
Haitian Eagle: Kang Yancheng died due to the illusion of the wall! The failure to find out at the beginning of the summer is mainly responsible

author:Tian Tian Film and Television Entertainment

The military drama "Haitian Eagle" is about to come to an end, and in the previous stage of the J-15 simulated aircraft carrier deck sliding and jumping take-off test, Kang Yancheng was the first to have the illusion of a wall. However, Kang Yancheng didn't take it seriously and took off successfully. When all the people had the illusion of the wall, according to Xie Zhenyu and Qin Dadi's solution, including Yu Tao and Wang Xiaomao and other pilots, they all overcame the illusion of the wall, and in front of their eyes, the wall disappeared.

Haitian Eagle: Kang Yancheng died due to the illusion of the wall! The failure to find out at the beginning of the summer is mainly responsible

However, in the second round of test flights, although Kang Yancheng also successfully glided and took off, the illusion of the wall in front of him still existed. Kang Yancheng didn't say it himself, and no one else asked.

Kang Yancheng did not say, this is very understandable, the sense of honor and dignity of a soldier does not allow him to lag behind other pilots. In this way, the hidden danger was buried.

Judging from the trailer of "Haitian Eagle", some comrades in the test flight team died in the test. This sacrificed person, some viewers guessed that it might be Qin Dadi, but more viewers thought it was Kang Yancheng.

Haitian Eagle: Kang Yancheng died due to the illusion of the wall! The failure to find out at the beginning of the summer is mainly responsible

Judging from Kang Yancheng's failure to overcome the illusion of the wall, the sacrificed comrade-in-arms is indeed the most likely him.

All the pilots of the test flight team successfully took off again in a glide jump, this is just a superficial phenomenon, the potential hidden danger on Kang Yancheng's body, Qin Dadi did not expect it, and Yi Zhengbang did not expect it.

The two of them didn't expect it, and it was understandable, but as a doctor of psychology in psychological support, Xia Chu, she didn't expect it, and it was a little unreasonable if she didn't find it.

Haitian Eagle: Kang Yancheng died due to the illusion of the wall! The failure to find out at the beginning of the summer is mainly responsible

The pilots have detection chips on their bodies, which record various physiological data of the pilots during the flight. The psychological changes of pilots will definitely be reflected in indicators such as heart rate, breathing, ECG, and EEG.

Kang Yancheng did not really overcome the illusion of the wall, and the trend of his physiological indicators should be different from that of other pilots.

When the illusion of a wall is generated, the pilot's heart rate will definitely increase due to psychological tension, and the EEG activity will definitely be abnormal, and the β waves will definitely be more active than other pilots. At the beginning of summer, as long as you carefully analyze and compare carefully, Kang Yancheng's hidden dangers will most likely be identified.

Haitian Eagle: Kang Yancheng died due to the illusion of the wall! The failure to find out at the beginning of the summer is mainly responsible

However, the beginning of summer was not recognized. Therefore, it can be said that if Kang Yancheng is unfortunate to die, Xia Chu should bear the main responsibility.

Xia Chu is responsible, and Liu Nina is also responsible. This Liu Nina followed Xia Chu, not to mention that she had no breakthrough at work, and she even fell in love with Kang Yancheng during the tense test flight process.

Haitian Eagle: Kang Yancheng died due to the illusion of the wall! The failure to find out at the beginning of the summer is mainly responsible

At the beginning of the summer, he independently created a psychological support system for pilots, and also regularly conducted various tests for pilots, including hypnosis. Nervousness is inevitable before pilots embark on major missions. Pilots are also human beings, and they also have parents, wives and children, and at the same time, because of the danger of flying, pilots must have more concerns.

At the beginning of the summer, a psychological test was used to assess the psychological stress of the pilot, and to decide whether the pilot should fly or not, although there is a certain degree of reasonableness. But the only way to overcome fear and tension is to act, and action produces courage, and courage overcomes fear.

If we use psychological tests to determine who can fly or not according to the theory of the beginning of the summer, from another point of view, it is actually an artificial psychological barrier for pilots. The more fearful, the more afraid to act, the more afraid to act, the more fearful the psychology becomes. To be brave is not to be afraid, but to act with fear.

Haitian Eagle: Kang Yancheng died due to the illusion of the wall! The failure to find out at the beginning of the summer is mainly responsible

Miyamoto Musashi said that when facing a decisive battle against the enemy, no matter what state of mind a person is in, just swing his sword and kill. According to the philosophy of action, if you take action, any psychological obstacle will disappear.

The military is the most dangerous profession in the world, and the military is faced with uncertainty, and any possibility will arise on the battlefield. Whether it is a front-line soldier or a logistical support system, we must think of all kinds of possibilities, be broad-minded, and absolutely not be superficial and formal, still less can we only look at the results and ignore the process.

Haitian Eagle: Kang Yancheng died due to the illusion of the wall! The failure to find out at the beginning of the summer is mainly responsible

All the pilots successfully took off again, whether it was the beginning of summer, or everyone else, they were all bent on celebrating, taking it for granted that the illusion of the wall had been overcome, and no one thought about it one more step, which was too negligent.

For Kang Yancheng, because of his sense of dignity and honor, hiding his illusion of the wall is understandable, but the approach is wrong. If he did sacrifice, he himself was responsible.

Actual combat is the standard for testing everything, and soldiers are faced with life and death, and they must not be allowed in any superficial form. Only by seeking truth from facts and facing problems calmly can we eliminate hidden dangers and be foolproof.

Haitian Eagle: Kang Yancheng died due to the illusion of the wall! The failure to find out at the beginning of the summer is mainly responsible

When Kang Yancheng died, it should have been after boarding the aircraft carrier. The process may be like this: when he took off in the J-15, because of the sudden illusion of a huge wall in front of him, Kangyan was able to pull the joystick, causing the nose of the plane to rise rapidly, and the fighter lost control and unfortunately fell into the sea and died. It is a pity that such a good wingman pilot died before he left the division.

Haitian Eagle: Kang Yancheng died due to the illusion of the wall! The failure to find out at the beginning of the summer is mainly responsible

The people's army has grown from weak to strong, and every step forward is backed by the hard work and sacrifice of countless people, and it is not easy for them.