old, won the MVP and is recognized as a player who played well on the court this time.

She did help the Chinese women's basketball team score 12 points and 14 boards, but as Li Xin said, the basketball game is a team project, and you can't do anything by relying on the strength of one person.

The Chinese women's basketball team that participated in this competition confirmed Li Xin's point of view, no matter how good Zhang Ziyu's performance was, the Chinese women's basketball team still lost to Australia and won the runner-up in the Asian Cup.

Source: Strait Net2024-07-01 "China's U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia and won the runner-up in the Asian Cup, Zhang Ziyu scored 42 points and 14 boards, won the MVP of this event, and cried after the game"
The women's basketball team lost gold in an upset! Li Xin spoke angrily with low emotional intelligence, blaming coach Zhang Ziyu?

So when netizens questioned the employment of the Chinese women's basketball team, Li Xin mentioned that "facts speak louder than words", what she meant was that after Zhang Ziyu played, the Chinese women's basketball team had not won the championship, and Zhang Ziyu was not as good as netizens said.

The women's basketball team lost gold in an upset! Li Xin spoke angrily with low emotional intelligence, blaming coach Zhang Ziyu?

But Zhang Ziyu's performance on the field is obvious to all, because she is 2.23 meters tall, and she also has a relatively obvious height advantage against Australian players.

Looking at all the players of the Chinese women's national basketball team, there is no one who has such a good height condition as her.

When it comes to height conditions, we have to mention Yao Ming in the mainland and O'Neal in the United States, both of whom are more than two meters tall, and they can open a certain gap with other players in terms of offense, defense, rebounding, and passing vision.

The women's basketball team lost gold in an upset! Li Xin spoke angrily with low emotional intelligence, blaming coach Zhang Ziyu?

And these advantages are also applicable to Zhang Ziyu, plus she can become an MVP player at the age of 17, as long as she can meet a good coach and train reasonably, there are infinite possibilities in the future.

Many netizens also have the same idea, thinking that Zhang Ziyu's performance on the court is not perfect, but she is indeed a good seedling to play basketball, whether it is placed in the Shandong basketball team or the national basketball team.

But Li Xin's opinion is different from that of netizens, she feels that Zhang Ziyu lacks flexibility and moves slowly, which will drag down the rhythm of the entire team's attack.

The women's basketball team lost gold in an upset! Li Xin spoke angrily with low emotional intelligence, blaming coach Zhang Ziyu?

So in the Chinese U16 women's basketball game, when the mainland women's basketball team played against the Japanese and South Korean women's basketball teams, Li Xin did not bring Zhang Ziyu on the court.

The advantage of the Japanese and South Korean women's basketball team is not in their height, but in their fast movement speed and accurate pitching, and Li Xin did not take Zhang Ziyu to play against the women's basketball team of Japan and South Korea and other countries, and she also has her considerations in it.

But this time the Chinese women's basketball team is playing against the Australian women's basketball team, as players from Europe and the United States, they have innate advantages in height and physical fitness, and have strong confrontation ability.

The women's basketball team lost gold in an upset! Li Xin spoke angrily with low emotional intelligence, blaming coach Zhang Ziyu?

It just so happens that Zhang Ziyu is a rare player with a height advantage in the Chinese women's basketball team, but Li Xin is still not optimistic about her, she feels that Zhang Ziyu's strength needs to be strengthened, and his confrontation ability is somewhat lacking.

But in any case, Zhang Ziyu has fully proved himself in the game, such as the U18 women's basketball team against the Japanese team, Zhang Ziyu himself directly scored 44 points, no matter which game, obviously played his height advantage.

The women's basketball team lost gold in an upset! Li Xin spoke angrily with low emotional intelligence, blaming coach Zhang Ziyu?

Zhang Ziyu also created a lot of classic pictures on the court, and the female basketball players in some of the pictures are not as tall as her, and it is even more difficult to shoot successfully in front of her.

The women's basketball team lost gold in an upset! Li Xin spoke angrily with low emotional intelligence, blaming coach Zhang Ziyu?

So netizens were upset about Zhang Ziyu and had friendly exchanges with Li Xin, thinking that Zhang Ziyu's good performance was to some extent slapping Li Xin's face, but the other party didn't buy it.

The women's basketball team lost gold in an upset! Li Xin spoke angrily with low emotional intelligence, blaming coach Zhang Ziyu?

The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves

After netizens accused Li Xin of not paying attention to Zhang Ziyu, Li Xin, who has always been assertive, replied on the spot: "Are you worthy of evaluating me?" ”

And in order not to make the Internet air too dignified, netizens who watched the excitement have begun to persuade Li Xin to dissipate his anger, and choose Zhang Ziyu next time to take back the lost championship.

Seeing the persuasion of netizens, Li Xin's attitude also eased a lot, and confided in netizens that next year's U19 game will not be easy to play.

The women's basketball team lost gold in an upset! Li Xin spoke angrily with low emotional intelligence, blaming coach Zhang Ziyu?

Originally, things have developed relatively harmoniously so far, but some netizens still don't understand Li Xin's approach, and directly question whether Li Xin understands the ball or not.

Li Xin couldn't help it on the spot, and directly replied to netizens with letters instead of dirty words, saying that she had paid a lot of effort for the Chinese women's basketball team in the last U18 women's basketball game.

And in the U16 game, Li Xin did not let Zhang Ziyu enter the team squad, and the team created the worst result in history, and she can't be blamed entirely, she hopes that the Chinese women's basketball team can get good results more than anyone else.

The women's basketball team lost gold in an upset! Li Xin spoke angrily with low emotional intelligence, blaming coach Zhang Ziyu?

She herself can become a person with great influence on the Chinese women's basketball team because she has a certain amount of hard power in her body, and she has won glory for the national team when she was young.

Li Xin is a well-known thorn, and half of his life with basketball was not smooth, such as failing to participate in the national youth women's basketball team selection at the age of 16, but later learned that it was because he was short and could not completely obey the coach's arrangement like his other players.

She worked harder to participate in training, and at the age of 20, she finally entered the national team as she wished, and met Gong Xiaobin, an important figure who had influenced him for at least 9 years, here.

The women's basketball team lost gold in an upset! Li Xin spoke angrily with low emotional intelligence, blaming coach Zhang Ziyu?

Gong Xiaobin and Li Xin are relatively outstanding players in the Chinese men's basketball team and the Chinese women's basketball team, and they are also recognized as the golden boy and jade girl.

It's just that the two of them Li Xin are from Shandong and have a big personality, while Gong Xiaobin is from the Northeast and is also a straightforward person, it is true that there is a relationship between the two, and it is also true that there will be some friction from time to time.

In addition, at that time, everyone's thinking was still relatively conservative, and they felt that it was inappropriate for the national team players to fall in love, and the two of them also encountered some setbacks.

The women's basketball team lost gold in an upset! Li Xin spoke angrily with low emotional intelligence, blaming coach Zhang Ziyu?

But their basketball career has not been affected too much because of these things, such as in 1992, Li Xin made great contributions to the Asian Championships, and Li Xin and his teammates worked together to achieve the best results in the history of Chinese basketball.

But Li Xin was unable to return to the team according to the requirements of the national team because of a car delay and seeing Gong Xiaobin's father, which is a very serious mistake for the national team players.

So Li Yaguang wanted Li Xin to leave the team, but Li Xin was really good, and it was a pity that the national team suddenly left when it was the time to hire people, and she was finally retained.

The women's basketball team lost gold in an upset! Li Xin spoke angrily with low emotional intelligence, blaming coach Zhang Ziyu?

Before participating in the Barcelona Olympics, the national team coaches hoped that Li Xin and Gong Xiaobin would break up and play well, but Li Xin also rejected the other party.

The two failed to get together in the end, and each started a family, and Li Xin's relationship was not smooth after forming a family, and after the relationship was frustrated, she chose to devote more energy to the basketball career.

The women's basketball team lost gold in an upset! Li Xin spoke angrily with low emotional intelligence, blaming coach Zhang Ziyu?

Gong Xiaobin has never left everyone's career, and has worked in the Shandong men's basketball team for a period of time, while Zhang Ziyu is from the Shandong basketball team and has received his personal guidance.

The gears of fate are constantly turning forward, and everyone has to bear the consequences of making choices, but in any case, we should remain rational when faced with major decisions and not let innocent people be harmed.



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