
"July 1st" to build dreams and draw concentric circles


Luwang, July 2 (Reporter Liu Yuna) On July 1, Langya Town, Qingdao West Coast New Area, organized the theme activity of "'July 1st' Building Dreams and Drawing Concentric Circles", and Liu Xuan, a division-level cadre of the United Front Work Department of the New District Working Committee, participated in the activity.

First of all, the participants visited the old party members and extended cordial greetings and holiday blessings to them. We had a long talk with the old party members, learned more about their daily life and physical health, listened carefully to their stories of struggle, and told them to take care of their health, hoping that the old party members would continue to give full play to their spare heat and make more suggestions and suggestions for the development of the village.

"July 1st" to build dreams and draw concentric circles
"July 1st" to build dreams and draw concentric circles

Disease is merciless, but there is love in the world. The United Front Work Department of the Working Committee, the Zhenxin Federation and the Red Pomegranate Volunteer Service Team responded positively after learning about the special situation of a student in Langya Middle School, contacted the parents of the students through the school, inquired about the condition and sent love donations, expressed their love for the sick students, and conveyed the warmth of all walks of life.

"July 1st" to build dreams and draw concentric circles
"July 1st" to build dreams and draw concentric circles

Li Xinpeng, a non-party personage and president of the Zhenxin Association, said, "Through this event, we have further improved our political position and clarified the direction of our own duties. ”

"July 1st" to build dreams and draw concentric circles

Liu Xuan, a division-level cadre of the United Front Work Department of the Working Committee, fully affirmed the work of the new class service in Langya Town. She pointed out that Langya Town took the lead in launching offline beauty-seeking theme activities in the whole district, setting an example. In the next step, it is necessary to focus on guiding people from new social strata to help the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism in the town, and non-partisan people to help the development of marine biological industry.

Langya Town will take this event as an opportunity to give full play to the important role of party building leadership, guide the majority of people outside the party to carry out a variety of practical activities, further unite people's hearts, gather strength, and contribute wisdom and strength to the high-quality economic and social development of Langya Town.