
Comments: The Shanghai Composite Index failed to return to 3000, and retail investors were miserable, why is this? How to get around tomorrow?

author:Lao Chen Tao shares

The A-share Shanghai Index struggled at 3,000 points for most of the day, mainly supported by the weighted plates, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the Growth Enterprise Market fell, so a "differentiated" market was staged, but in the end it was small and medium-sized theme stocks that were injured, and individual stocks still suffered a general decline, resulting in further expansion of retail investors' losses.

As a result, an unexpected thing happened in A-shares, today's Shanghai Composite Index returned to 3,000 points, achieving three consecutive gains, but retail stocks fell three times in a row, showing three consecutive losses; Similar to today, the Shanghai Composite Index is still rising independently, but individual stocks are still suffering from a general decline, and retail investors are miserable, and it makes no sense for the Shanghai Composite Index to return to 3,000 points? Why is that?

Comments: The Shanghai Composite Index failed to return to 3000, and retail investors were miserable, why is this? How to get around tomorrow?

Reason 1: Because today is completely a heavyweight stock market, you can take a look at the FTSE China A50 Futures Index; Today's intraday insurance sector, wine sector, banking sector, oil sector and steel sector took turns to support the Shanghai Index, while the other side of the small and medium-sized theme stocks suffered, losing momentum and declining.

Reason 2: Because the theme stocks continue to fall, due to the lack of support from the theme stocks in terms of funds and popularity, the real internal reason is that the recent independent strengthening of large-cap stocks has marginalized the theme stocks; To put it bluntly, funds and popularity have entered large-cap stocks, resulting in daily theme stocks being mainly down, resulting in continuous losses for retail investors, which really makes retail investors miserable!

Reason 3: Because quantification and refinancing are disrupting the situation, the current voice of investors calling for the banning of quantification and refinancing is very strong, after all, these two funds will become the murderers of A-share shorting; Take today's A-shares as an example, the weighted sectors have been launched in turn, but unfortunately A-shares are still falling, and there are obviously short-selling forces suppressing, and short-selling forces are not cleared out, and A-shares are difficult to rise.

Comments: The Shanghai Composite Index failed to return to 3000, and retail investors were miserable, why is this? How to get around tomorrow?

Reason 4: Because the main funds are selling and cashing out every day, refinancing and high-frequency quantification are the short-selling forces, and the main funds are the smashing forces; For example, today's main capital has a net outflow of more than 10 billion, and it is sold with more than 10 billion funds almost every day.

How will A-shares go tomorrow?

The index has returned to 3,000 points, but the stocks that have fallen cannot come back, and such a market will continue until tomorrow.

It is predicted that tomorrow A-shares will continue to fight for 3,000 points, heavyweight stocks will continue to protect the disk, and theme stocks will continue to fall weakly, and the disk will be controlled to toss back and forth near the pass; Of course, it is not ruled out that there will be a diving trick in A-shares tomorrow, the purpose is to lure back and forth and attract a group of pick-up heroes.

Comments: The Shanghai Composite Index failed to return to 3000, and retail investors were miserable, why is this? How to get around tomorrow?

There may be many investors who are puzzled, why will the 3000-point battle continue tomorrow, but why will there be more intraday diving? There are two main reasons for this.

Reason 1: Funds and popularity are already lurking in the weight plate, the so-called strong Hengqiang! You can look at the all-time high of bank stocks, coal, non-ferrous metals and oil are all high, but securities are abandoned; Tomorrow, the heavyweights will continue to play the role of protecting the disk, of course, there will be a diving action in the intraday.

Reason 2: Don't look at the fact that the Shanghai Index can rise independently, the actual rise is driven by heavyweight stocks, and the actual market of the Shanghai Index and A-shares is distorted; Therefore, it is certain that A-shares are currently in a phased decline relay rebound, and there will be a probe after a short rebound, so the downward relay rebound will also stop near 3,000 points, which infers that the trend of A-shares tomorrow is not optimistic.

Comments: The Shanghai Composite Index failed to return to 3000, and retail investors were miserable, why is this? How to get around tomorrow?

To sum up, although today's weighted sector is so desperate to want the Shanghai Composite Index to return to 3000 points, but in the end it ended in failure, the real reason is that the weighted stocks rushed up and fell, quantitative and refinancing shorting, and the main funds smashed; It's just that this kind of market has suffered retail investors, causing retail investors to lose money and continue to expand, and they want to cry without tears!

Therefore, if retail investors want not to become a pick-up hero and do not want to be cut leeks, please look at the current trend of A-shares rationally, don't blindly chase higher, and wait patiently for the opportunity after the A-share adjustment is over. #头条创作挑战赛#