
It is a "treasure in the dish", high calcium, rich in selenium and high protein, clearing heat and strong immunity, and should be eaten more in summer

author:Sister Tong's food diary

It is a "treasure in the dish", high calcium, rich in selenium and high protein, clearing heat and strong immunity, and should be eaten more in summer

Cucumbers, persimmons, and beans account for the majority of the table in summer, but I don't like them very much, I've been eating them for a month, and I'm tired of eating them for a long time. Let's change the tricks, this kind of thing recommended to you today, it is known as "the treasure of the dish".

It is a "treasure in the dish", high calcium, rich in selenium and high protein, clearing heat and strong immunity, and should be eaten more in summer

It is asparagus, asparagus has a fairly high nutrition, protein, calcium, selenium, antioxidants and other nutrients are quite rich, but also rich in dietary fiber, with the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, enhancing immunity, so we should eat more in summer, there are many benefits to the body, it is among all vegetables, the health care effect is among the best.

It is a "treasure in the dish", high calcium, rich in selenium and high protein, clearing heat and strong immunity, and should be eaten more in summer

【Stir-fried shrimp with asparagus】

Ingredients: asparagus, shrimp, garlic, salt, white pepper, chicken essence, cooking wine, cooking oil

1. First prepare a handful of asparagus, choose the most tender part, clean it and then boil a pot of boiling water, pour a spoonful of salt first, and then put in the asparagus and blanch the water.

It is a "treasure in the dish", high calcium, rich in selenium and high protein, clearing heat and strong immunity, and should be eaten more in summer

2. Take out the asparagus after blanching, drain the water and cut it into small pieces, after the shrimp is ready, add a little salt, white pepper and cooking wine to marinate it, marinate for about 15 minutes and then fry. Pour oil into the pan, heat it, add the shrimp and stir-fry, keep stir-frying until it changes color.

It is a "treasure in the dish", high calcium, rich in selenium and high protein, clearing heat and strong immunity, and should be eaten more in summer

3. Then put some oil in it, pour the garlic into it and stir it until fragrant, then add the asparagus and stir-fry twice, then pour the shrimp into it, season it with salt and chicken essence, simply stir-fry it twice, and then turn off the heat and get out of the pot after stir-frying, which is particularly fragrant and especially suitable for summer.

It is a "treasure in the dish", high calcium, rich in selenium and high protein, clearing heat and strong immunity, and should be eaten more in summer

【Boiled asparagus】

Ingredients: asparagus, millet pepper, garlic, salt, sugar, chicken essence, light soy sauce, sesame oil

1. Prepare a handful of fresh asparagus, wrinkled skin and non-smooth ones can't be wanted, eating it will affect the taste. After washing the asparagus, boil a pot of boiling water, blanch the asparagus, take it out after blanching, cut it into small pieces and put it on a plate.

It is a "treasure in the dish", high calcium, rich in selenium and high protein, clearing heat and strong immunity, and should be eaten more in summer

2. Then chop the millet pepper and garlic, then heat the oil, add the minced garlic and stir-fry after heating, after stir-frying the fragrance, put 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of sugar, a little salt and chicken essence to taste, boil to boil over high heat, and then pour the millet pepper into it, simply stir-fry twice, and then turn off the heat.

It is a "treasure in the dish", high calcium, rich in selenium and high protein, clearing heat and strong immunity, and should be eaten more in summer

3. Then add a few drops of sesame oil to it, then stir it well, and then pour it on top of the asparagus, and it's done, this plate of boiled asparagus is quite refreshing, delicious and not greasy, and it is also very suitable for summer.

It is a "treasure in the dish", high calcium, rich in selenium and high protein, clearing heat and strong immunity, and should be eaten more in summer

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