
"The Story of Roses" extra: Zhou Shihui has a red rose tattooed on his chest, netizens: I can't laugh anymore

author:Eager to learn little Meimei
"The Story of Roses" extra: Zhou Shihui has a red rose tattooed on his chest, netizens: I can't laugh anymore

Many netizens said that the most joyful thing in the whole drama of "The Story of Rose" is Zhou Shihui.

As soon as he appeared, he smiled from ear to ear.

Have you watched "The Story of Rose"?

At the end of the fan, in the shed, Zhou Shihui took off his clothes and took a bath, and was found by Huang Peony, who tattooed a red rose on the heart of his chest.

Netizens couldn't stop laughing at the roses embroidered on his chest.

But is there anyone like Yun Yunjun, who smiled and smiled and fell silent.

The barrage is: Zhou Shihui, you, where do you start and where does it end.

The obsession with Huang Yimei has never stopped, who gave you confidence and courage?

"The Story of Roses" extra: Zhou Shihui has a red rose tattooed on his chest, netizens: I can't laugh anymore

At the beginning of the play, Zhou Shihui regretted marrying his first girlfriend of 7 years for the sake of roses.

and his girlfriend got a certificate at the Civil Affairs Bureau, and at the moment when they were about to get a seal, Zhou Shihui stopped his marriage.

Many people say that Zhou Shihui is a lewd man who wants to see sex.

Seven years of relationship, you can give up at any time because of the beauty of the outside world, let your fiancée fall into a collapse, and add trouble to the rose.

Think that you don't care about it, think that you can pursue true love - roses with your passion?

It's not like that, it's the opposite.

The emotions that bred for the rose were all wishful thinking on his part, and the rose rejected him.

One can only show that this man is a simple-minded and impulsive animal.

For example, Zhou Shihui likes the beauty, intelligence, cheerfulness, sunshine and confidence of roses, but forgets to look at himself in the mirror.

Second, it shows that most of him only cares about himself.

For example, after Zhou Shihui, who was rejected by Rose, returned to his hometown, he did not delay his marriage and childbirth.

Many people say that in real life, it is one person who loves, and it is another person who gets married and has children

Zhou Shihui is such a person.

Then, Zhou Shihui single-handedly turned his wife into the most tragic character in the whole play (although his wife never appeared, he had a safety seat in the car, and the plot also mentioned that his child was 2 years old, indicating that he had a wife and children).

During the team building, he didn't bring his wife and children;

Huang Zhenhua asked him to borrow 200,000 yuan, and said that he would borrow it, and he didn't say that he would discuss it with his wife, so it can be seen that his salary is never handed over;

He had a red rose tattooed on his chest, but poor his wife couldn't understand the meaning, and silently endured his cold violence and his clear mental derailment.

Falling out of love is also in love, and my heart is still full when I think of her.

It has become Zhou Shihui's "romantic" love sentence.

Blind, such pure and beautiful love words made Zhou Shihui tarnished.

Huang Zhenhua summed it up well and said that Huang Yimei is the female version of Yang Guo.

ε=( ́ο'*)))) Alas, Zhou Shihui focuses on a "once I see Yang Guosi for life".

There are even male netizens who envy Zhou Shihui, they have seen "Yang Guo", and it is worth it to see people who have amazed their lives.

Some netizens commented, saying that people like Zhou Shihui are used to seeing it, and it is best to be more interesting about Bai Yueguang, which is N times higher than himself, either work hard to catch up, or hold back his heart for a lifetime.

Even Charlie Munger said:

The best way to get something is to make yourself worthy of it.

This sentence can be completely sympathetic to Zhou Shihui, you have to work hard and work hard to make yourself worthy of the person you love.

Everyone can see that Zhou Shihui is not worthy of roses.

However, in Zhou Shihui's heart, there is no such thought, at least in the play, he does not have Fang Xiewen's inferiority.

This self-confidence not only comes from his blind perception of himself, but also from Zhizhi's refusal to let go at the beginning.

"The Story of Roses" extra: Zhou Shihui has a red rose tattooed on his chest, netizens: I can't laugh anymore
"The Story of Roses" extra: Zhou Shihui has a red rose tattooed on his chest, netizens: I can't laugh anymore

There is a plot outside the fan.

Zhizhi may be for the sake of face, or maybe she can't let go of her 7-year relationship and wants to forgive Zhou Shihui, who regretted his marriage.

Zhou Shihui saw Zhizhi, who had drunk a lot of wine, return to the wedding room, so he "pounced" and knelt down.

Seeing this, Zhizhi was angry and sad and said:

Zhou Shihui was stunned and thought to himself: "Is this okay?" Looks like I'm very attractive. ”

At this time, Zhizhi staggered and grabbed Zhou Shihui's hand and said:

But Zhou Shihui once again rejected Zhizhi, and Zhizhi shouted:

Zhou Shihui, I will not give up on you......

Haha, it was Zhizhi's sentence of not giving up that gave Zhou Shihui unprecedented confidence and courage.

I thought I was charming and worthy of roses, so I was obsessed with roses from beginning to end.

Never got it, never gave it up.

Of course, under the persuasion of Rose, Zhizhi bravely left Zhou Shihui, and finally had a bumper harvest in love and career. That's an afterword.

But, whether it should be said or not, Zhou Shihui's character design is not good, but the actor not only performed the annoying character design, but also performed a comedic effect.

Many netizens feel that in addition to the heroine and other female characters in "The Story of Rose", the men with the highest degree of completion in the play are Zhou Shihui and Fang Xiewen.

In particular, Zhou Shihui's in-depth excavation of the role shows the deeper "charm" of the character's black and red.


On the one hand, it presents the ridiculousness and pity of the toad wanting to eat swan meat;

For example, when I saw a rose coming to the company, I secretly watched it, and when I saw the rose coming out, I pretended to go to boil water and met it unexpectedly;

For example, his sentence "I knew that the team building was for them, I wouldn't have come", and was teased by Peony, "Isn't this Lin Daiyu's word?" ”

On the other hand, it is a reliable partner and a reliable bosom friend.

For example, the deep understanding of architecture is striking, and it illustrates the true meaning of architects.

"People have personalities, so should they have houses? The lifespan of buildings, which is not lifespan, is a state of coexistence with the sky, the land, and the human beings who inhabit their bodies. ”

For example, Huang Peony was jealous of Su Su's ex-husband, and his golden sentences enlightened.

"You said that you used your own time to study other people's pasts, how tiring you are! You say you have to give yourself the whole imaginary enemy, rich? Not as rich as you, handsome, not as handsome as you. He's far worse than you, and his face is like a horse......"

Haha, a few words cured Huang Peony's heart disease.

"The Story of Roses" extra: Zhou Shihui has a red rose tattooed on his chest, netizens: I can't laugh anymore

Therefore, "The Story of Rose" wants to tell us a truth:

Human beings are multifaceted, and human nature is complex.

As Mark Twain said:

"Everyone is the moon, there is always a dark side, never let people see"

The moon is cloudy and sunny. In this world, there is no perfect person, and there is no perfect moon.

We all have our own dark sides, but that doesn't stop us from pursuing the light and the good.

As long as we face it bravely and accept it, we can truly shine, illuminate ourselves and others, and become that powerful and unique self.