
Pickled cucumbers, the most taboo to use salt to kill water, understand these 2 tricks, cucumbers are more flavorful and crunchy, not salty

author:Sister Tong's food diary

Pickled cucumbers, the most taboo to use salt to kill water, understand these 2 tricks, cucumbers are more flavorful and crunchy, not salty

Summer is the season to eat cucumbers, and for our family, let alone going to the vegetable market to buy it, we can't eat all the food grown in my grandmother's yard. Some of them are already old on it, and if they don't eat it, they will become wilted, so they will simply take them all off and prepare to eat enough for the next few days.

Pickled cucumbers, the most taboo to use salt to kill water, understand these 2 tricks, cucumbers are more flavorful and crunchy, not salty

In addition to eating raw and stir-fried, it is also good to pickle cucumbers, which are better for rice, and can be stored for several days, so keep them and eat them slowly. With pickled cucumbers, I don't have to get up early to cook lately, just get some noodles and eat them with cucumbers, which is refreshing and appetizing.

Pickled cucumbers, the most taboo to use salt to kill water, understand these 2 tricks, cucumbers are more flavorful and crunchy, not salty

The method of pickling cucumbers is simple, but don't be careless, many people's methods are actually wrong, everyone pickles cucumbers always use salt to kill water, in fact, it is not good, it tastes salty, and the throat is uncomfortable. Understand these 2 tricks, cucumbers can be more flavorful, crunchy and not salty when you bite into it.

Pickled cucumbers, the most taboo to use salt to kill water, understand these 2 tricks, cucumbers are more flavorful and crunchy, not salty

【Pickled cucumber】

Ingredients: cucumber, salt, sugar, light soy sauce, vinegar, millet pepper, garlic, ginger

1. First prepare two cucumbers, scrub the cucumbers in water, then drain the water, put them on the board and cut them, first cut them in half.

Pickled cucumbers, the most taboo to use salt to kill water, understand these 2 tricks, cucumbers are more flavorful and crunchy, not salty

2. After cutting the cucumber, you need to remove the cucumber heart in the middle, this part is relatively soft, and the pickled cucumber after removing it will be more crispy, and it tastes soft and tumbling at all, which is the first trick. Once it's done, cut it into strips.

Pickled cucumbers, the most taboo to use salt to kill water, understand these 2 tricks, cucumbers are more flavorful and crunchy, not salty

3. After cutting, put it in a small basin, and then prepare to kill the water, do not use salt to kill the water, but use sugar. White sugar to kill water, the effect will be better, it will make the cucumber more crisp and tender, and the taste is softer, not too salty, this is the second trick.

Pickled cucumbers, the most taboo to use salt to kill water, understand these 2 tricks, cucumbers are more flavorful and crunchy, not salty

4. After pouring in 1 tablespoon of sugar, grab and mix it slightly, and then start to marinate for at least half an hour, the longer the better. When the cucumbers are almost ready, we will cut the millet pepper into sections, slice the garlic, and slice or shred the ginger.

Pickled cucumbers, the most taboo to use salt to kill water, understand these 2 tricks, cucumbers are more flavorful and crunchy, not salty

5. Then pour out the water from the cucumber and drain it, put it aside for later use, find a small bowl below, put the millet pepper, garlic and ginger into it, then boil some hot oil in the pot, pour it in it to stimulate the fragrance, and then add 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, and a little salt to taste.

Pickled cucumbers, the most taboo to use salt to kill water, understand these 2 tricks, cucumbers are more flavorful and crunchy, not salty

6. After the preparation is even, pour it into the cucumber, and then keep stirring, stir evenly and put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate, and you can start eating it after 1 night. Cucumbers pickled in white sugar are more popular than those pickled in salt, so try them out as this is the best dish to prepare in summer.

Pickled cucumbers, the most taboo to use salt to kill water, understand these 2 tricks, cucumbers are more flavorful and crunchy, not salty

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